Cable lateral raise form Bring your arm30 degrees in front of your body. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement. Two-arm cable lateral raise If you find the traditional one-arm cable lateral raises too easy, step up by doing the two-arm cable lateral raise. As a multipennate muscle, the version described here develops the center of the middle shoulder, and likely preferring the proximal region versus the front or rear of the side deltoid. A post shared by Jeff Nippard (@jeffnippard) Jeff Nippard recently shared three tips for doing more effective cable lateral raises. In this Cable Lateral Raise workout specially targets for upper body muscles and shoulder muscles to strengthen you shoulder muscles. View this post on Instagram . Start doing cable lateral raises with a slight lean not only because it looks sick but because it takes ur lateral delt through full range of motion where th Learn how to perform Cable Lateral Raises with proper form to effectively target your shoulders and improve muscle definition. Cable lateral raises are usually performed using one arm at a time, in a crossbody motion. There is one place where the Cable Lateral Raise truly shines. Keep your back straight and core engaged. The cable lateral raise is a beginner-friendly exercise. Specifically, due to the plane of motion used, the side head of the deltoid is strongly I’ve been enjoying cuffed cable lateral raises recently, it feels like the first time I’ve ever done them “right,” even better targeting than the machine. Step 4: Keep your arm straight and pull the handle all the way up to your shoulder. This variation is super convenient when you’re supersetting with other cable exercises. . Beyond the Basics: Variations for Enhanced Results. Some of the variations have external rotation (I assume for some rear delt stimulus) but I'm looking to really grow my side delts atm. Proper form ensures maximum benefit from each workout session while minimizing potential harm—especially important when working large muscle groups like those found around shoulders! Work up to a weight that does not jeopardize form. It does not represent TikTok’s views or advice. Keep your body locked and just hinge at your shoulder to raise your arm. com/sahilkhanhttps://www. Cable Lateral Raise Form & Tutorial Guide (30 Seconds) - FlexXP#FlexXP #gym #shoulders #workout Link - https://www. Lateral Raise Form Stand to the side of the cable and hold on for stability. Learn what muscle groups are activited, read about pro tips, view necessary equipment and explore tons of alternatives. He pointed out the mechanics behind these Filmed at Exile Gym in Baltimore, MD. Form: Exhale and lift The single-arm behind-the-back cable lateral raise exercise may appear unconventional, but it’s biomechanics and unique benefits sculpt a strong and defined deltoid. Slowly lift the handle laterally, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Two-arm cable lateral raise (bilateral lateral raise) is similar to one-arm cable lateral raise. While the cable side raises is one of the best exercises for your shoulders, care should be taken to perform the exercise properly. The lateral is often butchered for the The Egyptian lateral raise allows you to raise heavier dumbbells than the standard dumbbell lateral raise. Sign up below to receive our newest workout routines, recipes, news stories, and offers from our partners. Targets the lateral deltoid muscles, which are responsible for shoulder abduction and help create a wider shoulder appearance; Engages the core muscles for stability and balance; Become a member and get more exclusive content! ️ https://bit. A cable lateral raise is effective in strengthening deltoids because there is a constant tension in your muscles. Cable Lateral Raise is a variation on the more standard Dumbbell Shoulder Raise. I was trying to find the google search term for what I was thinking and this seems to be it. We strongly advice you to work one arm at the time so that you can take advantage of unilateral work (increased strength, greater range of motion, and better isolation and contraction). ly/37esL8iFollow us on Instagram:@drmikeisraetel https://bit. Schedule a call with me to learn more about my online personal training program: https://teamgerardiperformance. Also high rep cable upright rows. By performing this exercise, constant tension is maintained on the deltoid muscles throughout the entire range of motion. be/CiVs2snj8fI- Want to h Cable Lateral Raise instruction video & exercise guide! Learn how to do cable lateral raise using correct technique for maximum results! Because this is an isolation movement, form is more important than weight. If you’ve ever stood in the gym debating whether to grab the dumbbells or set up the cable machine for lateral raises, you’re not alone. One-Arm Cable Lateral Raise; Dumbbell Diagonal Raise; Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raise; Cable Diagonal Raise; Newsletter Signup Stay up to date. [4] How To Do Cable Lateral Raises Machine Lateral Raise is a variation on the more standard Shoulder Raise. com Open. With the right form, this simple but powerful move can be an important addition to any fitness routine. Depending on the pulley’s height setting, it can also offer a different resistance curve compared to dumbbells. Weightlifting; 1 Rep Max Calculator; Although this particular form of lateral raise is especially safe, avoid the following highly common mistakes in order to truly work your delts. Seated Cable Lateral Raise: Removes assistance from the legs, focusing entirely on the deltoids. com/ Ready to get started training with me? This makes for a stronger lateral raise movement because the shoulders are stabilized. Additionally, cable lateral raises activate secondary muscle The cable lateral raise is a shoulder exercise, making it a great choice of exercise on workouts such as ‘push’ workouts, upper body workouts or shoulder day workouts. Equipment used . Lower the handle back to the starting position with control. This exercise is designed to target the lateral or side deltoid muscles, which contribute to the width and 3D-like aesthetics of the shoulders. Research indicates that Maximize shoulder gains with cable lateral raises. I tend to stick with high reps of lat raise because my form breaks down pretty bad when I go heavy. com/shoulders-exercises/cable-later Not using proper form: When conducting Single Arm Lateral Cable Raises, it is important to ensure that your back is straight and your core is engaged in order to avoid any potential injuries. While you do Key Points: The Best Lateral Raises Option for You. Stand facing the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. 🧠 Why is Form Everything in Cable Lateral Raises? Form is king. Stop doing cable lateral raises like this. Benefits of the Cable Shoulder Workout We describe twelve effective cable lateral raise alternative exercises that will allow you to isolate and work the medial, or lateral, deltoid head through its full range of motion. Cable Lateral Raise exercise is a great isolation exercise that effectively targets the medial head of the shoulder. Get into a wide stance, set the cables to hand height, use a cuff or place the d-handle on the back of your hand and Get into a wide stance, set the cables to hand height, use a cuff or place the d-handle on the back of your hand and voila — you can push way harder than before without having your form start to Learn how to do a low pulley cable lateral raise for side delts / shoulders with proper form in this exercise video. Stand side-on to the machine, grasping the handle with the hand closest to the machine. The Cable Lying Cross Lateral Raise is a fantastic exercise that targets the muscles of the shoulders and upper back. In this article, we’ll guide you through the proper technique and tips for performing cable lateral raise effectively, Cable Lateral Raise vs. Going too heavy: Using too much weight when performing Single Arm Lateral Cable Raises can lead to improper form and poor technique, so it is important to I get a monster pump from lightweight lateral raises. com/@GymWorkoutTVThe cable lateral rai Cable Lateral Raise. The hotel gym. This exercise mainly focuses on the posterior deltoids, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles. Quick video tutorial for a killer shoulder workout for mass, the leaning cable lateral raise. It’s also ideal for any athletes who need to rehab from a shoulder injury. Subscribe for More:If yo The cable lateral raise is an excellent way to carve detail into your shoulders. By engaging in this exercise, you focus on sculpting your shoulders and contributing to achieving a v-taper physique by working the lateral deltoids. The cable lateral raise might look like a simple, machine-assisted movement but do not be deceived. com🚀 Coaching Forums https://forums. Pull the handle laterally until your arms are at shoulder level. Cable Lateral Raises Cable Lateral Raise . Cable pulleys make it possible to work both arms at the same time, but is not very practical. Both arms can be done together if you Using the cable machine to do lateral raises helps you keep your form by avoiding using momentum. #gymtips #workouttips #fitnesscoach Ready to drop body fat, build muscle and increase your confidence?Book your fr In this video, Coach Alex and Coach Sue walk you through a form tutorial on the DB lateral raise. It is also characterized by the lifting of the shoulders away from the Keywords: cable lateral raises, side delts isolation techniques, traps exercises in gym, effective lateral raise workouts, gym workout for deltoids, cable raise workout guide, lateral raise form tips. Cable One Arm Lateral Raise Benefits. There’s no tension on the muscle when it’s in the fully lengthen position and the traps have a tendency to take over at the top. For the last 6 months I’ve been doing cable lateral raises with the cable set at my hip height. 000 sec Dimensions: 498x280. Frank Zane often suggested cable lateral raises, preferring the more even strength curves throughout the range of motion possible with well-positioned cable pulleys. Dumbbell Lateral Raise: Which is Better for Shoulder Growth? There’s a lot of debate online on which is better—cable lateral raises or dumbbell lateral raises?” The truth is, both exercises target the same muscle, the medial deltoid, but the difference lies in how each exercise delivers tension to the muscle. Discover 2025 tips on form, benefits, and muscle activation rates. Utilizing the cable pulley machine is useful in that it provides constant tension on the target muscle group as you Cable Leaning Lateral Raise Form & Visual. Sit on a bench with Mastering the Proper Form. Cable lateral raises are an effective lateral raise variation that builds strength and stability in the lateral head of the shoulder muscles. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees. 00 AWAY FROM FREE SHIPPING! Like the side lateral raise, to do the leaning lateral raise or the leaning cable lateral raise, you require the use of a dumbbell. Step 3: Stand up straight and hold the handle on the right side of your body. com🥇 Best Workout Supplement https://biotest. But fear not, with a few simple tweaks and exercises, you can be on your way to performing lateral cable raises pain-free and with proper form. Below you can find some tips and techniques The cable lateral raise provides constant tension and shifts the hardest part of the range of motion from the top position — in a dumbbell lateral raise — to the bottom, Lateral Raise Form Tips. Leaning over will also help you create a full range of movement. Targets the lateral deltoid muscle, which is responsible for shoulder abduction and helps create a wider shoulder appearance; Allows for a greater range of motion Cable Lateral Raise Form Tips Use One Arm If you’re having trouble getting a good lateral deltoid contraction or if one lateral deltoid muscle is lagging in size or strength compared to the other, perform the cable lateral raise with one arm at a time. Would the lying lateral with a conventional standing lateral raise ROM be your suggestion then? Versatile Exercise: Side lateral raises can be performed with various equipment, including dumbbells, cables, and resistance bands, making them adaptable to different fitness levels. com/ Ready to get started training with me? Here's a detailed guide on how to do lateral raises with proper form! FREE SHIPPING AT $150 ONLY $150. Cable One Arm Lateral Raise Muscles Involved. The second best variation for front-medial delt activation was strict-form dumbbell lateral raises. Repeat for the other side. Here’s what you need to keep in mind: Stand Tall: Keep your chest proud, back straight, and shoulders relaxed. Tags. 4x20 with 10-15 DBs. 00 AWAY FROM FREE SHIPPING! Cable Lateral Raise. Both of these lead to a more stable exercise allowing you to focus on As an example, at the top of a bicep cable curl, the cable will be parallel to your forearms and there'll be no moment arm acting on the bicep, just straight down your forearms into your elbow. See how the exercise is performed, the proper technique, and which muscles are worked. Dumbbell Lateral Raise: The basic version we’ve discussed, ideal for beginners and those seeking to focus on form. Similar to Shoulder Raise, this is an isolation exercise that primarily targets your shoulders. The Cable lateral raise will be discussed later in this article. The press and lateral raise are indispensable for developing well-rounded and impressive shoulders, which really complete a physique and give the appearance of a wider v-taper. Jeff Nippard’s 3 Tips for a More Effective Lateral Raise . Performing lateral raises with a cable pulley means you can maintain tension throughout the movement, as you raise and lower the cable. com/ Proper Form, Variations and Modifications The cable lateral raise works the middle head of the deltoid muscle, which is the rounded muscle at the top of each shoulder. Learning how to perform a lateral raise correctly is crucial for achieving optimal results and preventing injuries. The primary muscles worked during the cable lateral raise are the deltoids. To maximize its effectiveness, it’s crucial to execute the Want to perfect your form? Check out our detailed guide on Machine Lateral Raise for proper technique and tips. But I find myself only able to do 5 lbs with proper form. Cable lateral raise is a potent weapon in the arsenal of anyone aiming to build strong, round and defined deltoids. 4 seconds for lowering, 3 set of 8 reps. Here's a detailed guide on how to do leaning lateral raises with proper form! FREE SHIPPING AT $150 ONLY $150. The first step is to make sure you have the form correct, and are recruiting the lat delts to raise the weights rather than swinging them up. This has been the best setup for a single arm cable lateral raise I’ve done. Avoid using momentum or swinging your arm, as this can minimize the exercise’s effectiveness and increase the risk of injury. This will help improve the mind-muscle connection during the exercise as well as even out The cable lateral raise is an exercise variation that is very effective in building the outer portion of the deltoids. Because your hand is behind you, this version of the lateral helps best target the middle head. This is a shoulder exercise that focuses on the middle head of the deltoids-the muscles in the rounded contour of your shoulders. The trap muscles can be done with exercises like cable shrug and cable upright row. 1. By using a cable machine, you have more control over the direction your resistance is coming from, and can easily make adjustments. This makes you Intermediate on Strength Level and is a very impressive lift. A study confirms that the cable lateral raise works to strengthen the subscapularis muscle in the rotator cuff. It’s an isolation movement so you won’t be able to use maximum poundages, but you’ll feel your muscles working much better while Next up is the Cable Lateral Raise. However, after digging into research, I’ve discovered that strong shoulders aren’t just about looking good – they’re also essential for keeping your shoulders healthy and stable over time. This i Perform the lateral raise with one arm, concentrating on muscle contraction. This will help improve the mind-muscle connection during the exercise as well as even out In this form tutorial video, Coach Alex and Sue walk you through the best technique for performing the Single-Arm Behind the Back Cable Lateral Raise. Another common variation is the cable lateral raise. Keeping the trunk braced tightly, lift the handle up to the side with a straight arm to above shoulder height, then lower again under control. instagram. It’s easy to alter the exercise by extending or shortening the motion. Video breakdown + recommended sets & reps inside! Once you have the form right, push your body forward with your chest inclined forward. While cables aren’t necessarily worth performing every exercise with, Here are some form tips and ways to add tension without upping the load you’re lifting. Intermediate and Advanced: Increase weight and sets as you progress, incorporating variations like dumbbell lateral raises, cable lateral raises, and barbell upright rows. Front Dumbbell Raise: 3 sets: 10-12 reps: Raise dumbbells to the front to target the front deltoids. It also protects the other rotator cuff muscles, like the infraspinatus and teres minor, from getting irritated or torn. Slow, controlled movements are key to maximizing muscle engagement. ly/3tm6kak@rpstrength https://bit Sculpted shoulders feature on everyone’s dream body checklist. Stable Body 6. Jeff Nippard’s Cable Lateral Raise Tips . Over time, your shoulders will fill out and broaden as the lateral deltoid grows in size and power. You can either use free weights or cables. Growing my delta has NOT been a challenge though, so I don’t sweat it. Dumbbell Lateral Raises: Ah "lying laterals". To do the exercise; In my experience, the Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise stands out as an excellent exercise for building up the lateral deltoids, the muscles on the sides of your shoulders. nels for coaching and programsTikTok: fitnels#shorts Lateral raises have you moving weight about as far away from your body as possible, which makes it harder to overload by adding weight. The movement involves pulling the cables out to the sides and back, while keeping the arms straight and the shoulders down. Cable Lateral Raise How To. With two choices for pulley height, this option is excellent if you have access to a gym. Like the side lateral raise, to do the leaning lateral raise or the leaning cable lateral raise, you require the use of a dumbbell. The cable lateral raises offer constant tension throughout the movement, which can lead to greater muscle activation. The cable lateral raise is a top exercise for building and defining the side deltoids. How to Do the Seated Cable Row. Others may just call it cable lateral raise (since the default is done with dumbbells). This is because they involve shoulder abduction, or moving the arm away from the body sideways. Cable Lateral Raise Wrist Height Variations. Specifically, due to the plane of motion used, the side head of the deltoid is strongly I feel I've been having a hard time isolating my lateral delt and feel it a lot in my traps. Cable lateral raises are a versatile variation with the option of altering the IMO dumbbell lateral raises are not a great exercise for stimulating the lateral head of the deltoid. Pro Tips for Machine Lateral Raise. The first is a low pulley, which is set up Equipment needed: Cable Attach a handle to the lowest pulley and stand to one side of the cable machine. Without proper technique, you’re setting yourself up for wasted effort—and possible injury. I do it with cables so you have tension both ways. The lateral raise is an excellent shoulder exercise that requires you to lift dumbbells away from your body in a motion that’s not unlike a bird flapping its wings. 🔥 Elevate your shoulder game with Cable Cross Body Lateral Raises! 🔥 Our latest tutorial guides you through the proper form and technique to maximize gains Lateral Raise Form Stand to the side of the cable and hold on for stability. Place a flat bench behind you, perpendicular to your body. Unlike dumbbells, cables provide constant tension throughout the movement, evenly challenging the deltoids and enhancing muscle activation, particularly when your arm is close to your torso in the Cable One Arm Lateral Raise Form & Visual. Ronei S Pinto et al found that unilateral movements promote greater muscle stimulation, making single arm cable lateral raises a great progression to promote enhanced muscle growth. Machine Lateral Raise. Tips for Maximizing Cable Lateral Raises. com Intro to Lateral Raises. Cable lateral raise strengthen the stabilizing muscles in your shoulders and improves your muscle balance. This information is AI generated and may return results that are not relevant. Keep your elbows high throughout the movement. Step 2: Face the cable machine with your left side and grab the handle with your right hand. Here are three simple ways to level up your lateral raise game and build bigger shoulders! Adjust the cable height for more tension in the stretched position Grasp the handle with an overhand grip. From there, you can increase the weight, slow down the exercise, or try switching to kettlebells or the cable machine. While many fitness enthusiasts prioritize pressing movements to target the anterior Exercise 2: Rear-Side-Delt Focused Cable Lateral Raise But while the first exercise focused on the main part of your side delt, there’s more to your shoulders than meets the eye. Oct 5, 2023. Correct, the full technical term is Egyptian lateral raise. The seated lateral raise form is the same as the standing lateral raise form. I do cable lateral raises backwards for that reason, with the pulley on the same side I'm working, rather than pulling across my body. This improves your form and enhances the mind-muscle connection. Choose the weight you would like use. A Comprehensive Approach: Beyond Upright Rows and Lateral Raises 1. Safety Considerations. This short video will help you target your muscle groups effectively. How to perform Cable Lateral Raise with proper form. If you looking to isolate your delts a little more, you can try using a low cable, and limit your ROM to about 45 degrees. Here are some examples: Dumbbell Lateral Raise Variations: Reverse Grip: Holding the dumbbells with a reverse grip (palms facing each other) can emphasize the rear deltoid. From what Ive read, shoulders respond to higher volume than weight. While cables aren’t necessarily worth performing every exercise with, Provided you can maintain proper form, leaning into the working side should allow you to use Cable lateral raise is an exercise that targets the medial deltoid muscle, also known as the middle shoulder muscle. Here's you how to do it right. What makes it challenging is the use of sturdy support. This is an exercise that is great for training your shoulde Lateral cable raises Variations: Here are-sided lateral raise alternatives and variations to spice up your workout regimen and incorporate various movements for maximum output. This strength-training isolation exercise is The Cable Lateral Raise is an exercise to target the middle delt muscle of the shoulder. Target Muscle: Shoulders (Lateral Head) Equipment: raise the cable out to your side in a circular motion until your upper arm is parallel to the floor with your palm facing down Lower the cable back down following the same path and repeat. Archived post. Whether you choose a machine or cable for lateral raises, the most important thing is to find an option that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form and achieve your desired results. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. isahilkhan. Learn how to perform the Cable Lateral Raises with proper form. t-nation. nels for coaching and programsTikTok: fitnels#shorts The cable lateral raise is an effective exercise for building shoulder strength and can also help tone other muscles in your arms, chest, and back. The use of a machine adds more stability to the movement, as well The Cable Lateral Raise is an exercise to target the middle delt muscle of the shoulder. Cable Lateral Raise - Exercise demonstration video and information for Olympic weightlifting - Hold a handle attached to a low cable with one arm and the unloaded shoulder facing the machine. You get better result by using light weight so you can focus on perfect form and technique. Use appropriate weight and resistance that challenges you without compromising your form. The cable lateral raise is a classic lateral raise variation that provides consistent tension to the shoulder muscles throughout the exercise. In Lateral raises are great for increasing shoulder strength, size, and mobility. (2024) set out to determine if one exercise is superior for building those coveted boulder shoulders. Face Pulls (Cable Machine) 4 sets: 10-15 reps: Use a cable machine to pull towards your face, targeting rear deltoids and upper back. 10 Seconds of rest between sets make sure you are strict on form and on timing. Both dumbbell and cable lateral raises offer various variations to challenge your muscles and prevent plateaus. Assume a shoulder width stance; tighten your core and keep a flat back all Cable Lateral Raise. Read on for guidance on proper exercise The Cable Lateral Raise is a great exercise for building bigger and stronger shoulders. The What Are the Lateral Raise Variations? Cable Lateral Raise: A cable lateral raise uses the cable on a pulley machine to exercise one arm at a time. Form Tips. In this variation, you're standing legs apart, taking the cable out through the legs to focus maximum effort on the middle delt. According to studies, this activity targets the infraspinatus and subscapularis muscles in your rotator cuff, allowing you to do many shoulder motions, such as internal and external This exercise involves sitting on a cable machine and using the cables to perform a rear lateral raise, which targets the muscles in the back of the shoulders. Versatile Exercise: Side lateral raises can be performed with various equipment, including dumbbells, cables, and resistance bands, making them adaptable to different fitness levels. By using a cable machine, you'll be able to provide constant tension throughout the movement, effectively challenging these muscles. Stand beside a cable machine. It is also one of the most effective isolated exercises for grow and shredded the shoulder heads. How can I progressively overload with cables with proper form? I just recently started doing cable lateral raises Cable Lateral Raise Form – Tips & Techniques. While it is no more taxing than the conventional lateral raise, it requires an equal focus on the form. A new study (so new that it hasn’t been peer-reviewed and officially published at the time of my writing this) by Larsen et al. Here's a detailed guide on how to do Egyptial lateral raises with proper form! FREE SHIPPING AT $150 ONLY $150. facebook. Tips: - Always favor moderate weights and strict form on this exercise Stop doing cable lateral raises like this. Cool-Down The cable lateral raise develops the shoulders for a strong upper body. Cable Lateral Raise: The Ultimate Side Deltoid Builder🚩 Watch Our Popular Workout Plans Here- 👉👉https://www. Grab the handle with an overhand grip and position it at shoulder height. Using the cable machine for lateral raises allows you to alter your hand position, use different cable How to do Cable Seated Lateral Raise: Step 1: Stand in between two low pulleys that are positioned opposite to each other. Follow our tutorial on perfect Looking for an exercise to sculpt your shoulders? Beginners: Start with lighter weights and focus on mastering proper form. And see how it compares to barbell front raises. Keywords: Cable lateral raises workout, Lateral raises on the cable machine, Shoulder exercise with cable, Cable shoulder workout tips, Effective gym tips for shoulders, Best lateral raise techniques, Improve shoulder workout techniques, Gym workouts for shoulder strength, Proper form for cable raises thanks man for long reply its taking my time to digest this info so, if i bend back when i do bicep curls, it forms a right angle with the cable in the bottom position doing this part of the move harder, is that right? in the side delt, maybe i got it wrong, the cable height shoul be at the start position of the hand? but its a paralel oh wait, lol the hand is paralel, but the shoulder is at a Traps are involved in a normal lateral raise, especially if you raise your arms to horizontal or above. Cable Lateral Raise Form & Visual. Reply reply I Form check:Lateral raises Form Check youtube. After finishing a set, you switch arms and do the same number of reps. 5. Want even more variety? Check out my favorite Dumbbell Lateral Raise alternatives. It is also characterized by the lifting of the shoulders away from the body in an external rotation. Janicki emphasized controlled reps, leaning forward for maximum stretch, while keeping the arms With proper attention to form the cable one-arm lateral raise will develop and strengthen the lateral deltoid. Aside from Machine Lateral Raise is a variation on the more standard Shoulder Raise. Lateral raise form: how to do lateral raises. 1 But the cable lateral raise is under-rated and under-utilized, even though it is effective and may have advantages over dumbbells. 3. Starting Position: Stand facing the cable machine, holding the The single arm cable lateral raise is a variation of the lateral raise and an exercise used to build the muscles of the shoulders. #gymtips #workouttips #fitnesscoach Ready to drop body fat, build muscle and increase your confidence?Book your fr Cable Lateral Raise Form Tips Use One Arm - If you're having trouble getting a good lateral deltoid contraction or if one lateral deltoid muscle is lagging in size or strength compared to the other, perform the cable lateral raise with one arm at a time. Exercise tutorial playlist: http://y2u. It effectively targets the lateral head of the shoulders, helping to sculpt those desirable shoulder contours. Maintain a slight Cable Lateral Raise: Target Deltoids & Upper Shoulders Effectively; Machine If your gym doesn’t exactly have a lateral raise machine, try dumbbell or cable lateral raises instead. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the cable lateral raise technique:. Cable Leaning Lateral Raise Benefits. Targets the lateral deltoid muscle, which is responsible for shoulder abduction and helps create a wider shoulder appearance; Allows for isolation of one arm at a time, ensuring balanced development of both shoulders; Lateral raises are a great exercise to build shoulder strength and mobility, but the form can be tough without focus. Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 sets: 10-12 reps: Lift dumbbells to the side to engage the side deltoids. My personal preference is with Dumbbell Lateral Raises, but Cable Lateral Raises are an excellent variation to add variety to your workouts and keep them from getting stale. Experiment with both options to determine which one best suits your needs and preferences. Barbell Military Press vs Overhead Press: Side Lateral Raise Form: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbells in each hand. Believe it or not, muscle activation research suggests that your shoulders might have up to seven different heads, all of which can be independently activated by your nervous system. Proper form is essential for maximizing results and preventing injuries. Lower and repeat. Finally, there is the Bent-Arm Cable Lateral Raise, which provides the best parts of all the other Lateral Raise variations. — Transform your body through resistance 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬https://www. Instructions for the cable lateral raise. Lateral raises, in any form, are an isolation exercise that is generally considered to be one of the best side shoulder workouts. Grab the handle with one hand and the tower with the other, to brace yourself. Starting Position: Adjust the pulleys to the lowest setting on a cable machine. Here are a few ways you can modify the exercise: Adjust the weight: If you hit your target rep range too quickly, feel free to increase the weight. As for the support beam, most Standing Cable Lateral Raise. Learn how to do a cable front raise with proper form to target anterior delts. Learn how to do this exercise, the muscles worked, Dumbbell Lateral to Front Raise Form & Visual. 4. Swapping the dumbbells for the cable pulley machine adds a whole new dimension To fully maximize the benefits of cable lateral raises, target the medial deltoid effectively and enhance your shoulder muscle definition and strength. If you want to appear wider up top, then you’ll definitely want to incorporate this type of exercise into your training regime. It works in conjunction with the anterior deltoid, which is the front shoulder muscle, to provide support to the shoulder and protect against injury during common movements such as throwing or lifting. This is somewhat of a simpler version of the dumbbell lateral raise, but it activates the middle head of the delts and helps to stimulate Now that I’ve heard of cable lateral raise I love it. How To Cable Lateral RaiseCheck out my Instagram @fit. You can incorporate the cable lateral as a way to pre-exhaust your shoulders prior to multijoint, compound moves like the overhead press and Arnold press. Cable Lateral to Front Raise; Resistance Band Lateral to Front Raise; More Exercises. This tutorial provides step-by Started using 30lb on cable lateral raises (with-cuff, behind-the-back, 30-45° to front to stay in scapular plane), but then realized I was having to cheat to get a decent amount of reps so went to 20lb and cleaned up my form and tempo, trying to extract the most challenge from each rep with a slow controlled 3 second eccentric mostly in the The lateral raise is a fundamental exercise that targets your shoulder muscles, specifically the deltoids, which are responsible for shoulder abduction (raising your arms away from your sides). flexxp. and definition. Machine Lateral Raise: A great option for building strength and mass, offering a more stable The lateral cable raise can be easily modified to suit your needs and fitness level. The only difference is body position. 2. The cable lateral raise primarily targets the lateral deltoid muscles, crucial for shoulder width and aesthetics. By raising the cable height, Nippard explains Lateral Raise Cable. But never compromise form. Cable Lateral Raise Benefits. Skip to content. Similar to the Dumbbell Shoulder Raise, this isolation exercise primarily targets the shoulders, and more specifically the medial deltoid (middle of the shoulder). Cable Lateral Raise: This variation provides constant tension throughout the movement, targeting the lateral deltoid more effectively. In this video, Coach Alex showcases the form on the Cross-Cable Behind the Back Cable Lateral Raise. This helps to isolate the lateral delts, ensuring they take on the 🚀 Strength & Fitness Training https://www. Cable Front Raise Exercise Guide, Variations, and Alternatives By: Jeremy Fox, CNC, CPT - Published: June 27, 2023 Are you looking to strengthen and sculpt your shoulders? The cable lateral raise is a variation of the side lateral raise that uses a cable machine. Read our dumbbell lateral to front raise guide. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright How to do Cable Lateral Raise: Step 1: Lower the handle of the cable machine to the lowest notch. The lateral raise cable is an effective variation of the lateral raise exercise that provides constant tension on the shoulders, helping to develop the side deltoids. Details Content Description: a man wearing a gold 's gym tank top is lifting dumbbells in a gym File Size: 2055KB Duration: 3. For lateral delt, do cable lateral raise, one arm cable lateral raise; The rear delt can be done with exercises like bent-over cable lateral raise, face pull, and reverse cable crossover. The key is to keep the cable perpendicular to your forearm throughout this safe movement, ensuring tension right from the start, unlike with dumbbells. The cable lateral raise is an effective isolation exercise that targets the lateral deltoids, which is essential for enhancing shoulder width. This guide will break down the exercise step-by-step, providing How To Cable Lateral RaiseCheck out my Instagram @fit. Keep your body locked and justnhing at your shoulder to raise your arm. Accessibility aside – those with a history of injuries to the shoulder girdle or anywhere else in the shoulder structure What is the average Cable Lateral Raise? The average Cable Lateral Raise weight for a female lifter is 10 kg (1RM). But the cable lateral raise is under-rated and under-utilized, even though it is effective and may have advantages over dumbbells. Healthy And Happy Life. Learn proper form, benefits, and explore effective alternatives in our comprehensive guide. And one of the key exercises to get there is the cable lateral raise. 00 AWAY If you’re at the gym, you have more options. Training; Team MuscleTech The researchers at MuscleTech's The single arm cable lateral raise is a beneficial exercise that's used to target the medial deltoid head of the shoulder musculature. This movement also engages the upper trapezius and levator scapulae as stabilizers. comhttps://www. Quick Breakdown: Raise the cable height ; Use cuffs ; Stretch the cable across your body ; Raise the cable height . The use of a machine adds more stability to the movement, as well as restricting your range of motion. Focus on Form: Ensure that each rep of your cable lateral raise is executed with proper form. bring your arms up and out to form a ‘Y’ shape with your body. Detailed instructions on how to perform the Cable Lateral Raise. Before performing lateral raises or cable lateral raises, warm up your shoulders with light cardio and stretching. A movement that is primarily carried out by the lateral deltoids. 00 AWAY FROM FREE SHIPPING! ONLY $150 . The cable lateral raise offers consistent tension and builds shoulder width. In this post, we’ll be discussing the common mistakes people make when performing lateral cable raises and the exercises you can do to alleviate shoulder pain and boost muscle activation. youtube. Cable Lateral Raise. But being consistent with lat raise form has always been a challenge for me. Camel Pose. The behind-the-back cable lateral raise minimizes the involvement of other muscles, like the traps and upper back, and allows you to focus on the lateral deltoid. This is an exercise that is great for training your shou Cable Lateral Raise. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps.