Average urban dictionary. average Joe --> urban dictionary.
Average urban dictionary Average and most satisfying boob size. A recessive person who consumes products and has their mouth open all the time like a submissive chimp. Flaccid length varies, so any measurements of a flaccid penis doesn't really reveal any information. The song was performed by a rock trio called "Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet," which name is, unfortunately, one character too long to fit the 30-character limit for tags. Term used by just about every fat chick who ever placed a personals ad. avg joe is short for average joe. He's long given up the stakeout, the binoculars and the wire taps in favor of online activities behind the scenes. 5 pounds (with testicles at 4. 3- Plain Ugly- Someone who was born ugly. average Joe --> urban dictionary. Enjoyers may have abs of steel, good genes, large jaw, muscles, 6ft tall. An averager's interests will change only to the extent that the most common fads and fashions within their age group change, and features of How New Yorkers refer to a plain slice of cheese pizza. - Read As a noun an average is a statisical measurement. noun: (US, informal) Alternative form of Joe Average (“typical average person”) [(idiomatic) A hypothetical average or generic individual; the common man (or person, by extension). :P like if you're part of this committee whether you proud or nah Alan’s penis. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. This ironic outcome is usually attributed to a complete imbalance of qualities in the AFC, such as the extreme willingness to listen, understand and comfort a woman, while also When a male picks up a female substantially more attractive than all his previous efforts in women. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural Jingle mail is the package containing the keys to your house that you send back to the bank when the interest rate on your adjustable-rate or IO/neg-am mortgage resets, or the property tax bill gets reassessed at double what it was two years ago, or you find out that heating and AC and repairs cost a ton of freaking money, or you lose your job because of the Regular kids: A = Great B = Good C = Average D = Okay F = Bad Asians: A = Average B = Below average C = Can't have dinner D = Don't come home F = Find a new family One of the most perfect height for males, 5’10 is part of the height Goldilocks zone for males. The number of times a male has ejaculated by the actions of another person over the number of times he has masterbated. A term coined by OverSimplified to describe Napoleon Bonaparte's height. People of this IQ mostly run the world, and are repsonsible for the fucked up state that it's in. . Likes fitted hats and nice kicks, knows To be better than the average. A regular person. You will study your ass off and still fail. (on Oct. In America, the medium to larger C Cup sizes are the optimal range of breasts, as they strike a happy medium between too small and too large to adequately grope. It is very good when you want to be specific. Someone who is not good but not bad, Being average is being 'Mediocre'. something that is true. Origin:Nottingham As we take one example for every Latino/hispanic that keeps dreaming about the “fabulous” and “beautiful” American dream r the Salvadorans and their fantasies on moving to the USA, that being said one known user is isaak whose dreams r moving to the USA and expecting the best future of the whole, but chances are, life being tan times harder than ever and Average Israel, a perspicacious and alpha type being even when being known as a outcast from society, they act as if they were a run of the mill joe, but they hide somthing very interesting could it be the powers of an X-Men? Or the personality of a weeabo/otaku? No, this may come as a surprise to some people but its a big penis. Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced English-language online dictionary for slang words and phrases. Someone who is morbidly depressed and has no life adj. A person who abuses their Snapchat story with (nobody cares) Fortnite or PUBG wins. The school shooter might acknowledge the fact that he looks like a school shooter to those that joke about it. That's it. In short, an average is the most common thing in a group. A food loving individual who has no professional culinary training and/or knowledge. The paradox of the average not knowing that they're average, meaning that if someone knows that they're average, it makes them not average. An average lady is kind of a women with superpowers. Since the AVERAGE size for women is a size 14, fatties rejoyce in glee when they can use this instead of BBW. (Adjective) As an adjective it describes something that is in no way superior or inferior to the rest of it's kind. A little bit better than normal. In a group of animals for instance, the most common animal Trust us when we say you’ll want to put down your lunch when you read these 37 completely disgusting Urban Dictionary definitions: OMG, surf's up! Liam Hemsworth reveals considerable VPL while swimming. This is the girl that will suck and fuck you pretty much whenever and is always good for a booty call. She is might be a cashier at a fast food place, or that one girl in class. An annoying kid who keeps asking for nudes Fat. Apparently, the phrase "Average Joe" only works for any white male living in a two story house with a white fence around it. A normal person that enjoys milfs and is a faithful follower of Milfism. A man with a penis that is totally average sized, who emphasizes the fact that he is completly average in every way shape and form. Originated in Biggie Small's song "Hypnotize". These men are women magnets. So mediocre it's almost painful. Take their time in the crosswalk while cars are waiting to make a right turn, before you know it your light is red. There are other names such as : Psycho C, Crazy C, Used C, and others that have not been founded. 2- Heinous, Busted- Needs plastic surgery. If three When it comes to everyday conversations, having a good grasp of slang for average can make all the difference. 59. Publicize your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks A language that is spoken all over the world. average white boy - Urban Dictionary liam duggan A name for a condom. I quickly got away from them to avoid an synonym phrase for Average Joe - used for African American man A woman who is pretty average looking but is very beautiful in her own way. Usually abreviated called AHT and run together so it sounds as a single three-syllable word. He is usually of below average height, stocky or muscular build, thick arms and legs, with a thick or not readily visible neck. The band (1984-1991) was based in Toronto and one of its members The average Shinnie, used to refer to the typical Shinji Ikari (NGE) kinnie. Coomer now refers to any young man who is solely concentrated on an almost psychopathic The state of being (H)igh and (D)runk at the same time. average Joe: Urban Dictionary Definitions from Wiktionary (average joe) adjective: Hypothetically average or generic individual. The The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. (Derived from the English gentleman’s sport of Cricket) Averagespo is an abbreviation usually used by people suffering from eating disorders, the idea is to use photos of people with an average body size as inspiration to be extremely thin. ] noun: (idiomatic) Alternative spelling of average Joe. Everyday normal guy. You’re tall enough to be considered above average (or tall in some places), taller than 99% of female adults, and never experience anything negative regarding your height while being short enough to never experience the A true brexit geezer is a loveable old british chap. They also consider themselves superior, are emojiphobic, love star wars/anime, Keanu Reeves and Minecraft. looks like he just got of the boat A combination of bare and average, for the ultimate form of averageness. B cups or c cups would be part of this comitteemeaning the perfect tits club not too big not too smalld cups or bigger would be BIG tits! XD but most of them are plastic anyway or fat girls have them. Do not go there if you are an average student you will not have a good time. savage not average — a maxim for people who have moved beyond a mere “attitude of gratitude” and want to use their god given human talents to do more than just wait for a blessing. Initially an internet version of the Wojack guy, a Coomer is a male chronic masturbator, an Incel on steroids, who lives in front of his PC consuming porn all day, and having no other interest in life other that to reach his next orgasm. n. It is derived from English, but it uses symbols like ; " # { in the everyday speech. A girl that's rather plain and doesn't stand out in a large crowd. 5-5 inches in girth (around, circumference) when erect. The more banal the website topic or thread, the crueler Being an average black girl knowing what suffering feels like and learning to rise above it. Edgar Hoover with Cromwellian tendencies of stamping out opposing views on internet forums and chat rooms and rewarding sycophants. He has a lovely wife Susan, two beautiful children, one who he calls his beautiful little princess , and the next goat of football, george. Subtards are anime watchers who spend more time complaining about the dubs of every show then watching subbed anime themselves. The grey area between being of average height and what would be considered truly tall. Average guys make you smile and cry out out happiness not sadness. Something you say when you try to sound smart, but you are really a dumbass and have no clue how numbers work. A Redditard is an alternate name to the Not smart enough to me a smart ass, but yet not dumb enough to be a dumb ass! Someone of average intellegence, but is yet still an ass A creature that often posts pictures of Starbucks on Instagram and wears yoga pants, and ugg boots and ALWAYS has an iPhone i her hand A desirable individual, which no other living being compares to. 5-Average, could be slightly unnatractive, someone you wouldn't look at twice. A Redditor is a person who uses Reddit, a social media app, and believes every meme is from Reddit. Sweet Home Alabama. 2. " A term usually attributed to a man whose physical stature closely resembles a fireplug/fire hydrant. Said to be Pav. Ordinary, average female, moderately attractive but mentally stable. Get them all liqoured up and hand them a black trash bag. A simple person, who does not always grasp the concept at hand. From the song Sweet Home Alabama, known for being played as an indicator for incest. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. A phrase that is used to describe a person, place or thing that is not good, but not bad. Usually seen in overweight males, but can strangely also when your cat is average. everyday normal guy 2 --> youtube. regular guy --> urbandictionary. To make subsequent poor financial decisions in an effort to reduce the relative impact of an initial poor financial decision. A lack of speed is part of this as well, but since stolen bases are not counted as part of SLG or any other stat other than stolen bases, said players that A moderately attractive woman; an average looking female. a phrase, coined by Zach, to describe inadequate aspects of himself in a more flattering vernacular When a male picks up a female substantially more attractive than all his previous efforts in women. A man who can teach you how to Dougie, lethal with a Javelin, and breathes fire. Your normal everyday classy bitch. A person who is savage and not average is a trail blazer. The Typically used for a guy to mean he's got a big penis, and for a girl to mean she has big breasts. Average Frustrated Chump: An AFC is a man who unknowingly kills the sexual and romantic interests of a woman through the very deeds and behaviors he believes should arouse them. - Prefers google over yahoo. The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham. An averager's interests will change only to the extent that the most common fads and fashions within their age group change, and features of an Asian man. If you are reading this and disagree with me than you are probably a smart person and I envy you. - Loves Harry Potter. cachunk. Someone who believes that All Might Solos all of fiction. They don't obsess over it. A combination of the words "man" and "boobs. 2 definitions by an average memer. Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. 4- Below Average/Unattractive- Someone you'd never go out with. Even given this fact you can still ask most men their penis length and will always get an answer of 6" to 10", mostly around 7" to 8". I would compare him to Heroic. Get the Sweet Home Alabama mug. 6- Barely Do-able, that's if Adjective. Flag. Enjoy our collection of The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. After feeling extremely proud or happy, the person will then type in "*WIN*" and most of the times, add in the happy face "8D. Usually has a fairly large ego because he knows that he's cute and uses this to his advantage. Is known to work harder in bed to make up for lack of looks and or personality. Designed primarily for parents and children with weak egos. Serves for various things, including weapons and clothes (normally called BDU's). While not outright exclusive, its failure to consider other women and its preoccupation with Western standards and the problems faced by the "average woman" is often alienating to women of color, non-straight women, trans women, and women belonging to religious or Average Joe, ordinary Joe. The rating scale for people's looks. A sweet kind caring guy, who thinks they're average because of low self esteem or because they're not like the other douch bags out their. Someone who: - Reads MLIA. Striving to be more of a bitch than the average bitch / New Yorker Common place, everyone doing it, conformity. Get the National Throw Your Average Sized Friend Day mug. Overated system for determining a students intelligence but on occasion it does reflect a person's brain power. While it is prudent to be thankful for what we receive; it is also possible to participate in the creativity of the universe by A tiger H1 with no eyes, ears and also cant angle When your animal/pet is simple and doesn't make trouble. Explain to them that you will 'scare' the 'birds' towards them, and for them to be prepared to catch. " This is what happens when fat gathers in a male's chest area, and gives him the appearance of having breasts. He owns a vintage Bugatti with top speeds second to none. In the wrong social community a black male could be dealin' just like a white man or an asian or a latino man A baseball player who routinely hits for a high batting average but has limited power and patience, thus his OBP and SLG rates would more commonly be attached to batting averages significantly lower than his. This typa nigga will say he's none of the above but that's what makes him an Average Nigga 😀 A term sometimes used by wannabe geeks in a derogatory sense to add credence to their questionable knowledge. It is often used by younger generations as a Not quite average not quite great a happy medium between them. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The Master Bad Ass, what some people think you're majoring in when you're in business school - expecially when you don't give money to your classmates or panhandlers on campus. 23) A white male who typically wears a black trench coat, has a unibrow, and extremely messy hair. a girl blogger who epitomizes generalities of a female aged 13-19 years old. This term is primarily used in the bear subculture of the gay community. A very little man, probably the spawn of J. Goes to the gym to work out. Most entries on the site beg the question "Really?" Most entries consist of a fantastical story about An average lady is an amazingly powerful woman, with a fresh strong personality and a dust of mistery. average Joe --> a title of tv series. A person typically between the ages of 15-30, of middle to upper middle economic class, whose values, interests, sense of humor, and outward appearance relentlessly conform to their immediate culture's norms of popularity. Sorry, darkies. An internet virus. By Japanese measurements, however, a C is the equivalent of an American small B, so As are something The average ho is typically a 6 or 7 on the scale from 1 to 10. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations Discover the fascinating world of Urban Dictionary and how it shapes modern language. © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement Basic, mandatory item. A phrase from the The rating scale for people's looks. average twitter user - Urban Dictionary @Dream An internet virus. Often used to describe something that is average, but was expected to be much better. Whoever she is, you kinda wanna ask her out. A Youtube channel owned by a teenager who upload low effort videos A phrase used in an attempt to modify sweeping generalization into inductive argument by reducing the circumstances under which the generality might be considered false, given the semantics of averaging. From popular terms to insightful case studies, explore the impact of this Formally, "average" refers to one of two measures of a data set: The data set's mean: sum all the items in the data set and divide by the number of items summed. "Name something you used as a partner to practice kissing" "Sister" SWEET HOME ALABAMA! by an average memer January 23, 2019. Similar: normie, To use female assets to gain favour in the world Taking a new friend from college back homerural. A term often used to describe the inherently large cocks of men of Mexican descent. Most Average School Shooters don't talk much and sit alone. Often but not necessarily with a slightly negative connotation. Basically stupid people on foot. It’s about believing in yourself. 4 pounds each). A desirable individual, which no other living being compares to. it just describes someone, telling you that there is nothing special about that person, that person is average, so he is an avg joe. Search Defined as being a women who one would copulate with if the chance arises. Urban legends has it the Chipotle burrito was sized to demonstrate the average measurements of a mexi-cock. (Derived from the English gentleman’s sport of Cricket) When a male picks up a female substantially more attractive than all his previous efforts in women. A fat 9-10 inch dick, nothing less than 8 inches if he's grown. They just like it. usually has a job you'd expect an Asian man to have, such as math teacher. © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement National Throw Your Average Sized Friend Day! On this day you can throw anyone that is a normal size!! While elephant erections can reach from two or three feet to five or six feet and 14 to 16 inch in diameter. Regular guy. everyday normal guy --> youtube. Urban The female version of an "average Joe". CS2 spesific term: The person(aruagble) that rages and flames in chat all game. Justin And Dayal. A brand of feminism centered around the ideals and struggles of primarily white women. a normal person who just happens to use reddit Average Frustrated Chump: An AFC is a man who unknowingly kills the sexual and romantic interests of a woman through the very deeds and behaviors he believes should arouse them. Georgia Tech is a good school for undergraduates IF YOU ARE REALLY SMART. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary. © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® One of a call center's metrics that defines about how long it takes you to handle one call. - Hates Twilight. One enterprising biologist has even gone as far as to calculate the average weight of an elephant penis at a est. Also used to refer to a Sexually Strong Black male. The act of driving while being finger banged. A term used in the military. Sexual actions/Masterbation= Batting Average The higher the number the better; the lower the more the person needs to get out of his parents computer and actually meet some females. drives either a Honda or Toyota. As a result, a lot of girls might think that he comes off as a bit of a douche bag. Get them to stand in the middle of a field or woods. Appears in shortened and extended forms: Bav, Bavvers, Bavverr, Bavernator. Sam Brown is average at CS:GO. Prone to ragequitting and trolling. As I passed the car on the right I saw what looked like the male passenger finger banging the woman driving, who looked like she was having an orgasm. 1. He enjoys eating a delicious all english breakfast and a quick pint at the renowned establishment "Toby's" before taking She is a very feisty but yet hard working girl,she is known to be a bit of a little bitch,she is very loyal and never fake and will stand up for anyone,she has one of the most mindful hearts,would never want to disappoint a kinsey she Meaning a Strong Black man. If you’ve grown to 5’10, consider yourself lucky. Austrian officer: "Holy cow! This tiny little fun-sized French guy is running rings around us!" Napoleon: "HEY! I'M AVERAGE HEIGHT FOR THE TIME YOU JERK!" a fat mans boobs. A guy who lives next door to you, who you thought was very attractive at first glance. A website where not-so-average people post not-so-average stories, usually about Harry Potter, how much they hate Twilight (they really do hate it), pirates and ninjas, or how they engaged in a random lightsaber duel with their principal, and received a high-five for it. Generally ignored by students with actual intelligence. A breast size that is slightly above average. Is a person who has a bad opinion and obsesses about things. Usually associated with a guy named matthew. All the bitches love him. Someone who has a large excitement for food & tries to make a recipe whilst getting tips from cheffy friends. in response to both national throw short people day, and national throw tall people day, this is a day where you can throw people 5'5" to 5'9", NO CONSENT NEEDED. Bigger than Jesse McCartneys Penis. © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement The average urban dictionary writer will make any word seem sexual, literally any word. regular guy --> a title of a book . Averages guys are the best guys to have as boyfriends husbands and friends because no matter what they're the most down to earth sweet loving caring guys who A stereotype, (most common in other advanced countries) which stereotypes the majority of America as extremely obese people who do nothing, (and are often unemployed). It is one of the few languages that originated with writing, not talking. This is a word used in street language also. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural When you finish the whole bottle of wine before you finish the appitzers The average penis is anywhere from 5-6. This ironic outcome is usually attributed to a complete imbalance of qualities in the AFC, such as the extreme willingness to listen, understand and comfort a woman, while also A nigga who is Broke , Ugly and IRRELEVANT. This causes the person to become almost invisible because of their mediocrity rendering them completely undesirable. Not pressing the crosswalk button does not give enough time to cross so they're in the way when your light turns green. Your average UK black man will not be out on road shottin' but doin' his job at a desk in an office, pickin' up his son from school, visiting his mother and just the kind of thing everybody and every other race will do in the right social community. But the meme has grown, naturally. AJMSNR: Driving on an interstate highway about 75mph when I see the car in the left lane start to drive a little erratically. Etymologically related to "Average Joe" and "Schmo" a Yiddish word for idiot. 5 inches in length and 4. People who have this IQ commonly believe in ghosts, God, unproven herbal medicine, and are often superstitious. Noun; Chad Noun; Me. Most likely has a background from the suburbs. 1- Monster can't look at them or they'll burn your eyes out. Explaining to them what these 'birds' look like, and that they only come out in the middle of the night. A great site for people that love harry potter, as well as for people who have a little wizard in them. I have a few questions: Which of these terms are neutral ones? Are The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. Then when you hang out with him, you realize that he is not hot, he is just average. Examples: Fred Astaire, Gerald Ford, Warren Buffet, Malcom X, Lucas Cruikshank (Fred Figglehorn), Jojo Siwa, Buffalo Bill, etc. 6- Barely Do-able, that's if A stranger that you see more than you should or too often. - Loves ninjas. Constantly defensive. Therefore it's better to be a 4 than a 5. It’s about being kicked down over and over again and having absolutely no idea how you’re going to get yourself back up, but somehow always do. average Joe, ordinary Joe --> wikipedia. When describing something as average we often mean it performed it's purpose but with no perks. A term used over internet games. Captain average wears turtle necks for job interviews, and capes on late night expeditions. - Makes pillow forts. They refer to themselves as dank because they use Reddit, and call those who don't normies. Into sports; specifically football, wrestling, or lacrosse. Average. Promote your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks Someone from that one state in the middle that you forgot about. The average penis length is likely between 5" and 5. (Derived from the English gentleman’s sport of Cricket) A person who is painfully average would rate on a scale of 1-10 directly in the middle, a 5. Not everyone can be smart like you asshole! Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced English-language online dictionary for slang words and phrases. The length of the pensis is measured from the top of the head to the point where the penis joins the body (without pressing in to the A person who enjoys things. Whether you’re looking to blend in with the cool kids or Urban Dictionary is a website that serves as a platform for people to create and share definitions of slang terms, phrases, and cultural references. Name of the rock-based instrumental tune that opened and closed the syndicated Canadian TV show, THE KIDS IN THE HALL (1990s). Sometimes used to describe a more-than-average-size black male genitalia. 75" based on all genuine, unbias scientific studies. The more banal the website topic or thread, the crueler Not good, not bad, but a negative term nonetheless. Stereotypical white male, with blonde hair often paired with blue eyes. Originated and used by British YouTube Stars, Celebrity Chefs & fellow members of SORTEDfood. Used to describe something that is savagely average. It goes like this. - Is completely random, weird, awesome, etc. The average IQ is 100. 1 definition by Your average kaChunk.