Eazybi column width. I am trying to get Integer Value.

Eazybi column width Speedydgon January 9, 2020, 4:57pm 4. We get the exact data-results we are looking for, but was wondering if there is a way to alter how the table / report is displayed, in a way that would be effective for the audiences using Confluence. Select dimensions across which you would like to analyze your data But my coworkers would like to have dimensions in columns. Calculated measure and code below used to get comma separated list of subtasks: – Good Morning How does one create a ‘totals’ column that can be filtered when there’s multiple columns to drill into? This is also useful to display a label on the chart and be able to hide the symbol, and also where the number of rows are very high and you only want the top x number or values >100 for example. We would appreciate adding this to your back We only define the fixVersion at the Epic level. I know there is a function CoalesceEmpty but can not figure out where to place in the custom field CASE WHEN --represent only for Total Status and avoid dividing by zero [Status]. So I would like to highlight the duplicate entries in the entire column using cell formatting which I’m unable to do I tried so many regex but unfortunately that doesnt seem to work. Right now I am using the attached graph from Excel but I would like to be able to automate this report so that I do not have to extract the data every two weeks. Fixed exact value conditional formatting for empty values. issues resolved before Jan 28 1804×1112 281 KB. I Is it possible to get an Issue Property to display only once per row, instead of duplicating for each column? Not sure, I’m describing it correctly - but in the screenshot below; I’d like to see ‘Issue Type’ only once instead of having it Currently, eazyBI doesn’t have an integration with the iDalko Table Grid Editor custom fields. Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to create a heatmap for cell formatting that can compare data across all cells, instead of just within a row or column. Vertical column headers. 0 / Released Nov 07, 2022 New in this release: New Jira custom field advanced import options dialog. Here is the Situation: We have a capacity of 100 story points in a project. I have a query in re-ordering the columns in a table visual. Dimensions are alternative worlds, Measures are a number of worlds ; Measures are a collection of Anything moved to the Rows and Columns will be visible as headers . For more details you may check out: documentation: Calculated measures. Hi, I have a report for which I need to group 2 column of specific Value (Tempo Activity in this case) (see below print screen - columns SILK5 + SILK8 into a new column) I tried calculated field, but could not get the Hi. ; Additional time tracking measures for o riginal estimated hours and hours spent. 1) Hi, im trying to create a report with the payroll i get the billed hours and need to multiple with the hour tax of each customer. level name explained 1852×928 116 KB. calculatedmembers. I need to add an additional column to the report to track “Cumulative value of column A / Cumulative value of column B”. The default % calculation feature returns the % of the row as opposed to the total. Hi, I have a numerical field in JIRA called ‘Cumplimiento Real’ and it saves values like 98. Best, Zane / support@eazyBI. I’ve created a calculated measure called TotalAvg. To ilustrate it, look at this example: Worker 1 has logged 10 hours, so Watch step-by-step training videos on how to get started with eazyBI: main concepts, data import, report creation millimeters, etc, Dimensions are height, depth, and width. 11. We are using tempo timesheets for recording time and are measuring the original estimate, timespent and remaining estimate as well as forecasting the final hours (timespent + remaining hours) We are using the hierarchy of project → epic → story → subtask and the hours should rollup up: Story hours = hours on the story + How to change order of columns AND show issues from ACTIVE SPRINT and PAST SPRINT in the report? Questions & Answers. Upvote from me too! I would I need help filtering between 2 columns in my eazybi report. The first step would be selecting the Sprint dimension in the report rows. 9 KB. Could someone help me ? Regards. eazyBI Community Total column calculation. image 1537×297 13 KB But what I am getting in the EazyBi table is all those options being shown in a single column separated by comma. Time required: 20 minutes. This is possible only via edit mode. Whenever I try to use the Overview In this example, JIRA has custom field Cost Center and a file with a budget for each Cost Center per month. Improved gauge width calculation to enable showing of more gauge items in one row. This field should show the total and possibly the average for the “Time in Tier 2” field. Tiago_Santiago February 8, 2021, 4:35pm 3. This allows you to explore other dimensions (including the Issue dimension) and add any additional data you need in your report. I want to create a seperate report that gives me a count of each of the following: New Measure “Number of Milestones” = Count of Issue due date NOT Empty New Measure “Number Forecasting Late” = Count of Gap (Due-Forecast Days) NOT Empty New Measure “Number Past Due” = Count of I have two fields from 2 different projects that contain text. in time dimensioin - I need to get the total of a single column (in my case, Hours Spent) and get to know the percentage of the different users that have logged hours. Use data type "text" in source data mapping. Unlikely it Hide only empty rows or only empty columns in report builder; Dash line option for line charts; Improved individual measure stacked option selection for stacked bar, line and timeline charts; Improved data label positioning in bar and line charts; Bug fixes: Fixed eazyBI initialization errors on latest Java 7 versions Hello, I have the following report which is a graphical representation of issues for each gate (from Gate 1 to Gate 9). It is built on epics, which are grouped by team. I need help filtering between 2 columns in my eazybi report. Aggregate How can I apply a filter on this column, without losing the group “all issues” or “B2B” (since it has a sum and i use that sum as a gauge) In this case, i can no Martins / eazyBI support. joey October 7, 2020, 2:26pm 3. Welcome to the eazyBI community! To add a measure that is not drilled by Time, while “Hours spent” is still drilled, do the following: Temporary remove the Time dimension from the report Attempting to format an Hours Spent With Sub-Tasks column with a background of red when the issue Status-Category is “To Do” and Hours spent with sub-tasks is greater than 0. Good morning. Use them wisely and your reports may become pieces of art with different layers of information. I was hoping to find a Hi, I have a numerical field in JIRA called ‘Cumplimiento Real’ and it saves values like 98. 0. eazyBI Community How to display list of issues in table. eazyBI advanced settings are defined using the TOML format. ; Select this measure to focus on just one of the measures in the report and remove the rest of the measures (if many I have a table with two columns, A and B. Vishal_Dey March 19, 2020, 8:01pm 3. Alsu_Zaynutdinova November 21, 2022, 10:29am 3. And the report is created like this. Similarly added a column to the report to compute cumulative value of column B. In “Pages’”, we have added “Closed Reason”, and highlighted Select members -> “All Closed Reason”. training video explaining how tuples work In this article, I will show a few tips and tricks on how it is possible to format the measures. I am trying to get Integer Value. Syntax. Hi everyone! 💫 For eazyBI for Jira Cloud users with Organization or Product admin rights in your Jira instance. My colleague Zane discusses this exact topic in her I have constructed the below table to track the running total of the number of Jira Bugs created and resolved over time. Select projects and tasks on rows and in columns select at least two date columns for the task start date and end date. Why is my total column not adding all the 5 instances? Thanks, Vishal. The third column is intended to track the total number of unresolved Bugs on that date. 6. eazyBI Community Hide Calculated Column results, etc. Hi , I have 2 different types of projects: QA Projects where testing is done (Test executions are the focus) Main Projects where the business identifies requirements (Stories are the focus) I want to see issues that are missing a QA Assignee for the specified issue type based on the project name in the current row. Harsh January 26, 2024, 1:54am 1. I can Vertical column headers. Now, we need to visualize, for each gate, the issues by each Discipline, which is, again, kept into the Label field. • I have a column chart with two separate Y axes, so that I can control how measures are stacked. How can I do this? It would be great to be able to set a custom display name for a column in a report. Please have a look at the full list of the Jira apps eazyBI has integration out of the box on the eazyBI documentation page - Data from Jira apps. I also need Studio as a column, though I don’t need to sort by it. My ultimate objective is to create a Gauge chart that references how many contents, multiple teams in my organization, currently have in regards to how many we want each team to have by a specified date. Name Th Hi @Mary,. (Rows values: 5,3,2,5,2 => current total=17, but I want it to be: Fixed parsing of invalid dates in custom column mapping. Also, you can check my presentation about this topic here: All Paws on Deck: Discover Data Mapping. The report have to look something like the image below (I’ve used the Components List, I would like to merge both tables into 1 new table + add a calculation column to this table (for example divide value from column X with value from column Y Tuple constructions are very handy in the eazyBI reports. with the below measure it gives me True for the columns with “Diamond”. I have added ‘Issue’ as dimension and created a calculated measure named ‘Serial Number’ using the Rank function, The serial number column is generated without issues. [Type]. Hi I have a table with each record as a JIRA issue, and my columns have some x score. I’m trying to map the data so that I can sort by First Round End Date. This baseline count is gradually compared with later stages of project progress to track: o Burning of story points o Story points newly added – count and percentage Fit width shows the less gradual selection where all the first start date and the last end date of any row fit in the screen. Now 67 in each row is calculated against the second column ‘Story Points created’ and the result is displayed in the fourth column ‘Capacity Avl’. Home Vertical column headers. They default to be ordered by rank it looks like, but I would like to group the epics by team, and then sort by Yes, it is a pretty neat feature to have time in rows and as a filter. I know eazyBI_issue_key 1076×716 97. chrischarles2002 March 6, 2019, 3:13pm 4. Improved storing and display of import warnings. With this example is shows false as containing “Diamond”. Here is an updated formula with suggested change: CASE Sure thing, you can use the “Transition to assignee” measure to see which issues have had your selected user as the Assignee. Many times the viewers of a report are much more sensitive to the Jira-specific terminology and having customization capability would be very helpful. I have to filter rows where Target Start is not EMPTY. strojna. Set the start date as the first column and the end date after that [3]. Then choose the measures “Issues Hi, Need help in exporting reports based on below requirement: Release Metrics: Baseline (otherwise named for committed story points) is the constant value taken after our project planning session. 1 KB. I get a result and the report as I wanted, except that the value of “Issue Pipeline How do I customize the total of columns. Suppose you want to see all the statuses in the columns. pdf Hi All, I have a scenario where we need to display the Test execution details for a Sprint with respect to Cycle Names. Our leadership would like to see a single number for all of our teams. Hi Is there a Martins / eazyBI team. At first, you need to find out Jira custom field ID. The option of the vertical header will appear automatically when the report width exceeds the size of the report design dashboard area, and the horizontal scrollbar will show up. I have also a Grouped calculated measure with a tuple returning all open issues belonging to Project A and all issues belonging to Area How can we configure the gantt chart in EazybI and give colour coding based on dates and not on %(Completion or resolved). DateDiffDays ( [Measures]. How do i do this? Hi there! Is there a way to use Measures in both rows and columns at the same time? I have a table with various members from an Area dimension as rows, and various calculated Measures as columns: This works great. In this table we can see for each employee on each day if there is 1 or 0,5 day of vacation entered. I’m trying to create a gantt chart which shows the time spend of each Issue in an Epic in a specific column of their board. I have an issue that may, or may not, have a subtask with a specific subtask type on it. I have a manual report that I want to build in EazyBi. Field “Closed Reason” can be “Software”, “Hardware” etc. I Hi, I currently have the following setup: Columns: Measures - Issue History and Transition Status - several statuses. Report Definition is below { “cube_name”: “Issues”, “cube_reports”: [ { “name”: “LDC Build KPI Overview - (TEST 3) Hi. nisha March 21, 2022, 6:28am 9. eazyBI Community Display multiple issue if it was possible to have Cells from a Column formatted as clickable HTML hyperlinks based on the value of another Column for use in an EazyBi Table Report. -> A & Condition1 & Two = 15 ( Three Condition ) Please Give me a Guide :slight_smile: Hi. So i want to create a column with a basic logic, if the logged by was (name of user) then 100, after multiple this 100 with billed hours i was trying that = CASE WHEN [Logged by]. In the Rows section I added Time, and I made a filter to show issues between 2 weeks ago and today. For the number of issues with “Yes” in Test Data Created/Available the formula could look similar to the one below: ([Measures]. Let’s make an example with a JIRA board structured with 4 statuses: TO DO | DEVELOPMENT | TESTING | DONE. I have all these projects with an initial budget and a final value. Either there are some Done issues or there are 0 Done issues. Measures are on report columns by default and all available dimensions are grouped in the Dimensions section. I am trying to do a similar thing. 0 Regards, eazyBI Community Mapping column with custom diemnstion. I want to show average of all records at the bottom. What I want is to obtain the TOTAL of initial budget, final and availibity. Hello, When clicking on “Drill Through Issue” from my EazyBI reports, it displays all relevant JIRA tasks but there’s only one column describing the number of the tasks. Hi @Amzad, I recommend removing both Drag dimensions to columns and rows. CurrentHierarchymember. e. If I add the “total” row, I get the results (at the end of the report) but i have to expand all the projects. ConstantColumnValue(Value_Expression) Arguments. Could you please advise how to achieve this in eazyBI? Thank Hi, Could we not map a column with a custom dimension with multiple value when importing from SQL to issues cube? Eaezy BI Version: 5. I’ve imported Insight data to eazyBI to be able to compare two different columns (host name & server name). Members, Hi @scv. So in this instance I’m looking at tickets for October, but the Welcome to the eazyBI Community! If you want to merge both highlighted columns, you can define a new calculated member in “Found By” dimension with the formula below. However, I want the measure to be Hi there, I am new to EazyBI and am trying to create a report that has Story name as Rows and then has Number of Subtasks and Subtask status as columns. This should provide you with a list of all issues where the selected user was the Assignee. The problem is not very complex, but I still can’t figure it out. I also create a “availablity” field. The first column [2] is used to calculate the color intensity for each region. We imported it as a measure in eazybi with : [jira. Users have flat rates in a seperate file. 5, 90. Select dimension containing region and country two-letter codes [1] on rows and necessary measures on columns. • A viewer of the chart can select a filter representing the scrum team (i. Is there a way to display these values Hello I Create a report (table ) , rows contains fix versions , but i need to displqy in column issues list of every fix version. Then, there are another 2 columns that I need to add and get the total too. There is a workaround on how to import each column as a multi-value dimension. Hello @Gustavo_Mariano Welcome to eazyBI community! To change the heading, I recommend defining a new calculated member in the particular dimension and apply the required name “Regular hours” Here is an example I created in the Label dimension Then select the created member, to show it in the report. I am happy it worked! Property “Issue type” shows the issue current issue type, while the only measure used in the report (except properties) seems to be related to the changed issue type. There are filters made to see only the months that interest us and then we can filter by team and by employee if necessary. Sometimes it is required to do a nested sorting: Sort per one column, and then a secondary sort per another column. Problem is that, when i put dimension named Month of expected in column i get wrong results (look on screanshot). How could I do? Thank Below the definition of the report. The Hello @Kyung_Park, Thanks for posting your question! While this functionality isn’t available with the “Drill through issue” feature, I recommend using the “Drill across” option. The sorting must remain in the report. I do not want to show completed issues in OQS as well as others. eazyBI Community Report Formatting. [User] then 100 Hi, i am new with EazyBi in Jira. [Issues created], [Test Data Created/Available]. Example where this feature would be: Hello, I’m trying to create a Velocity chart that includes data from multiple projects but presented as one number based on the issue type. Always the ‘Issue’ (dimension) Hi! I’m currently testing EazyBi as reporting tool for my company. To ilustrate it, look at this example: Worker 1 has logged 10 hours, so it’s 10% of the total Hours spent Worker 2 has logged 20 hours, so it’s 20% of the total Hours spent Worker 3 has logged 70 hours, so it’s 70% of the total This is more of a cosmetic issue from a Newbie. 1 Like. Show eazyBI Latest News on the Home page. I’m brand new to eazyBI and trying to figure out how I can add a value from an issues subtask as a column in my report. change dashboard order. The priorities are Blocker, Critical, Major; Blockers are shown as lowest layer, then Critial above and on top I’m creating multiple reports, and need to have a column that shows the Project Name that is associated with the Rows. If you expect to compare dates, you can use regular expressions to extract and parse the date from string value and then use date functions (like “DateCompare”, “DateBetween” etc) to compare dates and return the custom string as Hi community! I have a report that shows certain tickets and then does a count on certain fields basically to find out which tickets are missing the field values. However, I want to change it when I selected only one column status. plume i tried what you have above and i have sprints that are repeating. Questions & Answers. @janis. I would like the order to reflect the “logical” order of the Jira flow. Switch to the Bar chart. Hi I have a report that has a single row output but many columsn. To track our progress, we created a google sheet with information about these “clients” (here listed under “organisation”: We would like to import that table in eazybi and create a bar chart with all the Hello, I am new to eazyBI So I have the table at the moment, I computed the total (last row) There is a built-in option Total that lets you generate and display the total of Rows and Columns in the report. as in the Gantt chart, start and end dates still have to be side by side in columns, and then other information, including milestones, would follow. But, I need the serial number column to be the first column, but I am not able to drag it to the left most position. Martins / eazyBI support. Its a stacked timeline. One of the columns is the date the issue was closed. The report keeps forcing the table to sort by Product alphabetically even though the data source is pre-sorted. , that custom field is configured as one of the Hello people I am using 2 columns. For example, I have created a test cube with this data. You can see the custom field ID when you hover over the custom field name in the eazyBI import settings. I want the second dimension result to be shows in the table format side by side. pdf Hi, Could we not map a column with a custom dimension with multiple value when importing from SQL to issues cube? Eaezy BI Version: 5. In eazyBI, there are two interesting ways on how to format measures to get a different appearance. I have a report that calculates the percentage of work completed but I want to show zero where appropriate. Please help me to solve this. Remove the “Time” dimension from the report. When we use show totals of rows, everything looks ok except this 67, the total Automatically scale table reports and Gantt charts to full width in Confluence page PDF exports. We want to count number of specific value of “Closed Reason” over time interval. gif 1367×811 818 KB. Also if i add TOTAL of ROWS, i can not see it. The column has multiple names considering “x,y,z,a,b,c”. [Issues last All eazyBI for Jira eazyBI for Confluence Private eazyBI ConstantColumnValue Calculates the value only once per report execution per each column and stores those values in the cache. com Hello. I want to create a pie chart with the What I plan on doing is to show these ‘options’ in separate columns and have a ‘tick’ icon on them for the ones that were selected while issue creation. Renato_Rodrigues April 3, 2020, Janis, eazyBI support. 1), and second is a Custom format with which you can I have created a roadmap view using the Bar Chart view in eazyBI. You can apply the “Filter rows” → “> 0” filter to this column and then remove it (the filter will still be active). The option of the vertical header will appear automatically when the report width exceeds the size of the report I would like to be able to control column width so I can have all column show on the screen without having to go to the bottom of the page without scrolling. Move the Sprint dimension on report columns and select all three new members Current Sprint, Last two sprints, and Last 6 sprints. Any thoughts? moreover, column C will have negative numbers as well. You would like to use CoalesceEmpty function for this. [Total Status] AND ([Measures]. I would like another column in this table that tells me which Fiscal Year and Quarter (FYYYY QQ) it was closed in as How can I add the Jira project name into a column in an EazyBI report? I realize that I can parse data by dragging the Project dimension to the Pages, but I have a tabular report with issues from multiple projects and need to have a column just for the project name. I can only use a cumulative At first, create a report which has actual value as the first column and then min value, max for green, max for yellow, max value (max for red) as four additional columns: And then switch to Gauge chart tab: Hi @Amzad,. Updated several library dependencies to the latest versions without known vulnerabilities. [P0] ) 6. I’m currently using: [Project}. 24 586×505 52. It can be useful when each row of the same column should use the same result of the calculation. ; New Tempo Timesheet Status and Timesheet I have a column in eazyBI which consist of numbers like (123456,678768) each of this in the string format. 7 KB. customfield_17571] data_type = “decimal” In a report, we would like to get the pipeline value based on other dimensions as the issue type. If you ever wonder if you are using all of the Issue Types and Issue Type schemes in your Jira and would like to find the unused ones, here’s a rather simple solution that will result in dashboards like this: Disclaimer: In instances with a large number of Projects Hello eazyBi community! Apologies if this question has already been addressed in this forum but I could not find the right answer. I’ve tried a measure with the following code, but it just converted the empty cells to 0 for the rows and columns that were already shown. eazyBI for Jira macros for publishing eazyBI reports and dashboards from Jira application links. Fixed Gantt chart rendering with additional dimensions in columns. But I don’t know how to use Row, Column Value ( Condition ). However, I want the measure to be marked True even with a column showing “Diamond,Triangle,Square”. For eg, I want report with only 4 rows from Transportation Sub-Portfolio. First is our newest formatting option, Text->Markdown (available on Cloud and starting from the eazyBI version 6. CurrentHierarchyMember,[Logged by]. cell formatting 2028×1194 198 KB. For eg, I want Portfolio Management - eazyBI&#39; @ 2018-05-04-1652&#39;07. If needed I can create a separate row/column. They are actually two attributes of object Volume in insight. image 1004×686 92. When we drill the Tes I have a report that I want to get a total and average of how many days transpired between Tier 2 Start Time and Tier 2 End Time over a month or more. any Hi @PJohansson, Welcome to the eazyBI community! If you have distinct issues on the report rows, the figure you want to see might be described as follows. Name This works when I’m only filtered/selecting one project. It should look something like this: Hi, I have a numerical field in JIRA called ‘Cumplimiento Real’ and it saves values like 98. If that subtask Hello, I have a question because its not clear for me. Status is displayed as rows and Test execution count is displayed as Column. Hello, I have a report with 3 columns : New feature, Bug and Version Date i have several line for which : only the version date is filled the version date and New feature are filled The version date and Bug is filled The 3 columns are filled So, I would like to know how to remove the row where the date is empty and having : the version date and New feature are filled The Hi, Can anyone tell me how to get this done in EazyBI? I am trying to coming issue created date and Due date. Any gui Hi folks! The following attachments are the exported definitions to create the sources and the reports and dashboards to have the data configurations of Jira that were presented in the eazyBI Community Days Hi, is there any way to hide the drop-down which have been createdbased on the selected dimensions as pages? In my case the selection are very reduced and to condense the tables I’d like to hide those drop-downs if the report is Interact with a measure name. You need to reset the Time dimension when checking if the issue has the specific date field filled with We will be using eazyBI in JIRA-Cloud to publish several reports & any ideas on how to hide that “User_Totals” column? eazyBI Community Hide Calculated members titles, Column results, etc. In that case, you can do without calculations. Resolved issues with due dates on range chart - Issues - Jira Demo Issue due date). Hi @popovsa88. 4 When I try to represent this value as a percentage in EazyBI is shown like this: [eazyBIPercentage] If I divide th Is there a way to order the status columns in the ‘Columns’ measurement section? What you see are the statuses as I get them by entering the ‘Status’ field in the column section of the eazyBI report. Meaning the highest first, lowest last. Nested Sort - per multiple columns. It is possible to change the table report to show the column headers vertically. Can someone please help me with this. Fields that have a when i try to add two dimensions in a column the report looks as below in the screenshot. As attached in the below screen shot in OQS in overdue issues, issues with status completed are also coming up, whereas in others there are not. You can learn more about defining calculated members here - I have a report from JIRA that shows the number of bugs in certain Priorities over time. They are the same field and i want to show the results in one column, how do i create a custom measure that adds them together (one of the columns will always be blank). sorted by sprint name and end date 1904×1200 227 KB. I recommend removing both dimensions from the report columns and defining new calculated measures instead. 0 Regards, Hi, I created a DateDiffDays measure that make difference between two dates. [Issues created], [Priority]. I am looking into one of your reports from Demo Account (Sprint issue balance, screenshot attached) and I am wondering how you managed to group the measures while stacking. I want separate column for each value of custom field . counter 2206×1122 157 KB. For example, I want the total of the columns to be always “5” even though the sum of all the columns is differnt than 5. If there is no issue for the cell “0” should be displayed. ewa March 6, 2019, 9:12am 2. In that column of Priority I want the total, instead of issuetype breakup. Can it be implemented like this? I implemented it like this in the pages, but the state doesn’t appear. Thanks in advance Regards, Swapna Martins / eazyBI. Theoretically this calculation would be: Last Value(Cumulative bugs created) - Last Value(Cumulative bugs resolved) The calculation for the Unresolved bugs Hi I’m new to EasyBI, and am finding it powerful. 3. All Tickets; Type search criteria and Is there a way to set maximum column width in the results grid? I'd like to set it to only X characters displayed and then click the view button to see the full text if I want. ; Search projects and categories in Jira import options; show only selected or all projects. png 1905×1760 245 KB. [Yes]) Now, in the second column, all the issue keys should be displayed. The field I want to check are filled out are date/time fields. I have found the following code online that will create a column and then list the status of subtasks separated by a comma. You may add measure “Issues created” in the report columns - then value 1 would be shown in the row with the issue current issue type (and it must be the same Hi, I did a report to see my company’s vacation planning with reference to the data entered on Tempo. Hi, Welcome to the eazyBI community! In eazyBI you can compare fields using MDX (and create calculated measures for output). I simply need to understand how Hi @jshanks. Hi Team, I would like to highlight the cells in Production defect column which has Cause by release row values like WR-Jan-07 in the below report. Hi, Am a newbie trying to learn EazyBi features. I am trying to sort the first column which is also the “Row” in a table. This issue is the second number (Contents By X Date) is not in a report I can use with Jira/EasyBI so I’m Hi Guys! I’m working on a report where-in I need to add 3 specific columns and have their total in the table. Filter Rows where value for specific column is not empty. Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 11. Fields that have a lot of character would simply wrap. ; Add calculated columns with standard calculations like cumulative sum, average value, linear trend, and more. I would suggest using it with a total of Done issues. In “Rows”, we have You can use eazyBI advanced settings to add support for additional Jira custom fields as well as change eazyBI reporting engine parameters. Daina / In our easy bi report, we have columns A, B, C C has calculated the result of A-B. [Issue Target end] ) the problem is that i can see the output in column for single issue, but when I reuce the column, I can not see the total of column values. In the image you can see that i expect the number “13” to be first. If the issue is created within the current month, show me if the date field has value in any future or past date. Drill into to split measure by another dimension members and see how the measure is grouped by another data layer. eazyBI Community Plotting multiple columns of open issues with custom_field=x against row Time. But what I would actually need is for the report to show only issues created between two weeks ago and today. 4 Likes. I am pretty new to eazyBI and especially to MDX. Hi, We have a script runner field (Pipeline value) that calculates a value based on 2 other fields. ; New JavaScript calculated custom field dialog. There is a hidden option in the eazyBI allowing to refer to the “total row” in the formulas. Things ive tried including using Transitions for pages Transition Authors as an addition to measures in columns Measures like Transition from Status/ Transition to status last date Looking to report on users in a single Hello, I have a table I want to create a Measure which counts same values of Column, like it’s in measure “sum&aggr”(now it’s hardcoded) Hello, I have In case other eazyBI users are interested in the solution, the formula I have pasted below should return the expected results: Count( Filter( [Type]. On closing an issue, we add the reason for closure. Currently, I’ve manually added five ranges. How do i sort the column’s output from high to low number (left to right). Fit width shows the less gradual selection where all the first start date and the last end date of any row fit in the screen. Is there a way that we can do it? Thanks in advance! -Keerthana. It is represented like this: sorry for the copy I need to be able to sort a table by the Priority order that we actually use and not just the alphabetical sort. When you add the Add calculated → Statistical → Average column, you can click on the column header and choose the “Edit calculated” option to see and copy the formula used in this calculation. I want to “group” the report by month based on created date, so I have “time” set as a page. 2 Likes. How d Automatically scale table reports and Gantt charts to full width in Confluence page PDF exports. Data I would like to be able to control column width so I can have all column show on the screen without having to go to the Upvote from me too! I would like to be able to adjust column widths in the report. i could see easyBI can show total of all records, but couldn’t figer-out to show the average of columns. The problem is when I try to represent this value as a graphic because the value is 1 as maximum. Create nice-looking and insightful reports in eazyBI using improved features–cell formatting, sparklines, and others. Currently EazyBI tables allows sorting only per one column. Slides: Paint-With-Your-Data-in-eazyBI. I am trying to Finally, you could click on the column and remove it. When you import data from CSV or MS Excel files, SQL databases, Google Sheets or REST API, you will have to map your data columns to the eazyBI data cube so you could later analyze those data from different perspectives. I’m looking for assistance with this problem. 4 When I try to represent this value as a percentage in EazyBI is shown like this: If I divide the measure value by 100, I get the correct formatting. You can use the condition like this allowing to specify a different behavior than the default of the measure at the total level: I’m using the SQL Application to fetch data into EazyBI. The report looks like: Now I could get the issuetypes, and I created a measure of P0 as well & used it, but it gives me a report as below, instead of what I want. Have defined my measure as below: ([Measures]. Now we want to highlight or point data in C where the number is <x or number is between some range (0-5). Hi, to hide name of the header choose proper level member: (sometimes you have more levels eg. Cost calculation goes over logged hours and user rate. Then switch to Map [1] chart and select Static We have a column in a dynamicMatrix with dropdown - by default the column width is sufficient to display the selected text, but if we enable. For example, if I wanted to change “Issues created” to “” this would be helpful. I added a column to compute cumulative value of column A. 4 When I try to represent this value as a percentage in EazyBI is shown like this: [eazyBIPercentage] If I divide th I have this table that shows me details on upcoming milestones. Hi , I am new to EazyBi. Also any ideas on how to hide that “User_Totals” column? Yes, you are correct. Hi All Using EazyBI For Jira, is it possible and how do I pull the user/asignee who triggered a specific workflow transition into a single column of a report. I added a calculated member in the See the Demo account for more examples of how to create calculated members in the Sprint dimension: Issues - Jira Demo - eazyBI. I would like to build a report that shows me the count of stories (that are under epics) by status (column dimension) and by fixVersion (row dimension) When I put fixVersion in the row I have a table list of issues and various issue properties. When I filter/select multiple projects, I’m receiving ‘Aggregate Page Members’ in the I need help filtering between 2 columns in my eazybi report. I export to CSV then upload to eazyBI as a data source file. In this case, i want order it by latest month at the top, all the way to farthest which is at the bottom. cell conditional format 2792×1244 273 KB. you may want to check this documentation about Data mapping that explains how to import data into eazyBI and create a custom cube. We will be using eazyBI in JIRA-Cloud to publish several reports & dashboards on Atlassian Confluence. The attached screen clip identifies the error Private eazyBI If you Fixed parsing of invalid dates in custom column mapping. The information about Gates is stored into Labels. In our Project, we provide a service to a company XXX that then register its clients (A-B-C-etc). I want all these names on my report. I am trying Please, check the documentation on different options how it is possible to filter the data in eazyBI report: I’m creating multiple reports, and need to have a column that shows the Project Name that is associated with the Rows. Paint With Your Data in eazyBI. Now I’ve created two measures like the following: Including these two calculated measures in the report. The standard total column for some reason doesn’t let The option is available in eazyBI for Jira Cloud and starting from version 6. Click on “Open Issues” → “Filter Rows” → “>” (bigger than) And set to filter values bigger than 0: Once this filter is set up, issues that are no longer in Open status, will not show up in your report. Hello All, I am fairly new to EazyBI and I would like to ask how to calculate percentage of total rows and columns in a table. You can see in my table, I’m already counting other For better overall readability, how can I hide a column when the total of iss Answer: Use the filter function on the Open Issues measure. Currently, a tuple for done issues will give you empty value and therefore there is empty value in the result as well. Will save some trouble with custom solutions =) @miket no need to change the configuration, functionality to use Time dimension in rows and pages at the Hi everyone. What I want to calculate is a measure that will give me the total of all the rows in that report. I would like to be able to control column width so I can have all column show on the screen without having to go to the bottom of the page without scrolling. When you add two dates in the report table columns, then, by default, in the bar chart view, the dates would appear as scatter points. It is recommended that you contact eazyBI support if you test the following example in the advanced settings and it didn't work as expected. See attached gif. . [End Date],[Measures]. Martins / eazyBI team. Is there a way to display more columns with certain JIRA fields as shown below: Thank you! How can i get eazyBI to show all columns and all rows at any time. Yes, It would be possible to manually change the order of eazyBI dashboards. Is there a way to compare these two I need to get the total of a single column (in my case, Hours Spent) and get to know the percentage of the different users that have logged hours. It seems simple but i cant get correct results. CurrentMember IS [Status]. Please check the screenshot below We have this feature in our backlog, and we will evaluate it to be implemented in eazyBI in some of the following releases. I’m expecting the measures I know in the first column how to get only the key to display, but cannot figure out how to get only the I want to generate a report where the “Key” is in the first column, and the Summary only is in the second column. dhr qtkb sgtv wxnbl lzhgt foh csdq ucve mksg etadvu