Colin kyo chanter review. The current model pitches 476 - 482 with an Apps reed.
Colin kyo chanter review The wood bottom has hole spacing similar to his chanter, so it is the best of all worlds: easy to care for, pleasant of tone with a Walsh reed, and hefts like a musical instrument. Characteristics from School of Piping review: Warm Tone Good Volume True Scale Stable piobaireachd high G Good stability Easy to reed and recommended to pipers at any level. The top plate is spun over a form. Like you I found Shawn's original reeds were easy to tune and sounded good but didn't knock my socks off so to speak. Canning carbon fiber 2. My Piping Blog (recordings, articles, reviews, etc. Sure enough, the disfigured MacLellan was unsteady in the Colin Kyo and the AyrFire played fine with my solo Gilmour reed. You’ll notice the F# hole is a little lower on the RJM. Kyo means Cooperation. Hey everyone. Announcement. All chanter reeds were Gilmour unless stated otherwise. Which explains why the Bb Shepherd reed tuned to 481 Hz in my Kyo, just like the "normal" reed that I already had in there. Colin Kyo chanter and a worn out chanter reed I don’t remember the name of. Here are some images of the laminate and blackwood versions to illustrate the lovely workmanship and differences in materials. The top and bottom hands are very well balanced. In all my experiences with many chanters, I've never really noticed a change in where the chanter likes to tune, save for some reeds, usually easy ones, that made a chanter tune *sharper*. 142. Both solo and with thee band we have very good experiences with these chanters. Ships from Thailand. Of course, just Apr 29, 2017 · Re: 2016 Colin Kyo Bagpipes & Chanter Review You are correct, piper_hm -- I take it that you are an Atherton fan! I just confirmed that Matt recently purchased some Athertons. Colin Kyo Blackwood pipe chanter. Made by Adrian Melvin in The States 2019-09-12 David Glen (cocuswood) with Redwood tenors and Kinnaird Original long bass. So I guess this really is two completely separate issues I'm dealing with. They’re tied into a medium Gannaway bag (no grommets) and played with a Colin Kyo chanter and custom Husk chanter reed. I sent it off to Dunbar for repair. It’s my easy to play set. Not sure if I can drop the money for a sharper chanter. online at a best price in Australia. com Jul 27, 2011 · Our band had one set of chanters, and regardless of reed, we always got a squeal. The chanter also has a great feel in the hands. I ensure that the Colin Kyo bagpipe will be admired and enjoyed for generations. My bony pinky finger would practically fit inside the low A hole of the first chanter my band gave me. Yes, moisture helps, some. Below is a spectrum of a Colin Kyo pipe chanter with a McCann reed mouth blown. Before we get to the recordings, a little bit about the chanters. 2016 Colin Kyo Bagpipes & Chanter Review. Duncan MacFadyen, Duncan Lamont, Drumlithie murray huggins bagpipes murray huggins bagpipe colin kyo chanter review colin kyo chanter colin kyo bagpipes used colin kyo bagpie reviews colin kyo Technical information The web server with the IP-address 15. Specifically, that The constants in the recordings below are that I’m playing my 1950’s Henderson’s with (Naill-spec) Rocket tenors, my friend’s blackwood Colin Kyo chanter (with moose sole), regular old L&M hide bag (with lots of Gannaway’s bag dressing), and Gilmour reed with a 1/4″ heavy orthodontic band from JAW products wrapped twice around it Where can one get good chanter reeds? With the caveat that I make one modification to his reeds to make them work better in Colin Kyo chanters, I would highly recommend Husk reeds. 95. The Colin Kyo bagpipe is named after our son. Dec 29, 2024 · Colin Kyo poly bagpipe chanter sound sample Similar to you I play ABW Nail and ABW Colin Kyo chanters along with a poly McCallum. 2016 Colin Kyo Bagpipes & Chanter Review Awesome pipes Congratulations! Colin Kyo Blackwood Practice Chanter. I just recently had the chance to try one out, and my first impression was that it was a very delicate chanter. 173 used by Colinkyobagpipes. It just wasn't for me. I bet it is comfortable and easy to reed though and it is a great chanter. Dec 16, 2015 · Re: Blackwood Colin Kyo Chanter Lot's of accolades for Murray's chanters. Beginner Kits; Reeds; Bagpipe Bags and Seasoning; Chanters : Bagpipe and Practice Chanters; Hemp, Cleaning Equipment and Accessories; Blowpipes, Valves and Mouthpieces; Moisture Control; Bagpipe Replacement Stocks; Cases : Bagpipe and Practice Chanter; Tuners and Metronomes; Bag Covers and Royal Scottish pipers society, Maggie Cameron, brown haired maid Bunch of pipes this go around as I’m catching up. Bigger throat detail on the new chanters. I’m new to piping and I’m looking for a side by side comparison between the Colin Kyo chanter and the McCallum chanter (FWIW I have a set of McCallum P1 Poly pipes). I just ordered a chanter from him today. The craftsmanship is top notch. top of page. May 24, 2018 · I enjoy my Colin Kyo chanters for being easiest on the fingers. The Band Pipes: 1950’s Henderson’s + Colin Kyo chanter January 17, 2013 Great Highland Bagpipe Solo Patrick McLaurin We’ve had a couple of posts recently using my Henderson’s but they weren’t in the normal confines of my usual recording spots so we’re back to normal in this post with my oldest set of pipes. Special order EMAIL US if you want to order a sole on your chanter. I play an McC2 chanter primarily, and I find that spacing to be way more comfortable. Listen to the harmonics on the B, D, and F#! Don’t listen to all the birls I missed… Mrs. 00 Dunbar Child's Size Poly Practice Chanter $75. Jul 29, 2021 · The holes are a pretty similar spacing, but I can’t comment on hole size as my Gandy chanter is band issue and has the holes carved a bit to allow for ease of tuning. bridal_chorus_faithful_and_true_lohengrin (sight read) recessional_wedding_march (sight read) This Colin Kyo Blackwood Pipe Chanter is hand made from scratch. My solo chanter is a Strathmore and the holes are a little smaller and slightly closer together and feel easier to play. com Note the Piobaireachd high G is in red and the light music in green; and because their spectra overlapped exactly (proving they both tune at ~31 cents flat) I had to offset the light music one (green) up 20 Hz to make it easier to see their relative ratios. The last link is an MSRHJ for some more traditional music. Oct 28, 2012 · Full mounted moose antler Colin Kyo bagpipes with Canning drone reeds (carbon fiber bass). Ezeedrone increased absorption tenor drone reedsHenderson Harmonic Deluxe b I love my Colin Kyo black wood chanter. G. Colin Kyo chanter, Gilmour reed, Gellaitry pipes with Redwood reeds. All the pipes below are played with blackwood Colin Kyo chanters and either a Husk or Gilmour reed. Electronic Bagpipes and Chanters; BAGPIPE SUPPLIES. Although the chanter we were using is a great chanter, the lower pitch of the McC2 meant that we stayed in the 470s to lo 480s in hot weather with 475 common during a moist winter performance. On the Colin Kyo chanter--the high A is way flat, but the other top hand notes are notably sharp. High B 2. Note that this is the Peter Henderson "solo" (with the chamfered holes that Stuart Liddell and Alan Bevan were/are known to play) that predates even the previous model Hardie blackwood that came out 3 years ago and was demonstrated by Margaret Dunn on YouTube. Decided to play an MSRHJ yesterday: M = March = 74th’s Farewell to Edinburgh. Re: Colin Kyo Practice Chanter I have Murray's long laminate pc. I have been using an Abbott reed for slightly more volume. I love mine as well, for all the aforementioned reasons. I have tried a Sinclair Chanter at one time but felt the sound overpowering but would like the idea of a G1 Chanter for a solo chanter because it may tune very easily and work well with the new reeds and have comfortable holes and hole spacing. I’ve never had more fun playing my pipes than when there is a Colin Kyo chanter in the stock. I close the eye of the staple to bring the blades slightly closer together. Colin Kyo Bagpipes. This is a recording of Colin Kyo bagpipes with Canning tenors with the following bass drone reeds in order: 1. These were recorded with the Canning tenors and a Henderson Harmonic Deluxe bass in Colin Kyo bagpipes. ;-) Unf I have a blackwood Colin Kyo chanter in my collection that is about two years old. Much easier to control the band tone for lower grade players. Of course, a Colin Kyo chanter with a Husk reed. These birchwood laminate chanters are no longer in production Jan 17, 2015 · The low-a hole is really far down the chanter (both PC and pipe chanter), which can make birling difficult at times. If new more durable laminates are found perhaps bagpipes will be turned of this material in the future. The Chanter. I can no longer play a birl, so that’s nice. Shipping included with Mar 14, 2010 · Chanter. As someone with a 475 chanter and thinking about getting into competition: is a 480 chanter necessary or as long as I sound in tune it's alright. Athertons are great sounding pipes -- I have heard a set in person. ESSC, ES Session Chanter, The Aluminium, Stainless Chanter in A & B Flat. ) - Homepage - Pekaar's Tune Encyclopedia - Convert BMW to ABC. Jun 18, 2023 · There was just a slight imperfection in the 'Colin Kyo' branding on the chanter which had no effect on performance. The other notes are a given. Michael says he loves the chanter, and I certainly know why, LOL! Murray Huggins, maker of Colin Kyo chanters and pipes did a cool engraving job on the chanter sole to match the engraving on the pipes. Colin Kyo’s actually tune a wee bit higher (well, some of them), so I’ve got tape on my CK low A and the reed pulled out a little to get it down to 480 Hz. Listen in this post and this post. Welcome to McCarthy Highland Services. Here are some images of a birch laminate Colin Kyo chanter that I own (alongside a blackwood chanter with an engraved nickel band for comparison), and some laminate bagpipes Murray turned a few years ago. Tune is the Fair Maid. High G MP3 In addition to trying the MacLellan reed that I disfigured in a Colin Kyo chanter, I also dislodged my favorite solo reed from my favorite solo chanter (gasp, I know) and tried it in the AyrFire chanter. Your Price: $19. I peeled the tape off my chanter and the scale was balanced and in tune right out of the Shop Colin Kyo GHB CHANTER, poly, by Murray Huggins - New in box. Apr 13, 2012 · Another hats off for the Colin Kyo Chanter. Long African Blackwood Practice chanter with Poly Cap, Resin Ivory ferrule and sole. The Colin Kyo chanters are quite polular too. Your Price: $18. Both the top and bottom Here’s a few clips of my carved up Colin Kyo chanter with an Adrian Melvin ridge cut reed. Drone reeds are Kinnaird bass, Colin Kyo tenors in Tim Gellaitry pipes. I started with the Warnock then tried Apps G-3 and Gilmour all with good results. Jan 24, 2018 · Welcome to our workshop. My Shepherd MKII is typically around 476hz +/- 2hz, my Colin Kyo and Peter Henderson usually 478hz but they can pass 480hz depending. Here I am playing a Galician tune: The G1 platinum reed was so impressive in the G1 chanter I wanted to establish a baseline for its performance and try it in a Colin Kyo chanter. strength of reed being the variable. I've played all of Murray's chanters since even before this latest version. He ceased communicating directly with me at that point (well, not counting via nom de plume) so as far as I know his reeds still suffer the same issues as most Jan 17, 2022 · The chanter that came with my pipes (Wallace) doesn't seem to have the high A problem, but the new reeds still screech. Well, I knew I wasn’t going to have much time with them so I recorded as much as I could. e. I’m directly facing the mic for all but the last and I think that finally gives me a good volume balance between drones and chanter with the mic located up above bass drone level in front of me. Recently been deemed as perfect for the Colin Kyo Chanter, this chanter reed also works well in all the common brands of band chanter and Chris has recently made some subtle changes to the design of the Apps Ridge-cut chanter reed to great effect. From 1983 until about 2005 I played an ABW Kintail 1982 chanter, my original solo chanter, which pitched at about 472 Hz. All the more remarkable that it is easy to play AND easy to tune! Take that you giganto-oval-holed McCallums; the Colin Kyo chanter has one up on you (small easy to play chanter holes)! Sep 12, 2015 · My Grade 5 band switched to the McC2 chanter and never looked back. Page first created in January 2, 2010. You can feel the chanter resonate while playing. The pipe chanter is a blackwood Colin Kyo with a Gilmour reed in it that if I had to guess, has 4 chips in it. The JT2s are way easier to break in, the McAllisters are harder reeds, even their easy ones. From 2005 until last year I played an ABW McCallum McC2 chanter which pitched about 474 - 476 Hz. <- My recommendation. Silver, nickel, moose, and artificial ivory optional. My fingers are still adjusting to the different chanter spacing from the Colin Kyo chanter, pardon the slips please. Bigger reed seat on the new chanters. These do not come up often and for good reason. yout The hole spacing is very similar to the CK chanter which is why it is a very comfortable chanter to play. my older Colin Kyo chanters tune at 482 Hz. Very good quality sounding pipe chanter made by Murray Huggins! Without sole is standard. The tape on both chanters is indicative of what was required for the G1 platinum reed; although notice a lot of tape on the G1 chanter isn’t actually covering the hole very much or at all, it’s there just in case. You will agree, the Colin Kyo Bagpipe is among the best hand crafted bagpipes in the world today. Please contact me directly to inquire about the 2024- 2025 timeline. 00 Dunbar Regular Length Poly Practice Chanter $79. Apps, Megarity, G1, Gilmour, all fantastic. Oct 21, 2020 · Re: I Need a Practice Chanter My S/I blackwood chanter from 1986 developed a crack in the top. Still, the material is quite beautiful. ALUMINIUM AND STAINLESS STEEL Mar 31, 2022 · Mine pitches at about 479 - 480 Hz, which matches the pitch my band plays, and I like that range. Reviews of CDs, Music Books, DVDs, etc. Photos below compare the RJM solo chanter (left) next to a Colin Kyo chanter (right), my standard chanter brand. 00 G1 Platinum Pipe Chanter (Poly) $195. . A great all-around chanter! Feb 11, 2020 · Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video! In today's video, Matt Willis Bagpiper reviews and play tests the new Infinity Chanter by R. S = Strathspey = Inverary Castle. Or a poly chanter for the pipe band. 00 Dunbar Elite II Poly Pipe Chanter (Higher Pitch) $169. Yay! I found the finger spread easy to adapt to. " All of Colin Kyo products are made from scratch by Murray Huggins himself. Also some discussion on Brett Tidwell's Facebook page I believe when he posted pictures of the very same. Welcome! – Murray Alan Huggins, Pipemaker Re: Bruce Gandy chanter - reviews? Our band (G5, G4, and G2) switched to poly Gandys this year. I also have a Seivane gaita chanter in Do (C) whose cork-like tenon wrapping fits perfectly into my 1960s Sinclair chanter stock whose drones I have tuned all the way up to concert C (Redwood bass reed, single Colin Kyo tenor reed, other tenor is plugged). I find it no coincidence that John sells “Evo’ Kinnairds” from his online shop along side his G1 chanter and platinum reeds. G1 PLATINUM is the brand new reed from John Practice chanter by Murray Huggins www. Irish Session A student of mine has restarted lessons after a hiatus and brought his Colin Kyo bagpipes back to me to set up for him. Jan 28, 2012 · We spend the weekends at the in-laws place in Humble. Code: CKBWPC1 May 18, 2016 · Re: Reeds for Colin Kyo Chanter Most reeds go well in the Kyo chanter. Murray Huggins’ work is unsurpassed. Re: G1 Gold chanter Yikes that is sharp. I recently got a Colin Kyo Blackwood chanter that is a joy to play, and is the most in tune chanter I have had the pleasure of reeding. The first thing I’ll note is it wasn’t quite as loud in the CK chanter. This chanter can be customised with a nickel or silver band. The Colin Kyo chanter is among the best pipe chanters being made today. Re: Colin Kyo chanter & reed I have the CK chanter in ABW and laminate(and a set of Murrays pipes). I've been struggling to find a reed that brought the pitch up a tad and your's works great. However, when I play my Shepherd band chanter or, better yet, my Colin Kyo solo chanter, I can birl like there's no tomorrow. Both have very nice tones. Donald MacLean’s Farewell to Oban, Captain Colin Campbell, Rejected Suitor – mic chanter side +++++Edit 2016-06-29+++++ Drone reed library has been explored. Blackwood practice chanter with hand engraved sterling silver ferrule, bulb, chanter sole, teardrop mouthpiece and custom shield. What follows are some videos I posted to YouTube recorded with my iPhone. 2020-09-17: Gibson pipes! This is also the first time I will not be playing a Colin Kyo chanter, but the Gibson chanter that came with my new-to-me Gibson R-110-D pipes. Bore dimensions lead me to believe Atherton’s Legacy model is based in the Henderson tradition. ] If you have comments or suggestions about this page, please contact me. There is some strong evidence and opinion to suggest that the chanter stock dimensions may have a significant effect on the sound of your pipes, at least via the chanter and associated harmonics with the drones. Colin KYO ABW chanter, less than 2 years old. behind me. ♦ Good volume. Impressions of the chanter: 1. Perfectly balanced to scale, it is also unusually comfortable and easy to finger. I have a set of Herriot and Allan scottish smallpipes, alas, no keys, a Burleigh 17 key Northumbrian smallpipe, Uilleann pipes by Rogge and O Briain, an armful of Gaitas by great makers, several lovely french bagpipes, a slovakian Duda by Jurag Dufek, several Georgian bagpipes, a Seth Hamon sackpipa, and Highland pipes by pipeline with a Colin Kyo chanter. Rick and his elves did a fantastic job installing a Delrin lining with a threaded mouthpiece into the inside of the cracked blackwood top. Feb 3, 2009 · A Colin Kyo chanter is the most comfortable and well tuned I have ever played. Strathmore, Kron Medalist, and the original, non-MAC-1 MacLellan all sported similarly sized holes to the Kyo if I recall. FAQ's. Forgive the mistakes. Murray does send it with a Walsh reed which works very well. It looks like the holes are all the same. I play a sweep birl, and found it tough to get consistent on the Infinity and the Kyo chanter. Bagpipe chanter tuning; Bagpipe Field Guide; FREE Tune Books; How to tune a pipe corps; Llano Estacado and District Pipe Band (LEAD Pb!!!) Modern Bagpipe Reviews; Modern Chanter Reviews; Modern Drone Reed Reviews; Recordings For Drummers; Single Recording Archive; Transcribing non-bagpipe tunes for the pipes; Tune Lists: 1. Basically, the larger the chanter stock bore, the louder the chanter and the lower the pitch. Kyo Blackwood chanter. Most pipers remove the chanter from its stock and place the chanter in a "dry stock" (also called a "chanter cap") which covers the end of the chanter and protects the reed. Colin's middle name Kyo (keeyo), comes from Yoko's grandfather, Kyozo Asano. The low g is slightly closer than most chanters which for a woman with a small hand is perfect. Ezeedrone, as above, gives a strong smooth bass with ringing tenors over the top. In today's video, I unbox and play test a Colin Kyo poly pipe chanter. Shop. Collapse He’s playing Canning tenors and a Shepherd cane bass, pipe chanter reed has red binding, so I guessed Higgins or MacLellan. Characteristics of this Chanter: ♦ Bright tone. Post navigation ← Gellaitry with Colin Kyo, Naill, and Kron chanters Redwood reeds in Gellaitry pipes → Well, I’ve just about got my wife’s 3/4 John Center pipes going with Selbie reeds, and a Colin Kyo poly chanter. Contact. Very comfortable chanters (only one that is more comfortable is my Colin Kyo) and plenty of sound. Canada's No1 Source for your Highland Gear Dec 29, 2024 · Colin Kyo poly bagpipe chanter sound sample Colin Kyo Blackwood Pipe Chanter with Silver Band $555. It is a beautiful chanter to play, requires very little tape and holes Love the photos. g. This chanter can be customised with a plain or hand engraved ring or sole in nickel or silver. I have smallish hands and a pinky issue as well (though different from yours) and I can get good birls on both chanters (slightly better on the Colin Kyo than the Gandy). Birls were tough. The lower grade bands (at least the G4) have G1 Platinum reeds and the G2 has, I believe, Chesney reeds. The current model pitches 476 - 482 with an Apps reed. 00 The playing isn’t that great because this was the 3rd time I’ve practiced in a month, and it was pretty sparse before that; oh well. Interesting to see which notes contain what harmonics. It came in right at 480 Hz for me. Murray is a fine player and knows what a bagpipe should sound like, which is why his chanter is also a great chanter, different from any other you’ll play, no doubt. What follows is my experience with Colin Kyo pipes. Murray prides himself on the fact that he does everything in the production of a Colin Kyo instrument including metal forming, silver engraving and turning. View Images. Mic is drones side, i. Below you’ll find a picture of the Atherton right next to said Colin Kyo. I make each pipe chanter sole with a solid ring so that they will not dent should the piper accidentally strike it against a hard surface. Hardie & Aug 30, 2017 · The two recordings below are EXACTLY the same setup (Chris Terry drones, Redwood tenor reeds, X-TREME bass reed, the SAME John Elliott chanter reed {Sound Supreme, not G1}, L&M hide bag, same recording session, same original mp3 file, and the same standing position as best as I could remember) except one was recorded using a poly Colin Kyo Characteristics from School of Piping review: Warm Tone Good Volume True Scale Stable piobaireachd high G Good stability Easy to reed and recommended to pipers at any level. Tied in a large Begg sheepskin bag. Click the image for a bigger version. It’s not a bad reed, I haven’t had a lot of time on one. Colin Kyo Poly Pipe Chanter (Solo Version) The Colin Kyo pipe chanter is a soloist's dream come true. From now on my CK chanters will be fitted with Shepherd reeds. com forums at the moment that is a review of Bb chanters. The finger spacing is really comfortable and the sound is very good. HOME. Below is a photo with the Shepherd MK 3 on the left, Aurora JM in the middle, and a Colin Kyo on the right. It has a lovely sound. Runic. Easy to reed and vibrant, this chanter is great!How to Hemp Playlist: https://www. Jan 30, 2020 · Re: Solo chanter Naturally, you'll get a gazillion opinions! What you're playing is an outstanding combination. First on is my D. Uncarved. I've wanted to own a G1 but their high pitch has stopped me. Below is an image of a Peter Henderson blackwood (left), Shepherd MK3, and a Colin Kyo. Colin Kyo polypenco chanter made by Murray Huggins in the USA. ♦ True scale. We enjoy working together to bring you the finest in pipe making. ♦ Stable Dec 18, 2024 · Very nice chanter, great condition, communication was good, a no drama purchase, slow shipping time was no fault of seller, no problem buying from seller again Colin Kyo Poly Pipe Chanter (#176730855747) I know the original chanter has smaller holes but also that it is very loud from what I’ve heard. It is pretty much plug and play and I find mine doesn't ever need any tape. 00 There is currently a wait list. I’ve been scouring the web for more information about the Colin Kyo chanter. Mar 15, 2018 · The Kyo is a fantastic easy to reed chanter as well, and it has the added benefit of having some of the closest hole spacing on any bagpipe chanter so it's very comfortable to play and easy to play well. com Murray Huggins recommended your new reed design for his Colin Kyo chanters and he was right. Colin Kyo - Laminate Chanter Perfect Condition – one of the most comfortable and easy to set-up chanters I’ve played. Then I tried an old favorite and I think it is an outstanding fit for Murrays' chanters. Husk reeds are very nice too. Burden of Innocence and Happy Days – a tragic tune followed by a happy tune Dec 2, 2021 · Colin Kyo poly pipe chanter 12-02-2021, 01:49 PM My Piping Blog (recordings, articles, reviews, etc. The chanter is priced under retail, without the The product you selected is currently unavailable. Slow airs are taken over several orientations relative to the mic so you get a feel for chanter drone blend. I like to wet my reed prior to playing. Close. Blackwood with a mastodon ivory sole to go with my 1915 J & R Glen drones. Very thin overall, and the holes are small and closely spaced. Sep 11, 2019 · It is common when referring to a bagpipe’s pitch to quote the frequency at which low A tunes, e. However Naill, Shepherd, and the Peter Henderson solo chanter are far from cumbersome. I have one and put in a Gilmour reed and it sounds spectacular. I've used them in Naill chanters, McCallum chanters, and Inveran chanters, and my brother's tried them out in a Colin Kyo chanter. Apr 25, 2011 · Re: chanter for small hands Might I suggest what might seem like an underdog, a chanter from good ol' Sweden: The Littorin (Rolf of Sweden) pipe chanter. Re: Reed recommendations for a Colin Kyo chanter Murray recommends the new Apps ridge cut. This latest iteration has me running Kron Standard drones (because they’re the flattest AND most accommodating drones), Ross Omega drone reeds (due to their inherent customization) fitted to brass tubing reed extenders, laminate Colin Kyo chanter with some putty in the E and C# holes to tune them correctly to G drones (super flat because E Reluctantly up for sale is a Colin Kyo Blackwood Pipe Chanter. An award winner, the chanter sings with bright electric energy. Mine was the very opposite of bad luck. Older chanters will likely come in around 481 on a mild day, newer ones will come in around 478 Hz. Actually, everything about this setup is different than all my others. The Colin Kyo bagpipe celebrates exceptional tonal quality and masterful workmanship. Colin Kyo poly chanter and Husk reed, no surprises there for regular readers. To view engraving designs click here. Bright & resonant. I had this sent over from America couple of years back. Feb 8, 2019 · Playing my brand new Colin Kyo full silver set. There’s a thread on the bobdunsire. In an unmodified CK chanter the bottom hand comes off too sharp because the reed can’t be sunk enough to bring the top hand up sharp enough. Thank you for submitting your review. Colin Kyo Blackwood Practice Chanter $249. 00: Sale Price: No Price: Prod. Price does not include Practice Chanter reed. MacPherson’s (Kinnaird tenors, Rocket bass, band chanter) with a couple jigs, the second composed by EJ Jones that I transcribed from his album “The Willow”. Murray's drones are awesome. YMMV 😉 Colin Kyo (early Henderson) – (tenors) good reeds for this bagpipe – I have used Canning tenors as heard here and in the other recordings in this post. Drone reed experiments ultimately led to the use of an X-TREME bass drone reed alongside regular Ezeedrone tenor reeds. Post navigation ← Ackland Prototype Drone Reeds in the Terry Pipes May 2019 Tune of the Month: The Rusty Gulley → Jun 25, 2019 · So, it didn't even tune to Bb. Over the past few years I've settled into Chesney Warnock reeds for all three chanters. That said, of your choices, I'd go with the Colin Kyo and stay with the G1 Platinum. R = Reel = Rejected Suitor. It has a wonderful tone, perfectly balanced scale and is by far the most comfortable pipe chanter to finger that I have ever played (in particular the bottom hand). Related to techniques, to the instrument, to the components, to maintenance. New model. Colin Kyo poly pipe chanter. He used to recommend Melvin. H = Hornpipe = Lucy Cassidy. All Colin Kyo products are designed and handcrafted by Murray Huggins himself. Each one is handmade by Murray Huggins www. Melvin bagpipe chanter reed; Melvin bagpipe chanter reed . Too many chanters laying about, more to come. Bagpipe Chanter Reeds; G1 Platinum Chanter Reed; Thank you for submitting your review. A nice blackwood chanter for solo gigs or competitions. J = Jig = Braes of Mellenish (didn’t go so well) msrhj New chanter on the left, old chanter on the right. Your chanter lives up to all my expectations. A Mar 25, 2011 · [This review first appeared in its original form in the Fall 2009 issue of WUSPBA Words & Music. Same pitch as my band blackwood Colin Kyo chanter. Price: $425. I'll be very anxious to try Shawn's new reeds. 266036142860 May 4, 2012 · This is a novice's (me) attempt at MacIntosh's banner with a Colin Kyo laminate chanter and pre-production Husk chanter reed. In all, the Colin Kyo chanter has made playing more enjoyable for me these last several years. 197. For the drone sounds we have in order: Re: Colin Kyo Pipe Chanters Several good threads just recently on this very subject. I have a bit of a loyalty to Troy and their McAllisters and JT2s - I like their reeds a lot. A community for pipers, drummers, and enthusiasts of the Scottish Great Highland bagpipe, Smallpipes, Border pipes, or any other bagpipes of the world Colin Kyo polypenco chanter made by Murray Huggins in the USA. www. Thinking of doing piobaireachd if possible next year. 2016 Colin Kyo Bagpipes & Chanter Review Awesome pipes Congratulations! The pipes played are my Colin Kyo bagpipe with Ezee tenors and short inverted Ezee bass. $335 USD. The chanter has a bright, clear and true scale. His current chanter is a very nice instrument in every way. EJ is a Oh yeah, pipes are 1950’s Henderson’s with Crozier Cane tenors and Colin Kyo bass on a Monarch medium swan neck bag, Crisler adjustable blowstick, and a TrueFit cover. Could be. I’m playing my Gellaitry pipes with Kinnaird drone reeds and my blackwood Colin Kyo chanter with a Gilmour reed. Testimonials on the Colin Kyo Bagpipes and Pipe Chanters I can't tell you how happy I am with the Laminate pipe chanter you have sent me. ckpipes. Sep 15, 2015 · Since I play a Colin Kyo chanter, I ordered a PC from Murray and it feels far more substantial than any other due to the weight of the poly top that will never crack. Due to their low cost, Korg chromatic tuners are often used to tune bagpipes (at least the drones anyway). You can hear a set here (from this post) and also here where I use Colin Kyo drone reeds . They are both taped up for Husk reeds. Yoko and I hand craft Highland bagpipes and sterling bagpipe fittings. Still got 2 I haven't gotten to in the box. I see people recommending Kyo, which is a solo chanter as well. The foot has a rounder shape on the new chanters. Laminate Colin Kyo chanter with moose sole. The 4 reeds I ordered are all matched perfectly in strength and pitch. ) - Homepage - Pekaar's Tune Encyclopedia - Convert BMW to ABC Jan 9, 2015 · Below you’ll find 3 recordings, 2 with the drones pointed at the microphone and 1 chanter side to help you get a better idea of the relative volumes. Although the Gael is a 470 Hz chanter (not 466 Hz Bb), it is the first to be reviewed and a direct comparison is made in one post between the Gael and McC2 chanters. More. Maybe I need to get my another set of Evolution Kinnairds to match the chanter/reed volume better (this is a solo setup). Very comfortable fingering, easier on the low hand than many chanters I have tried There are certainly many great choices for chanters out there. Apr 29, 2019 · Pipes are all Colin Kyo, Husk chanter reed. Chanter Stock. In most locales, a chanter reed will develop mold more quickly if the chanter is left attached to the bag when not in use. The range of motion will not take the reed from all the way in to all the way out. Jun 26, 2021 · Dale was unable to do that for me for Colin Kyo or Shepherd chanters (about 8 reeds total iirc) before I brought it up publicly (I think asking you) what you did to get yours to work. I then play the reed for a year. I would definitely consider a Kyo chanter in a Bflat or 470ish version. That said, so are Kyos, and Matt still plays a set. I’ve been playing the same Gilmour, straight cut Sound Supreme, and Husk in my Kyo chanters for years now, though I’m still playing his older profile chanters. I especially love how easy it is to tune the Kyo chanter. The holes in general, in comparison to other chanters, make it very easy to play. One of the reasons I like the Colin Kyo chanter so much is regardless of how much tape I've had to put on high G or how dry the reed was, I can't recall ever a point at which it would squeal on high G grace note on low A. No carving or cracks, like new. I just wanted to confirm that he made the chanter which I had bought from someone else I didn't ask him for a replacement, he simply made me another perfect one at no charge. com is run by AMAZON-02 and is located in USA. This 2019 design is hand crafted with ease of playing in mind. It is a beautiful chanter to play, requires very little tape and holes Sterling pipe chanter band. Very nice chanter, his workmanship is superb. This page last updated Friday, March 25, 2011. I tried 9 sets of drone reeds in them (sans chanter) and did a couple tunes too. You’ll recognize the background as the same room I recorded my Online Bagpipe Competition submissions in. Nov 11, 2014 · It is a tunable chanter because there is a dial, or rheostat-oid thing, that you turn on the outside of the chanter that moves the chanter reed up and down in the reed seat without having to remove the chanter. If you play a regular length PC you'll probably like the Infinity chanter. You’ll notice the Aurora has a longer spread between the D and E holes, but the spread on each hand is normal, the same as the Shepherd, slightly longer than the Kyo. I know this chanter sounds superb with a ridge-cut reed, but with the Gilmour it also sounds amazing. I struggled with other chanters to close that last hole, much less a burl. xqnfc wbmdu wksyvf habidk bctxju btikb anjg rtvms viphq atqtih