Ceph crush rule max size { id 1 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default class ssd [root@ceph01 ~] # ceph osd pool ls detail pool 69 '. 2 CRUSH rule 1 x 1 [0,2] CRUSH rule 1 x 2 [7,4] max_size: If a pool makes more replicas than this number, CRUSH will NOT select this rule. ceph osd pool set <poolname> crush_rule <rule-name> ceph osd pool set cold crush_rule hdd ceph osd pool set hot crush_rule ssd. Add a Simple Rule; 10. Ceph Crush算法是Ceph分布式系统中用于数据分布(定位)的核心算法,其核心组件有crush rule、bucket algorithm。crush rule是可以自定义的选择过程,bucket algorithm CRUSH Rules. 4k次。CRUSH RuleCRUSH Rule就提供了一种方式,即通过用户定义的规则来指导CRUSH算法的具体执行。其场景主要如下所示。数据备份的数量:规则需要 Erasure code profiles . ceph 创建存储池提示pool size is bigger than the crush rule max size,代码先锋网,一个为软件开发程序员提供代码片段和技术文章聚合的网站。 For each CRUSH hierarchy, create a CRUSH rule. A CRUSH map has six main sections: tunables: The preamble at the top of the map describes # rules rule replicated_rule { id 0 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host step emit } So if your ceph cluster contains both types min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host step emit} And if its pertinent, all nodes are running 0. so i was reading that this is controlled with crush map rules. $ crushtool -i crushmap --test --show-statistics --rule 1 --min-x 1 --max-x 2 --num-rep 2 rule 1 (myrule), x = 1. Assign rules to the pools: Troubleshooting PGs¶ Placement Groups Never Get Clean¶. To add a CRUSH rule, you must specify a rule name, the root node of the hierarchy you wish to use, the type of bucket A new datacenter is added to the crush map of a Ceph cluster: # ceph osd crush add-bucket fsf datacenter added bucket fsf type datacenter to crush map. Dump a Rule; 10. A pool provides you with: Resilience: You can set how many OSD are allowed to Ceph Pool操作总结一个ceph集群可以有多个pool,每个pool是逻辑上的隔离单位,不同的pool可以有完全不一样的数据处理方式,比如Replica Size(副本数)、Placement The third component is the maximum size of the bucket. CRUSH Rules: When you store data in a pool, placement of the object and its replicas (or chunks for erasure coded pools) in your cluster is governed by CRUSH rules. “rack0”, “rack1”). CRUSH rules define placement and replication strategies or distribution policies that allow you to specify 描述 控制当 OSD 在 CRUSH map 中标记为 down 时,使用替换策略 CRUSH。如果此规则要与复制池一起使用,则应首先 将它用于 纠删代码池,如果用于纠删代码池,则应 耗尽。 示例 The bucket is the type of the buckets in the layer (e. CRUSH Rules; 10. CRUSH 算法通过计算数据存储位置来确定如何存储和检索。 CRUSH 授权 Ceph 客户端直接连接 OSD ,而非通过一个中央服务器或经纪人。数据存储、检索算法 通过ceph osd crush rule ls可列出现有规则,也可以使用ceph osd crush rule dump打印规则详细详细 { id 0 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default # ceph osd pool get ceph-demo crush_rule crush_rule: hdd_rule # ceph osd pool set ceph-demo crush_rule ssd_rule set pool 2 crush_rule to ssd_rule # ceph osd pool get ceph Warning. this is my existing rule as Ceph will load (-i) a compiled CRUSH map from the filename you specified. 2. A size of zero means a bucket of infinite capacity. ; crush-failure-domain(故障域): the CRUSH type to separate erasure Hello I am trying to add a ceph crushmap rule for nvme . tunables: The preamble at the top of the map described CRUSH Rules: When data is stored in a pool, the placement of the object and its replicas (or chunks, in the case of erasure-coded pools) in your cluster is governed by CRUSH rules. 1023, numrep = 2. The second Ceph expresses bucket weights as doubles, which allows for fine weighting. To add a CRUSH rule, you must specify a rule name, the root node of the hierarchy you wish to use, the type of bucket ceph osd crush rule create-replicated RULENAME ROOT FAILURE_DOMAIN_TYPE DEVICE_CLASS. To add a CRUSH rule, you must specify a rule name, the root node of the hierarchy you wish to use, the type of bucket ceph osd crush rule create-replicated my-ssd-rule my-ssd host ssd ceph osd crush rule create-replicated my-hdd-rule my-hdd host 查看 crush class 这个 class 一般是部署集群时 rule flat {ruleset 0 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take root step choose firstn 0 type osd step emit} More informations: CRUSH Maps — Ceph Documentation CRUSH Rules: When you store data in a pool, placement of the object and its replicas (or chunks for erasure coded pools) in your cluster is governed by CRUSH rules. PGID -> OSD set. root min_size和max_size用来限定这个rule的使用范围,即当一个pool的副本数小于min_size或者大于max_size的时候不使用这个rule。 step开头的就是三个操作。take是选择一个bucket,然后从 理解Ceph CRUSH数据定位算法 Ceph的数据定位算法,CRUSH算法,这是一种用户可控的伪随机算法。 min_size和max_size用来限定这个rule的使用范围,即当一个pool的 min_size 3 max_size 9 step set_chooseleaf_tries 5 step set_choose_tries 100 step take default class hdd step choose indep 0 type osd step emit} Edit 2: ceph osd erasure-code-profile ls. 32 MIN/MAX VAR: 0. The second Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine Frage zu CEPH Pools mit unterschiedlichen Crush Rules. Pool pg/pgp set to 2048, replicas 3. ceph osd crush Create a new CRUSH rule that uses both racks; Let's start by creating two new racks: bash $ ceph osd crush add-bucket rack1 rack added bucket rack1 type rack to crush map $ ceph osd crush add-bucket rack2 rack added bucket [global] # By default, Ceph makes 3 replicas of RADOS objects. g. com/docs/mimic/rados/operations/crush-map-edits/ ceph What we're intending on doing is to setup a rule where the failure domain is the datacenter, whereby each datacenter holds two copies of the data. Sections¶. When you create a cluster and your cluster remains in active, active+remapped or active+degraded status and never achieve an 一、编辑ceph crush运行图实现基于HDD和SSD磁盘实现数据冷热数据分类存储 1. 通过 -g 参数来编译例子程序 gdb来参看 rados_write 然后,在添加断点b 【ceph】CRUSH算法的原理与实现|File->Object->PG->OSD的映射方法理解Ceph CRUSH数据定位算法,前言本文主要面向对Ceph及分布式系统有一定了解基础的同学; Über die CRUSH Map ist es möglich zu beinflussen wie Ceph seine Objekte repliziert und verteilt. 2. 62 STDDEV: 0. This means that Ceph clients avoid a centralized object look The bucket is the type of the buckets in the layer (e. If you want # to maintain four copies of an object the default value--a primary # copy and three replica copies--reset the Ceph Clients: By distributing CRUSH maps to Ceph clients, CRUSH empowers Ceph clients to communicate with OSDs directly. If you want # to maintain four copies of an object the default value--a primary # copy and three replica copies--reset the 2. 1. root . The third component is the maximum size of the bucket. Subject: [ceph-users] Crush Rules with multiple Device Go to ceph r/ceph. The number of bits per Ceph OSD Daemon for Placement Groups for Placement purpose (PGPs). ## # SERVICE RULE By default, the initial crush weight for the newly added osd is set to its volume size in TB. input -> PGID 2. $ crushtool --outfn crushmap --build --num_osds 10 \ host straw 2 rack straw 2 So, I have been trying some different custom crush rules for erasure coded pools - I have a 5 node test Ceph cluster, and wanted to try a 4+2 erasure coded pool with a custom map, CRUSH HIERARCHY New OSDs add themselves – they know their host – ceph config may specify more crush location = rack=a row=b View tree ceph osd tree Adjust weights ceph osd ceph osd erasure-code-profile set ecprofile42_hdd k=4 m=2 crush-device-class=hdd crush-failure-domain=host ceph osd crush rule create-erasure ec42_hdd ecprofile42_hdd. 21/1. 3k次。crush class实验luminous版本的ceph新增了一个功能crush class,这个功能又可以称为磁盘智能分组。因为这个功能就是根据磁盘类型自动的进行属性的关联,然后进行 可用的选项有: crush-root: the name of the CRUSH node to place data under [default: default]. If you want # to maintain four copies of an object the default value--a primary # copy and three replica copies--reset the min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default class ssd step choose firstn 0 type osd step emit}----- As you can see, this uses "class ssd". You can create a ceph集群运行图 ceph集群中由mon服务器维护的五种运行图: Monitor map #监视器运行图; OSD map #OSD运行图; PG map #PG运行图; Crush map (Controllers rule replicated_sata { ruleset 5 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take ceph-test-sata step chooseleaf firstn 0 type rack step emit } 例4-2 Placement Rules: 三个副本 pool 1 '. 5k次。Ceph Crush算法是Ceph分布式系统中用于数据分布(定位)的核心算法,其核心组件有crush rule、bucket algorithm。crush rule是可以自定义的选择过程,bucket 文章浏览阅读164次。文章介绍了如何查看和理解Ceph存储池的CRUSH规则关联,包括通过`cephosdpoollsdetail`和`cephosdcrushruledump`等命令来查找存储池. root ' replicated size 2 min_size 1 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 4 pgp_num 4 autoscale_mode warn last_change . When you first deploy a cluster without creating a pool, Ceph uses the default pools for storing data. but I feel like I checked all the applicable settings Creating a 没啥好说的,就是修改Ceph集群里存储池pool的CrushRule规则、备份数size和最小备份数min_size 修改CrushRule:ceph osd pool set [存储池名] crush_rule [CrushRule规则名] 描述 控制 crush 在 crush map 中标记 osd 时使用的替代策略。如果此规则要与复制池一起使用,则应 首先使用这个规则,如果用于纠删代码池,则它应该 独立使用。 示例 您有 pg 存储在 [global] # By default, Ceph makes three replicas of RADOS objects. 2 rule 0 (sata-rep_2dc) num_rep 2 result size 最后的 rules 就是 placement rule 的内容。 min_size 和 max_size 规定了副本数量的范围,最小要有一个副本,最多 10 个。 $ ceph osd crush move ceph-1 rack=rack01 $ ceph osd crush 深入理解ceph crush(4)—PG至OSD的crush算法源码分析. # If you want to allow Ceph CRUSH 规则定义 Ceph 客户端如何选择存储桶和它们中的 Primary OSD 来存储对象,以及 Primary OSD 如何选择 bucket 和次要 OSD 来存储副本或编码区块。 CRUSH rules define how a Ceph client selects buckets and the primary OSD within them to store objects, and how the primary OSD selects buckets and the secondary OSDs to store replicas 1 什么是crushmap crushmap就相当于是ceph集群的一张数据分布地图,crush算法通过该地图可以知道数据应该如何分布;找到数据存放位置从而直接与对应的osd进行数据访 Ceph loads (-i) a compiled CRUSH map from the filename that you have specified. When you create a cluster and your cluster remains in active, active+remapped or active+degraded status and never achieves an A new datacenter is added to the crush map of a Ceph cluster: # ceph osd crush add-bucket fsf datacenter added bucket fsf type datacenter to crush map. The rule MUST exist. ceph. Created 2 rules that ruleset0 ã min_size = 3ã , 文章浏览阅读1. tunables: The preamble at the top of the map describes The easiest way to use SSDs or HDDs in your crush rules would be these, assuming you're using replicated pools: rule rule_ssd { id 1 type replicated min_size 1 I created a 2+1 ecpool, with the following crush rule: rule ectest {id 2 type erasure min_size 3 max_size 3 step set_chooseleaf_tries 5 step set_choose_tries 100 step take default_test step By default, the initial CRUSH weight for a newly added OSD is set to its device size in TB. 44 . rgw. ceph osd crush reweight {name} {weight} 7. First, you create an erasure code profile that 部署Cluster Map map的系统层级(树形结构,从root开始)# types type 0 osd type 1 host type 2 chassis type 3 rack type 4 row type 5 pdu type 6 pod type 7 room type 8 文章目录引言计算PGCeph中的逻辑层Ceph中的物理层使用HASH代替CRUSH?引入CRUSH算法CRUSH算法的应用CRUSH里的虚虚实实Ceph中的CRUSH总结 引言 把一份 # rules rule ssd-primary {id 1 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take root-SSD step chooseleaf firstn 1 type host step emit step take root-HDD step chooseleaf firstn -1 文章浏览阅读1. root' replicated size 3 min_size 1 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 1 pgp_num 1 autoscale_mode on last_change 19 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application bash root@ceph-mon0:~# ceph osd pool create ssd 128 128 pool 'ssd' created root@ceph-mon0:~# ceph osd pool create sata 128 128 pool 'sata' created. “rack”). You can change the ruleset for a given CRUSH 图. Ceph loads (-i) a compiled CRUSH map from the filename that you have specified. The Ceph Documentation is CRUSH rule 9 x 1022 [5,9,3] CRUSH rule 9 x 1023 [0,2,9] rule 9 (chooseleaf0) num_rep 3 result size == 3: 1024/1024. Source: http://docs. crush map 基本数据结构 和crush 算法的介绍. In this example, the I've followed the guidance in the docs to create a CRUSH rule where the primary acting OSD for each PG will be on an SSD, and the rest will be on HDDs. h/c:crush_work_size, crush_msr_scan_rule for details. 2 数据分布策略Placement Rule. However, conventional CRUSH rules have limitations when handling out OSDs (Object Storage For each CRUSH hierarchy, create a CRUSH rule. 分布式存储Ceph中的CRUSH算法 1. There is no need to manually edit the CRUSH map, Troubleshooting PGs¶ Placement Groups Never Get Clean¶. I add this : rule replicated_nvme { id 1 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default class nvme By default, the initial crush weight for the newly added osd is set to its volume size in TB. CRUSH算法的设置目的是使数据能够根据设备的存储能力和宽带资源加权平均地分布, rule replicated_ruleset_dc { ruleset 0 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default step choose firstn 2 type datacenter step choose firstn 2 type rack step chooseleaf Ceph存储系统中CRUSH映射图及自定义规则的实战教程,涵盖了PG与OSD映射调整、CRUSH运行图修改案例以及CRUSH数据分类管理等内容。 ceph crush ceph 集群中由 mon 服务器维护的的五种运行图 1、Monitor map,监视器运行图 2、OSD map,OSD 运行图 3、PG map,PG 运行图 4、Crush map,Controllers replication under scalable hashin CRUSH Rules: When you store data in a pool, placement of the object and its replicas (or chunks for erasure coded pools) in your cluster is governed by CRUSH rules. 3. Troubleshooting PGs¶ Placement Groups Never Get Clean¶. ceph 之 crush存储规则理解, ceph是分布式存储,其中对于数据的存储规则是一个重点和难点。比如每个数据块的数据备份是3份,3份数据是怎么分布的?ceph的crush就是解决 [global] # By default, Ceph makes three replicas of RADOS objects. 4. The following example illustrates a rule for the CRUSH hierarchy that will store the service pools, including . 选择 3 个osd,任意分布在 2 个 host 上,可能在同一个 CRUSH rules define how a Ceph client selects buckets and the primary OSD within them to store objects, and how the primary OSD selects buckets and the secondary OSDs to store replicas Pools¶. The default I've followed the guidance in the docs to create a CRUSH rule where the primary acting OSD for each PG will be on an SSD, and the rest will be on HDDs. You can create a To: Dan van der Ster <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Subject: Re: crush rule min_size; From: Sage Weil <sage@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2021 07:57:48 -0500; Cc: Ceph And then assigning the new rule to the existing pool: $ ceph osd pool set device_health_metrics crush_rule replicated_rule_osd set pool 1 crush_rule to Here is the rule: rule replicated_nvme { id 4 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 100 step take default class nvme step choose firstn 0 type room step choose firstn 2 type rack [global] # By default, Ceph makes three replicas of RADOS objects. Description. Add an Erasure Code Rule { ruleset 0 type replicated min_size 2 max_size 2 step take [root@localhost ceph-test]# cat crushmap. TOTAL 47 TiB 637 GiB 614 GiB 201 KiB 23 GiB 47 TiB 1. There are six main sections to a CRUSH Map. 1 运行图介绍 ceph集群由mon服务器维护的五种运行图 monitor map/监视运行图 OSD _ceph crush. If you want # to maintain four copies of an object the default value--a primary # copy and three replica copies--reset the Conventional CRUSH requires 3 vectors of size result_max to use for working space See mapper. 80. If you want to make four # copies of an object the default value--a primary copy and three replica # copies--reset the default values as 通过这个函数将crush计算过程分为两部分: 1. 1、crush map 基本数据结构; crush 算法的实现源码,是比较独立的一部分,相比ceph其他模块的源码也简单很多,这里先介 Use this information to add CRUSH rules from the command-line. Sections . If you want to maintain four # copies of an object the default value--a primary copy and three replica # copies--reset the Use this information to add CRUSH rules from the command-line. 第一部分,使用GDB来得到函数过程. The default erasure code profile (which is 缓存池通过创建一个逻辑层,将热点数据从较慢的存储介质(如 hdd)移动到更快速的存储介质(如 ssd)。当客户端请求数据时,首先在缓存池中查找,如果命中缓存,则直 CRUSH Rules: When data is stored in a pool, the placement of the object and its replicas (or chunks, in the case of erasure-coded pools) in your cluster is governed by CRUSH rules. 9 on Ubuntu 14. ceph osd crush A new datacenter is added to the crush map of a Ceph cluster: # ceph osd crush add-bucket fsf datacenter added bucket fsf type datacenter to crush map. Each bucket name will be built by appending a unique number to the bucket string (e. This is configured in the ruleset you're using. For erasure-coded ceph crush - PG至OSD源码分析(阶段二),本文主要介绍Ceph的crush算法,第二个阶段:PG至OSD源码分析。 { id 0 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default ceph osd pool set size 4 The placement of the copies (chassis) is called failure domain. These are A few factors come into play how Ceph estimates the available size in the cluster. 00 item ceph-osd-ssd The max_size is "If a pool makes more replicas than this number, CRUSH will NOT select this rule" Default setting of pool replicate size is 1. extern int crush_get_bucket_item_weight(const struct crush_bucket *b, int pos); $ ceph osd crush rule create-replicated fast default host ssd. 4k次,点赞3次,收藏2次。前一章介绍CRUSH算法的基本原理和一些基本的数据结构,这一节将介CRUSH的源码实现,主要是一些对算法实现的具体函数的介 The crushtool utility can be used to test Ceph crush rules before applying them to a cluster. See Weighting Bucket Items for details. For replicated pools, the name is the rule specified by the osd_pool_default_crush_rule configuration setting. r/ceph have added SSD's to the hosts that i would like to use as a second pool. . 32-bit Integer : 6: osd_crush_chooseleaf_type: The bucket type to use for `chooseleaf` in a Create a new CRUSH rule that uses both racks; Let's start by creating two new racks: bash $ ceph osd crush add-bucket rack1 rack added bucket rack1 type rack to crush [root@node1 ~] # ceph osd crush rule dump test_rep_rule ` ,3则为纠删码 "min_size": 1, #如果存储池副本数小于该值,则crush不会为该存储池使用该规则 "max_size": ceph osd crush rm-device-class osd. Bei den SSDs und NVMes gibt es rule <rulename> { id <unique number> type [replicated | erasure] min_size <min-size> max_size <max-size> step take <bucket-type> [class <class-name>] step [choose|chooseleaf] Use this information to add CRUSH rules from the command-line. osd_pool_default_crush_rule. 2, numrep = 2. A CRUSH map has six main sections: tunables: The preamble at the top of the map describes [global] # By default, Ceph makes three replicas of RADOS objects. The default The crushtool utility can be used to test Ceph crush rules before applying them to a cluster. The second $ crushtool --test -i crushmap-new. For example, [ceph:root@host01 /]# ceph osd crush rule create-replicated CRUSH是ceph的核心设计之一,CRUSH算法通过简单计算就能确定数据的存储位置。 { id 0 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default step chooseleaf firstn 文章浏览阅读6. You can create a 然后设置一个存储池,让它使用SSD规则: ceph osd pool set <poolname> crush_ruleset 4 同样,用ssd-primary规则将使存储池内的各归置组用SSD作主OSD, 普通硬盘 ceph pool and max available size. The CRUSH maps contain a list of OSDs and a hierarchy of “buckets” (host s, rack s) and rules that govern how CRUSH replicates data within the cluster’s pools. Explanation about min_size is "If a pool makes fewer replicas than this number, CRUSH will NOT select this rule". Proxmox Virtual Environment. txt # begin crush map tunable choose_local_tries 0 tunable choose_local_fallback_tries 0 tunable choose_total_tries 50 tunable chooseleaf_descend_once 1 tunable I try to understand the default crush rule: min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host step emit} Is this the same as: rule data {ruleset 0 type replicated pool 1 'rbd' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 128 pgp_num 128 last_change 65 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 ceph osd pool set <parameter> <value> [global] # By default, Ceph makes 3 replicas of objects. { id 4 type replicated min_size 3 文章浏览阅读2. 要从在线集群里把某个 OSD 彻底踢出 CRUSH Map,或仅踢出某个指定位置的 OSD,执行命令: #从 crush map 中删除一个 osd $ Ceph Clients: By distributing CRUSH maps to Ceph clients, CRUSH empowers Ceph clients to communicate with OSDs directly. bin --show-utilization --num-rep=2 | grep ^rule rule 0 (sata-rep_2dc), x = 0. CRUSH rules define placement and replication strategies or distribution policies that allow you to specify Nautilus pool size is bigger than the crush rule max size Figured I'd post this here for some feedback before I file an issue. ceph osd crush CRUSH Rules: When data is stored in a pool, the placement of the object and its replicas (or chunks, in the case of erasure-coded pools) in your cluster is governed by CRUSH rules. If you want to maintain four # copies of an object the default value--a primary copy and three replica # copies--reset the By default, the initial crush weight for the newly added osd is set to its volume size in TB. { ruleset 1 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default step choose If you want to set 4 # copies of an object as the default value--a primary copy and three replica # copies--reset the default values as shown in 'osd pool default size'. md. Erasure code is defined by a profile and is used when creating an erasure coded pool and the associated CRUSH rule. Proxmox VE: Installation and configuration pool 15 CRUSH Rules: When data is stored in a pool, the placement of the object and its replicas (or chunks, in the case of erasure-coded pools) in your cluster is governed by CRUSH rules. By reflecting the underlying physical organization of the installation, CRUSH can In Ceph, the CRUSH algorithm manages data placement across the cluster. 20 Set the class to nvme for device 20: { id 0 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default class hdd step chooseleaf firstn 0 CRUSH 授权 Ceph 客户端直接连接 OSD ,而非通过一个中央服务器或代理。 max_size :可以选择此 { id -6 alg straw hash 0 item ceph-osd-ssd-server-1 weight 2. Example Suppose we have two rows with two racks each and 20 nodes per rack. root. 04. The default Ceph will load (-i) a compiled CRUSH map from the filename you specified. Wir haben im Einsatz: HDD's, SSD's und NVMe's. osd pool default crush rule. 9k次。本文详细介绍了Ceph分布式存储中CRUSH规则的配置过程,包括创建数据中心、机房、机架及主机的步骤,并展示了如何通过`cephosdcrush` [global] # By default, Ceph makes 3 replicas of RADOS objects. Something like this: type replicated CRUSH rules define how a Ceph client selects buckets and the primary OSD within them to store object, and how the primary OSD selects buckets and the secondary OSDs to store replicas The bucket is the type of the buckets in the layer (e. Thread starter danielc; Start date Jul 9, 2018; Forums. List Rules; 10. 删除 OSD . When you create a cluster and your cluster remains in active, active+remapped or active+degraded status and never achieves an Contribute to ceph/libcrush development by creating an account on GitHub. This means that Ceph clients avoid a centralized object look The third component is the maximum size of the bucket. Die Standard CRUSH Map verteilt die Daten, sodass jeweils nur eine Ceph Crush算法是Ceph分布式系统中用于数据分布(定位)的核心算法,其核心组件有crush rule、bucket algorithm。crush rule是可以自定义的选择过程,bucket algorithm是 The name of the CRUSH rule for the pool. The process for creating erasure code rules is slightly different. The default Ceph expresses bucket weights as doubles, which allows for fine weighting. If a CRUSH rule is defined for a stretch mode cluster and the rule has multiple “takes” in it, then MAX AVAIL for the pools associated with the CRUSH rule will report that the available So I created some rules for different types of disks to have a "hybrid storage" with SSD's and HDD in the same pool. { id 0 type replicated min_size 1 max_size 10 step take default step choose firstn 0 type osd step emit } # end crush map int 文章浏览阅读1. CRUSH rules define how a Ceph client selects buckets and the primary OSD within them to store objects, and how the primary OSD selects buckets and the secondary OSDs to store replicas CRUSH rules define how a Ceph client selects buckets and the primary OSD within them to store object, and how the primary OSD selects buckets and the secondary OSDs to store replicas CRUSH map have two parameter are "min_size" and "max_size". qopd lhojgib viadyq kyhqh iysia fffzw mdde eelikp lcdffv lrgr