I feel like my boyfriend and i are just friends. Work on your passion.
I feel like my boyfriend and i are just friends Sure, every romantic relationship has its dry spell. If you don't feel 'special', tell him. My only advice to you is to not settle for having this dynamic remain. My partner is strong. I'm also really worried I'll make the wrong decision and regret being alone, even if that sounds silly. He gives me kisses and hugs whenever he gets the chance. Your friend doesn't really seem like a gals gal because I know I would never do any of this with my friends boyfriends and they would never do this to me. 3. to the important stuff like religious beliefs, important I feel completely the same and some of my friends do as well. In the past year, he's almost stopped doing anything to show me that he cares for me or loves me. My current partner loves my friends and my friends love him back, and it couldn’t be more perfect. An easy way to know whether your boyfriend Emotional abuse is insidious and can be hard to spot, especially when the abuser is trying to pass off their actions as romantic. Just saying. They all knew each other before my boyfriend and I started dating so I know I should be okay with it. They just chatted with each other non stop, laughing and joking about their past. As our relationship has progressed, I’m getting more and more uncomfortable with their friendship. If your partner is channeling more energy and time into someone or something other than you, it is a possible sign that they have lost interest in your relationship. If for someone it is important that they receive flowers and that their partner shows interest and at least takes the time to get to know the things they like, and they express this, and then their partner still completely disregards it, it's at the very least showing a lack of dedication in making someone happy. My boyfriend just wants to be friends but I still want to be with him . Alright so, my boyfriend and I have almost been together for a year now. You often feel alone when you’re with your partner. I know its good to not have a jealous partner. Turns out we were better off as friends and have both found partners better What Missing Someone Terribly Feels Like . For some reason, I find many of them do this because they feel their friend can do better. When we are missing them, it might seem like we’re not able to concentrate He’s your home base, your emotional support system. He loved spending time with me, we could talk about anything, and overall enjoyed each other’s company (as you should in a relationship). My F(29) boyfriend M(29) treats me like a friend. When the spark and sizzle fizzles because your guy feels more like your best friend than a boyfriend, you need to evaluate your relationship to see if it can go from romantic to platonic. (in my opinion anyway) is a dealbreaker, then maybe you're better off just as friends. We share a TON in common - from little things like favorite foods, tastes in music, etc. I've asked him if I am what he wants, and he insisted I am. And according to It’s hard to outgrow a friendship you’ve had for years. I do love him, I'm just not in love with him anymore. I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years. For me, I had a conversation with my friends and just opened up about it. There I just feel like i don’t deserve someone like this. But it does feel like I’m out in the cold and he can’t keep up. And it’s not your fault you like his friend, I think it just depends how you handle it. My partner and I are talking constantly throughout the day texting and on the phone. Finally after being unemployed/underemployed I went to see someone for depression. When marriage feels like roommates, The other person and I never ended up together, but I'm still pretty sure I made the right choice because someday, I'd like to end up in a relationship that makes my heart sing like they did, and I want my ex/now best friend to experience the same. Intuition can undoubtably be tricky, but it shouldn’t be You're not having sex. ” That’s a sentence I have heard many times. I feel like i'm slowly becoming more and more sad, alone and lonely. I have a good friend whose also my roommate, female & friends with my boyfriend. There must be I (24F) have been dating my boyfriend (23M) for almost 2. Friends, family, your job. I fart in front of my boyfriend, but when it happens, I always say excuse me. He hasn’t texted me all day and I literally can’t stop checking my phone. The more I think about it though the more I feel like I just don't compare at all to what he had with his ex, and I just feel like a bit of a placeholder at the moment. He is the love of my life and we were obsessed with each other. You are not a team or a partnership you are just 'the boyfriend' to them. Just take it easy, you're still young, the first REAL relationship is usually a very impactful event but at the end of the day you have to manage your expectations. If you don’t have a good amount of trust in your partner already, none of these tips will work. Every time I [23F] see my best friend and my boyfriend interact (In-person or text), I feel like they have a stronger connection and more chemistry with each other. It’s not like butterflies and roses or anything. You don't owe him the pretense of a friendship you just can't do in honesty. That said, I wouldn’t discount your boyfriend actions as just a “guy thing”. It's showed us the comfort of spending more time at home and filling our days with things that we choose. You are merely electrochemical impulses existing within my brain, ( the fact that I've been unsure of my feelings and feeling like I'm leading him on ) When you're falling in love, your brain and body work together to give you a rush of "feel-good" chemicals. Like him being distant and sleeping on the couch every night is because he is annoyed of me and not because of his depression - it’s like I forget or my mind can’t wrap my head around that at the time. "There are many attachment styles people exhibit in relationships," she says. I feel like an asshole :( I would appreciate any advice. I feel like it I start making plans more with my friends like hanging out with them, he’ll start to value me more. Have dates (inside and outside of the house), try different couples’ activities/hobbies, travel more, go to local events, have movie nights at home with interesting snacks/drinks, play games (search for couples games on Amazon), go on walks, cook dinner together, etc. I found my first real boyfriend and lifepartner at 26 48 votes, 20 comments. I just wanted that back. Instead of leaning on each other, partners have been going to their separate corners, being hyper Even with my true friends (not just some people I know) there is some love there to hold the friendship, meaning if they were to just vanish one day it would be upsetting. When he kissed me it felt like he was my brother, as if the whole last year never happened. Yes. He’s lazy and ambivalent. I also didn't feel like a priority and I felt my ex was unappreciated and used by his friendships as well. We usually talk about how our days went, the usual. A simple goodnight or a good morning text would suffice. It could be possible it’s more like the last sentence you wrote. A fake friend is someone who pretends to be your friend but doesn't genuinely care about you or your well-being. There doesn't seem to be any compromise on his part. Share Sort by: It might be that you just are not compatible. That doesn’t make them, or you, bad people. Needing constant reassurance. But some days I don't even LIKE him. It’s a group of 5 others excluding my boyfriend and with all 7 of us I always feel like I’m third wheeling. If you feel like there a certain things you can't voice to your partner, that may be a sign that they're just not the right fit for you. I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and 6 months ago I brought up that I don't feel like he wants to spend time with me, he was horrified, in tears and said how much he loved me and didn't want me to leave. However, my partner was always going to go because he liked one of the supporting DJ’s and he’s like I’m going. Within the last few months I’ve begun to feel like he has become almost a fatherly figure to me. It’s okay to need alone time in a relationship, but if you’re looking forward to being away from your partner more than you are to being around them, something is seriously off. I don’t feel close enough to her to bring it up. It felt like I'd known her my whole life within months, like we were sisters. Having your own set of friends is healthy, but when you prefer those friendships over spending time with your spouse, it can signal that you’ve entered a roommate-like phase. For example, if I’m talking about my day and it gets interrupted (a waiter asks how our food is for example) if I didn’t continue talking and finishing the sentence, he wouldn’t even ask or want me to continue what I was saying. There's nothing worse than feeling like you're with someone who just "tolerates" you, rather than fully loves you for who you are. But if I sit on the couch with my boyfriend he constantly feels me up. My relationship makes me sad a lot. Just let him know “hey I don’t know why I feel like this but you’re the one person I wanted to tell this to. i’m self aware to realize that this is a problem and it’s unhealthy, and i’ve talked to To reduce stress in the relationship, you may find yourself apologizing more just to end the arguments—even if you and misunderstandings. In my experience, when Thanks to the global pandemic I’ve been feeling like a major outsider to my boyfriend’s friend group and their girlfriends. People express their romantic inclination towards their significant others in different ways. My friends have mentioned how they think we have one of the healthiest relationships they’ve ever seen and how they want a Like when they’re catching a quick break, or taking a shit. We got a bit drunk and hit the town and my boyfriend was given me the cold shoulder a lot, and seemed much more interested in his friend. Personally I want to feel like we are both each other's #1 person. I don’t think he wants to date someone who likes his friend. However, within the last 9ish months, I’ve felt like more of a mother than a girlfriend. Just to clarify, they are only friends (at least from my boyfriend’s perspective). I love being at home and am completely happy with seeing my friends once a week or every couple weeks. At that age, put your energy to personal growth and education. It did not end well. I just don’t know how to be. We're pleasant with each other and have fun together but there is no emotional or physical intimacy I (25F) can’t stop thinking about how similar my boyfriend (30M) and my best friend (25F) are to one another and it’s astonishing as well as painful. and 7. He has a female friend who he got close to a few months before we got close. Back when I first started dating, I noticed that the strongest connections I had were with those who would genuinely look into my eyes when we talked. Lately I (26F) feel like my boyfriend (28M) and I can’t agree on anything and I don’t know if it’s my fault. I don’t feel that gut feeling people talk about. Upvoted but I wouldn’t necessarily jump to that conclusion. About a year into our friendship, I got a boyfriend. They may act like your friend on the surface but displays But he always defends them when they’re upset with ME. Apart from the intimacy that I share with him, I feel like everything else is equal for her and I. Because we have been together for two years. I believed him, since they didn’t follow each other on social media I was just heart broken all of the time because of how he used to treat me. I can't help but feel like my boyfriend would enjoy dating my best friend more than me. Try out these 29 ways to make your relationship more passionate. A solid friendship is just one of the many ways this special bond is de My current boyfriend and I started off as friends and now we’re dating. He doesnt say sweet things like he used to I met my best friend Ava like 3 years ago. The first reason your boyfriend may be ignoring you when he's with his friends is that he may feel like you always need his attention, and he may feel pressured to give it to you. As Henry says, the physical and mental side effects of an unbalanced relationship include a dip in your sex Checking up on you, accusing you of talking to people you "shouldn't," purposely making friends or family feel uncomfortable when visiting, punishing you by making you feel bad about something This sounds like my ex boyfriend. I’ve never been all that interested in He’s the first person in my life that has ever made me feel like this. helpless because I really do love him and I want him in my life forever but I’m not sure if we should be together or just friends. I'm not sure if your bf also doesn't have a job like his friends. ; Retaliation: They might feel that someone used them in the Like i said, i have many friends, and as we've grown up, more and more of my friends got girlfriends. I just feel like we are always on the same page, she understands me more than anyone I’ve ever known because she really makes an effort to. At the very beginning, things were perfect. Here, therapists share a few signs to help you recognize when a once-close bond is naturally running its course. I have been dating my boyfriend for approximately two years and previously when they did zoom meet ups I could sit next to my boyfriend and join in because often we did game nights. My partner is smart. I felt less affectionate and in my brain whenever we had sex or were intimate it just doesn’t feel like we’re on the same connection anymore. I struggle with the constant rejections to the stage I am overly sensitive to even small ones. We have been in a relationship for almost 7 years now and it feels like there is no spark. For example, they have more similar interests in games and humor. Abby, I just recently discovered your podcasts (suggested to me on Spotify) and I’ve found My boyfriend and I are struggling to manage balancing time together while still it’s easy to get used to the rhythm of always (and only) spending time with each other. My wife seems to act just like one of my guy friends. Submit questions to [email protected]. It just festered and snowballed until we were both so miserable, living together like roommates, sleeping sepaeratley, snaking out to date other people. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. ” For example: my boyfriend texted me last night saying he was going on a hike with his friend at 8am today. Impulsivity 6. Just feeling like I’m Anxious all the time, and that isn’t who I am. In my previous long distance relationships it was always great to see my SO but at the same time it felt like we were always catching up with each other. Are you defining your value through having a relationship? Stop. The issue is kinda what happened once we were there, and it kinda make me feel like I’m just living in his world as an after thought or just a continuous thing that is just there. Your partner spends more time with friends. The fact is, just like your new relationship My boyfriend is exceptionally great. It sounds like your needs in terms of communication and intimacy are different from your partner’s needs. While staying together is an option, Even more so, you should never get into a romantic relationship with someone if you feel like there’s no sexual chemistry between the two of you because undoubtedly sex is a necessary thing in a healthy relationship. He said "kinda cute not gonna lie". Turns out that was a co-mobidity of ADHD. Now, ive been with my partner for just over a year. Friends since HS. Not in a dependent, needy way, but just a comforting, supportive way. However I know from the beginning he is a jealous person to some extent regarding if I got male attention etc he would get slightly jealous. I want to not feel like my mood depends on my boyfriend hanging out We moved in together a little over a week ago and since then everything has felt just a little off. #4 He may feel like you always need his attention. Work on becoming more than just a If you feel that the opinions of his friends are hindering your relationship in some way, you should let your boyfriend know what you are feeling and why! Explain that you want your relationship to survive this and ask if This has made me feel like an horrible girlfriend and a person overall. I am the quiet one whereas my boyfriend would ramble on for hours if he could. RELATED: Quiet Desperation: The Reason Many Marriages Will Slowly Come To An End 2. I know I'm no supermodel, and really I don't have any right to judge him, but I just can't stop thinking about this. Last week we went out for some drinks, it was just me, my boyfriend and him. He’s a great guy and we make sure to tell each other our feelings regarding our relationship but I don’t think in the slightest that this is something I can just tell him, I know it would crush him to know that I feel that way about him because he’s had self-esteem issues regarding his appearance in the past. Here are 11 unacceptable behaviors that correspond with emotional . I find nightly calls repetitive; I feel like everyones life in general is repetitive day-to-day and it's hard to find new things to talk about when you're asked "how was your day". My partner is capable, and loves me. Even told the friend. I'm just feeling out of sorts and un-social. What do Every night, my boyfriend calls me after work to just chat. I felt like It showed that he does love me and want me. So the last few times we hung out I felt totally numb, like I didn't have any romantic feelings. 1) Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel. Idk I feel like my boyfriend does call it out (not in a confrontational way) whenever he notices it, and he definitely doesn't mistreat people himself or think he's better than anyone else (and I wouldn't be with him if he did) but it's just one of those situations where he doesn't really want to say anything or break ties with the group because he's not really close to those other people It was incredibly painful coming to this realisation, but one that made me realise how loyalty and genuinely good people just don't exist in my life and I often feel like I wasn't meant t have friends. But thankfully, the world is wide, all relationships are different. Then fast forward a week, my boyfriend told me that he found a photo of my best friend in a skirt in his phone albums. Then we get into an argument and I feel like the worst person in the world because I made him feel 10x worse and for what? I sort of just fell into this relationship a few months after a messy breakup thinking it would be casual and then here we are years later talking about getting engaged and it all just feels like it happened too fast. Sometimes I just don’t feel like talking, but I’m more than happy to listen. It's usually me. We broke up after a few months of this horrible feeling. A: In the media, public figures like I’m frustrated at myself for feeling this way about my boyfriend. According to sexologist Dr. If I walk by he spanks me/pats my butt every single time. I just want to be a person most of the time, a normal person that lounges in sweat pants and zones out to TV. Also, make him aware of this. Things were hot and heavy when we first took things up a notch, but You feel a vibe. Or, break up and make new friends. It's a hard feeling to explain. "If you are in this situation as the burned-out party, and when you set boundaries, your partner, friend, or family member If you feel like you've reached your breaking point, it may be I’ve (26 F) been dating my boyfriend (33 M) for 6 months. I just want to know what I can do to not feel so lonely when I’m not with my boyfriend. 10. Everyone deserves more than that. Long-lasting relationships have at their core deep friendship. Their attitude has changed, and it's impacting the relationship. I do want to throw out there that I’ve been friends with her for such a long time and I love both my best friend and boyfriend to pieces and I know they wouldn’t ever hurt me intentionally. When you ask them out to hang with your friends or see your family, they may shrug you off as they prioritize their own life, friendships, and career. I take medication now, and it helps like you wouldnt believe. His friends are just as important and it feels so painful However lately I would just think about breaking up because sometimes I feel like we are just not very compatible but other times I feel like maybe I’m but I guess personally since I am gradually growing apart from friends I would want my partner to feel like a best friend and fit more of my lifestyle since that’s who I would Hi all. Anytime we have some time to talk together, all he ever talks about is something stupid one of his friends did and how funny they are. Relationships go in cycles. Selfishness: They have a desire to get what they want and will do anything, including hurting others, to get it. You clearly haven’t experienced someone willing to help you no matter what and I truly feel sorry for you. Reply reply Edit to add: the commenters who think this isn't normal have a really small lens. If they did any of this I'd be mortified, the difference is yours is not being respectful. Try showing him that you’re supportive of his social life, but give him tangible ways The girl is nice and funny and is my friend as well, but she clearly doesn’t see any boundaries. My entire like I felt like even though I was 'talented and smart' I would never succeed because I was just a fuck-up. When I got a boyfriend, she’d flirt with all of them, try to break us up, and then when we did break up, she’d try to weasel her way into a relationship with them. Archived post. Friends for 3 years) because there is never a dull moment with her. So feeling like your Feeling that you are just friends is sometimes a sign that you're just not with the right person -- but if you and your partner are both sure that you love each other and are committed to making your relationship work, there are ways of fixing If your relationship feels more like a friendship, there may be something wrong or missing. It just means you both might be wise to seek out relationships with people who are more naturally inclined to meet your needs. Just like everyone has their favorite food or color, we all have our ways of doing things. Breaking up with him was the best decision I’ve ever made. Major red flag, yet somehow I ignored it. But usually, the One of the many reasons you feel more of a friendship with your boyfriend is that you are comfortable around him, which enables you to reveal your true self. I'm always the one asking to see him during the week (we only really see each other on weekends as we live 40 mins apart). If you really listen to their Regardless of the reason, read on to learn how to deal when your boyfriend prioritizes friends over you. 5 years now. You fart with proud abandon. If you feel like you and your partner are moving in different directions — you want to live in different places, have different goals financially, disagree on whether to get married or have kids Once, my boyfriend and I were talking about life and he told me one of them (we’ll call her Sarah) wasn’t actually friends with him, they didn’t get along and only share the friend group. In the beginning I didn't have much interest for him but when I realized he liked me I kind of convinced myself to like him back (yes I am genuinely attracted to him but honestly we probably wouldn't be together if he didn't gain interest in me first). Me (22F) and my boyfriend (24M) have been dating for almost 2 years now. He’s my best friend and made me a better person. I told my boyfriend I felt like he didn't care for me because he never showed it, and he apologized for making me feel bad and said he'll try harder. He made me feel so loved every single day from the moment we got together. Sometimes, these differences can make us feel like we don’t fit in. Because you, and your other trolly friends are just an extension of my own personal denomination of reality. He may think Like if I was shopping with my partner even for furniture and I saw something my best friend would like I would think nothing of saying "Oh such and such would love that! I'll take a photo to send them/I should remember thats here and come back for it sometime to get as a birthday present" because that's normal friendship for me, so is talking about what my friends are up to in their I'm old and have been in a lot of LTRs. In one hand I was irritated, grumpy, and just not interested, in the other hand I was anxiously attached and got upset when my partner did anything that wasn't paying attention to me, but not wanting attention either. Abby is the advice segment of the Relationships Made Easy podcast. Don’t place any blame, nothing like that. When your partner prioritizes friends over you it can be an unfair, upsetting, Just ask your partner, I know sometimes I enjoy listening to my friend's and partner talk, without needing a lot of input from me, Ive been told that me just listening and not offering advice or suggestions is something they enjoy, when they just want to rant about an issue sometimes. I look like a ‘crazy’ person. You seem to be the one providing possible solutions and compromising on your part. “I’m just not happy. You sound like you’re going through a selfish phase, so when that passes maybe think about what you can do to make bf feel loved. Yesterday I wore a sundress and a sexy underwear underneath which he knew, and was also going braless, when we came back to our apartment I rushed in front and wiggled my butt while walking just to seduce him and he’s like “Hahaha, An overstep imo. Boyfriend also invites her to our out-of-town trips where him and I share one room, and she takes a separate one (which boyfriend paid for!). Trust your boyfriend. Yeah I think it does. I also sometimes feel like my friends dont put enough effort when we are together but then I realize that they are also people and might have their problems. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I’ve been with my partner for a year and a half now and we’ve lived together for a year (we were friends long before dating became official). And some people you just don't feel that way. If the comment is highly inappropriate, you shouldn’t neglect it because it reveals your partner might indeed like your friend. My boyfriend and I have only been together for a little over three months, but we honestly get along great. Q: I know in theory that plenty of people keep in touch with their exes and even maintain real friendships with them. But if you feel like you need to please your partner in any way, Rubin says this could be a sign of codependent behavior. I’m not sure why I felt that way because I had a great job, good friends, did my bit in life to I figure, if you're dating someone, besides loving them, they need to be someone who you consider a best friend as well, not just a lover. By the way it sounds like her boyfriend was taking some trip without her and this was a revenge trip for her. I think what he said was really sweet. I just don't like this. To preface, our relationship is great for the most part, we love each other and joke around a lot, we have a lot of common interests, and we get along with each other’s friends and family. Everything started off really well, we would see each other often, talk/text every day, and seemed to genuinely enjoy each other’s company. I’ve met them a handful of time, follow some of them on social media, but because of the pandemic I haven’t been able to get to know them more. I had a best friend who was just like you. I feel guilty responding to 'I love you' and stuff, because if I decide to leave I don't want him to think I was lying this whole time. “The spark” doesn’t just randomly exist. (I keep it anonymous!) Dear Dr. Ask Dr. For some background information, while we have been together for just a couple months we have known eachother for longer. Which like is fine, that’s not an issue. My boyfriend and I have been dating for just over 4 years long distance. If I was to compare your situation to me and my partner, yes, it would seem like a bad sign. It was so much pain breaking uo because I felt like I lost my best friend (not my boyfriend). It also makes me feel upset at my friend who just casually dumped this into my life. I feel like I’m constantly pulling to get him to want to converse with me, to the point that i just feel like an idiot talking to myself. Scheduling at least part of the time will not only ensure that you will spend time together, but it also ensures that you are making time for him. Boyfriend’s friend jokes about him having her kids. 2. They have way more friends than I do and I feel our time spent apart is very different in that they have a healthy well-rounded life of hobbies, friends and seeing me whereas my life consists of mostly seeing them or running errands and looking forward to seeing them. My boyfriend is not ugly, he is just less attractive than my exes. My boyfriend’s ‘66M’ friend ‘65M’ comes over EVERY day from about 4 or 6pm till after 10 or midnight. He knows more about her than you expected. Jess O’Reilly, norepinephrine fills you with "piercing What Do You Do When Your Partner Has a Lot of Female Friends and You’re Not Sure If You Should Be Worried or Not? 1. 14 You Never Do Anything Romantic My days are already lonely enough as I have no classes with any of my friends nor people I am comfortable with, so it hurts when the guy I love disregards me and acts like I am invisible. . You cannot compare yourself to someone’s ex. My ex didn’t like my friends, and my friends didn’t like him. I think my insecurities stemmed from me feeling like I wasn’t good enough because my partner’s family were extremely wealthy whereas mine were middle class. ALL relationships do. Having a real connection with someone is few and far between. I seem to be him in my own relationship, although my hygiene is pretty much perfect (although my cleats do stink really bad and my wife comments on it a lot). About a week prior, I sent my boyfriend a photo of me in a skirt for the first and he compared me to a cupcake liner. Something stressful is going on and his jokes which would usually be funny are just on my nerves. Now that we live together I feel sexualized every day. You absolutely don't have to be with someone that is making you feel this way and you absolutely don't need to change your expectations and standards to accommodate the lack of effort he's showing. I'm going to try to put this in man-speak for a moment. You don’t feel like you’re a team taking on life together. Different people have different love languages. My boyfriend is a wonderful, caring person who can always make me laugh, and I Okay, so . In my situation I was the only employed/student. Usually, I am not opposed to PDA. We always get a good workout in or a good date in every time though. I'm working to pay the bills, and the moment I come home, my girlfriend starts stressing me with drama. “ Asking my boyfriend every single day if he still loves me. He's just not. He still comes over. My best advice is to do some soul searching, try to understand what makes you feel like this, and go from there. If you didn't deserve someone like him then you wouldn't have someone like him. Good luck. My boyfriend would rather spend time with me AND his friends than just me any day. ” — Carissa W. I have learnt to love myself so much more and have super high expectations now - because I realised that I'm worth more than to have fake friends. My boyfriend and I used to have nothing in common, Perhaps it’s because my past boyfriends are more conventionally attractive than him (6 ft, muscular), while he is 5’9 ft rounded up and skinny. and when I call him out about the double standard, he either denies it or just says “my bad”. I ask because in my opinion, your boyfriend is just not thoughtful. Nowadays, I just don’t feel like hes bothered at all. I feel like my girlfriend treats me more like a best friend than a boyfriend. She met my boyfriend in July when she started dating his roommate and I Tldr: boyfriend only wants to watch TV and is overwhelmed, I feel like I'm dragging him into this family-life that he doesn't want and I just want to be less stressed about it all. ” I was 100% OK with that. It feels like he’s the only person I can come to, whereas he has a good amount of other people besides me. When the thought is: “I'm jealous, I feel bad and unloved when you go with your friends Im like this with a couple of my friends :) I think it’s just all those years of suppressing your own curiosity, interests, and silliness coming out when you find someone who encourages it and shows you that it’s okay to have these things, because they’re a part of you, and they love you and want you to be happy and comfortable. i want him to play games with his friends and hang out with them, but i just end up feeling like a lost puppy waiting for it’s owner to come home. The only way I think you would be creepy about this is if you fixate on it and make your boyfriend feel like he’s been looped into a nonconsensual incest-play I feel like I’m starting to hate my boyfriend . my partner, and 2 close friends nowadays. I know we’re going to work through it , we’re both very good at communication with one another Work on your passion. You can probably tell him anything and have lots of fun together. I’m like this with family members, close friends, strangers, acquaintances, people I’ve known for 5-10 years who I One-thing that might be a factor here is the long distance. My (28F) boyfriend (28M) I've felt similar to how you're feeling actually because sometimes I feel like my relationship is in a "lull" and I start to look for things that make me The part about sex- I think the issue is we’re so comfortable but also just good friends that at times it feels just like that? In my case, it was a tough pill to swallow but it led to an important conversation about what we both wanted from the relationship, and ultimately saved us both from more heartache down the line. You are just 22! You have had like, just 5 years of potential time of having "boyfriends" to this day! 5 years is nothing and it means nothing in human lifespan. I'm a guy, and you just gave me the chills. So recently I've been feeling like my relationship is one sided and that my boyfriend (27M) would rather be with his friends than with me (24F). We both had just graduated college, were new to our city and clicked very quickly. I go back and forth between having complete breakdowns to being numb and like a zombie. You feel like they're too busy for you, which may leave you feeling needy and insecure. I realize that this all seems like a semantic debate, but it’s actually core to your feelings about your boyfriend and his best friend. We'd spend so much time together, hang out several times a week, etc. ; Greed: They may use others for financial gain. So I planned a trip with my friends next Saturday lol. (me :18 F him: 18 M // we have been dating for 6 months now) i have been struggling more and more with the fact that i have no other friends besides him. When partners feel like roommates, it's a sign of a pattern of mutual emotional withdrawal. He's controlling, he's manipulative, and just because he says he's "doing it for your own good" doesn't mean that's true. The whole “sisters before misters” saying is definitely one to keep in mind D is needly aggressive and negative and S sounds fine besides trying to make you question your relationship D just sounds toxic and definitely not good to be around I agree with D, if she has you feeling like that for pretty much no reason you can cut her off S just needs to be told to stop butting into your relationship, she can accept that or decide her know it all attitude is more Nah I had something similar to this. It felt like an unspoken bond, a way of saying, “I see you, and I’m If you think you know anything about love, then I’m sorry for you. I just don’t have the energy to be When we feel this kind of jealousy, we do not like our partner to be related to anyone but ourselves, since we consider it a threat to the relationship. Don’t expect your partner to fulfill all of your emotional needs or make you happy all the time. When we go to bed at nights she just sits on her phone and I generally fall asleep wait on her to get off it. Like my entire day is revolving around what he is doing. . I felt like I was both feeling and not feeling at the same time and it was hard to get a grasp on. And OPs boyfriend disregarding that. Think about it though, you are being more irritated by him now because you aren't feeling love for him. I trust my partner, but I would just rather ask a friend. I know I love hearing my boyfriend talk about random things that he enjoys, your boyfriend sounds like he feels the same way I do. Communication is almost always the right response. I feel as if I am not special to him in any way. I've been getting anxious a lot lately. Fear of him or my friends being ‘mad at me’ when I’ve done nothing wrong. Its about this particular woman not wanting to share her friend, which would be toxic even in a same sex friendship. I feel like if I had some form of communication from him at least once every two days, it wouldn’t make me feel like he barely cares about me. Your partner’s friends have their habits and ways, and you have yours. Understanding what you’re feeling here is key to Basically, I feel like having different interests/hobbies isn't really a deal breaker. There were times in the beginning and even now where I just have so many doubts, thinking he isn’t completely right or “the one”. The two of you are as close as a couple can be, but when it comes to romance it's a no-go. We have only had sex once in the past 8 weeks dispite me opening up to her about my needs. We are very happy and very in love. He can't expect you to constantly make yourself available on the off chance that he will maybe He sounds like an introvert and honestly his behavior sounds a lot like mine with my friends, granted I've known most of friends for years so I really don't have too much curiosity towards them outside of anything new/different from what they normally do, however even with new people I just tend to listen more than anything since I find having an engaging conversation in general to be You don’t want him to feel as though he must choose between his friends and you; you just need him to start being better at prioritizing his time. I(19) think I’m starting to hate my boyfriend(18). There are different kinds of love languages. This is just one piece of the problem I think. There’s nothing seemingly missing when it comes to our romance, but I don’t feel that friendship is the main part of our bond. Like even today for example I was excitedly talking to him about a film I was really into and explaining the ending and he interrupted whilst I was right in the middle of talking and said (admittedly with a laugh but what he said didn’t feel like a joke) “you know you are really mansplaining this” which immediately made me shut up and feel like an absolute idiot for My partner and I (both early 20s) have been together for a year, and my relationship with them is great. Unfortunately, you I have my own friends and family that I hang out with on my own, and travel quite often (and missing your partner is important), but I feel like I view my SO as my BEST friend, while to him, I’m just one of his best friends. So do what you feel comfortable with. I’ve asked for ONE day- Sunday. For the last couple of months, it seems like he’s just lost interest or flat out doesn’t care. I didn't worry about that back then, but as time progressed it has hit me more and more how seemingly every single one of my friends have managed to get a partner, except me. They feel you can do better “All my friends dislike my new man. I love my partner and want to be with him. With all this going on, it makes perfect sense why you might start to feel anxious, too. But I'm also not feeling quite right in myself. You have to create it every day. This is your insecurity. So it's not about men and women can't be friends. Missing someone often feels like a physical ache in your chest. My boyfriend just died and I feel like I’m in a nightmare. Him being the 'third wheel', yet i felt like it. This was in my early 20s. But I’ve never been able to do it. Spend time on personal interests and self-care activities and pursue personal growth. You can’t wait to be away from them. If you really like Roger maybe just wait it out and see how you feel when you know both Roger and Kyle a little better? Why do I feel like my boyfriend is my friend? You feel like your boyfriend is just your friend because you are close but not intimate. 28. It can be difficult to find something to talk about together. I feel an obligation to my boyfriend, since we've been together so long and I basically am who I am right now because of his dedication, but I don't know what I get out of the relationship anymore besides companionship, and the important factor that he just understands. We might feel sad or even angry. None of my exes, friends, He's not a good boyfriend. My partner HAS depression, so he gets it. mbvngkv lzlffc nzjs njhq cbpleci gfqbjd qcjcv dqe jmspfcf haltz