Puget sound energy irp. Agenda Time Agenda Item Presenter 9:00 –9:05 a.
Puget sound energy irp Contents 1. All materials related to the 2023 public participation process are available at Media Contact: (360) 664-1116 or media@utc. To meet the anticipated energy needs of our region in the coming years, PSE must acquire new sources of energy. The IRP was filed in final form in April of 2021 in UTC Docket UE-200304. Home; Get involved; Resource Planning Advisory Group; Equity Advisory Group; Library; Contact; Updates; Get in touch. BEFORE THE The 2021 IRP includes a discussion of the electric planning standard and describes the methodology for analyzing PSE’s resource needs. COMMISSION STAFF COMMENTS REGARDING . IRP stakeholder meeting – Mar. SUBMITTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH . We own three wind farms in Washington: Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility in Kittitas County; the Hopkins Ridge Wind Facility in Columbia County; and the Lower Snake River Wind Facility, in Garfield County. When people believe their company truly supports well-being, they're more likely to enjoy work more, stay longer and recommend their company as a great place to work. 1 Status of PSE’s IRP and All-Source RFP Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) most recent Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), filed in April 2021, indicated a need for new resources, to meet both peak capacity needs and compliance under the state of Washington’s Clean Energy Transformation 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Kickoff Meeting Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission . For more information, please visit the WSU Energy Program's website, or contact the Washington State Energy Program team at solarprogram@energy. Home; App_D_Gas IRP SENDOUT Demand Input; Appendix E: Existing Resources and Alternatives. 17 2021 All-Source RFP. pse gas fireplace insert rebates, puget sound energy furnace replacement, puget sound energy furnace repair, puget sound energy furnace rebate, pse furnace replacement, pse furnace rebate, pse gas furnace rebate program, pse furnace service Delayed Entry The responses include Virgin boasts a disregard of income, the damage. 405, 19. Project overview Since its original power lines and substations were Senior Vice President, Energy Resources · Experience: Puget Sound Energy · Education: Colorado School of Mines · Location: Bellevue · 159 connections on LinkedIn. 2023. 27, 2024 public webinar On March 14, 2023, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) hosted an online webinar with Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) stakeholders on the Electric Progress Report and Gas Utility IRP to: • Present the final preferred portfolios for the 2023 Gas Utility IRP and Electric Progress Report Planning team is looking for a senior analyst to join 20-year Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and the 10-year Clean Energy Action . • Nearly 6. Puget Sound Energy May 2023 Green Bond Allocation Report - Sustainalytics Annual Review – as of May 2024 . 1 1. If possible, please inform the commission at least one business day prior to the meeting by calling 360-664-1140, or by sending an email to paige. 2022 Annual Report for Puget Sound Energy Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance 1. If you are already a PSE customer, you can sign in to your PSE account to access billing information, payment options, conservation tips and much more. Your online account can help you get outage alerts during service disruptions, pay your bill easily online and provide tips on how to save energy and money. Charter September 2018 . PUGET SOUND ENERGY’S PETITION FOR EXTENSION 1 . PSE’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a plan for meeting forecasted Puget Sound Energy's projected capacity shortfall has grown to 2,700 MW during winter peak hours by the end of the decade, according to the 2023 integrated resource plan The IRP analysis integrates demand-side and supply-side resources to meet the growing energy needs of PSE’s customers at the lowest reasonable cost. 2025 Integrated Resource Plan Work Plan 1. Amid plans to shed about 750 MW of coal-fired generation, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is preparing to invest heavily in distributed energy resources (DERs), including non-wires alternatives and possibly microgrids, according to a draft integrated resource plan (IRP). This charter outlines the purpose and expectations for the Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Integrated Resource Plan Advisory Group(IRPAG). pdf 82 KB LOLP across the 2025 IRP and 2023 EPR. We are building upon lessons learned from past planning processes like the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and the Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP). POTENTIAL FOR DISREPANIES ETWEEN RESOURE PLAN AND NEAR-TERM PROUREMENT In this IRP, PSE proposes to refrain from acquiring any fossil fuel resources until “beyond 2024. PSE’s Natural Gas Utility Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Puget Sound Energy will host a virtual RPAG meeting on Tuesday, February 13 from 12:00 p. to capture the main themes from previous reports and requests that RPAG members review it for completeness. The IRPAG participants will review, provide feedback on, and affirm a revised version of this charter at their second meeting. See how Puget Sound Energy delivers organizational support for well-being to its people - and the impact they PUGET SOUND ENERGY. mymail@mailservice. IRP and biennial planning; RFPs; and Create your online account to pay your Puget Sound Energy bill, change your payment options and customize your energy bill account. Pay in person. Submitted by Puget Sound Energy. Diann Strom, Strategic Engagement Lead 7. For more about us and what we do, visit pse. 2021 IRP Progress Report. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PSE’s IRP portfolio model • Consistent with the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s methodology and its assessment of regional potential in the 7 th Government Affairs and Public Policy · Experience: Puget Sound Energy · Education: UCLA · Location: Seattle · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. This session is being recorded by Puget Sound Energy. ("PSE" or "the Company"). [3] (PSE) is an energy utility company based in the U. (“PSE” and, together with PE, “Puget”) filed their Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2023 –and should Puget Sound Energy Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) Kickoff Meeting Meeting Summary Monday, October 30th, 2023 | 2:30- 5:00 p. Appendix F: Gas Project Manager III at Puget Sound Energy, Owner of Style Bar Salon · To pursue a rewarding and challenging job and healthy work environment where I can utilize my skills and knowledge Manager, Energy Efficiency Programs Support at Puget Sound Energy · Experience: Puget Sound Energy · Location: Everett · 401 connections on LinkedIn. (via web portal) 200304-PSE-Appendix-A-Table-3-Update-(08-25-2022). Rather, it’s Acquiring Energy Procuring new energy supply. state of Washington that provides electrical power and natural gas to the Puget Sound region. Platte River said the 2024 IRP Washington state’s oldest local energy company, Puget Sound Energy serves approximately 1. 2 million customers. pse. 020(4)). Final IRP Filing. Under her direction, PSE is working toward an aspirational goal of being a Beyond Net Zero Carbon Washington state’s oldest local energy company, Puget Sound Energy serves approximately 1. IRP filing date on March 31, 2025 Regarding the E3 RECAP modeling, once PSE has a reference case from Aurora, PSE will hand that over to E3 to do a backend check and ensure that the portfolio is adequate. 1300 South Evergreen Park Drive, Olympia, WA 98502, Room 206 . • This plan was informed by five Technical Advisory Group meetings, with active engagement by stakeholders. Theresa Burch, Manager of Customer Solutions 2. The 2021 IRP implemented new rules from the Clean Energy The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) identifies how PSE provides cost-effective electricity and natural gas to reliably meet our customers’ needs over the next 20+ years, and the Clean Energy Action Plan identifies the lowest reasonable cost Puget Sound Energy is owned by The Macquarie Group, an Australian based global investment banking group. Contents Overview • An update on open action items developed during the development of the 2019 IRP . Below are the meeting topics of this Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) meeting: • Present public feedback summary from Feb. (11/27/2023) Through its early and aggressive acquisition of clean energy resources, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) will deliver more clean energy than originally forecasted in its Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP), a course of action for clean electricity programs and investments to align with policies established by Washington On average, 1 kW of solar power in the Puget Sound region can produce about 1,100 kilowatt hours (kWh) annually. PSE held a public webinar in early June to discuss equity in the gas and electric IRP. Sign in to pay Pay as guest More ways to pay Puget Sound Energy is the largest energy utility in the state, providing electric power to more than 1. 2 Third-party recording is not permitted Safety moment: The Great Washington Shakeout October 21, 2021 Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is Washington State’s largest and oldest utility, serving 1. wsu. Our service territory includes the vibrant Puget Sound area and covers more than 6,000 square miles, 3. PSE’s Natural Gas Utility (“CETA”) eligible resources and up to 1,506 MW of capacity resources to Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Modeling is a multi-step process. PSE announced the launch of its targeted electrification pilot that will help up to 10,000 of its natural gas customers transition to more efficient and Puget Sound Energy: Washington’s largest and oldest local energy utility For nearly 150 years, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) has been the local energy provider • Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) - The IRP is a planning exercise that evaluates how a range of potential future. November 15, 2019 . Diann Strom, Manager, Communications Initiatives 5. The energy industry is in a state of transition as major clean energy policies are being implemented in Government Affairs and Public Policy · Experience: Puget Sound Energy · Education: UCLA · Location: Seattle · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. PSE’s most recent Integrated Resource Plan (the “2021 IRP”) includes a discussion of the electric planning standard and describes the methodology for analyzing the Company’s resource needs. 2 / ©2017 NAVIGANT CONSULTING, INC. Puget Sound Energy will host a virtual RPAG meeting on Wednesday, July 17 from 1:00 p. Action items . This session is being questions on it during the Oct. com Puget Sound Energy Clean Energy Implementation Plan – Distributed Energy Resources Scorecard Details as of Sept. Box 91269; Bellevue, WA 98009-9269; Estimated time to post to account: Varies - can take up to 7 business days. – The Utilities and Transportation Commission has adopted a package The resource need in this RFP was primarily based off of the findings in PSE’s 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP). Net metering lets you use the energy you generate to offset the cost of energy used from the grid at other times. 2, 2024 4. Energy equity program overview Troy Hutson, Director, Energy Equity, PSE 10:20 a. Final DER/DR RFP Filing. . Ben Farrow, Director, Clean Energy Strategy 3. Meeting Summary . Senior (62 and over) and/or disabled customers who fall within the federal poverty guidelines may qualify for a discount of up to 40 of the Puget Sound Energy: Washington’s largest and oldest local energy utility For nearly 150 years, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) has been the local energy provider The IRP does not make resource or program implementation decisions. We have several strategies for acquiring additional energy, approaches that meet your long-term demands for electricity and natural gas while keeping your rates as low as possible. President and Chief Executive Officer. Puget Sound Energy (PSE) continues to invest in a long-term resource planning process to inform and guide the company’s resource acquisition processes consistent with the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 480-90-238. Integrated Resource Plan . If you come across a downed utility wire of any kind, always do the following: • Assume it's energized and stay as far away as you can. Draft IRP filing date on Dec. 280 and WACs 480-100-600 Washington state requires its large dual-fuel utility, Puget Sound Energy, to file an Integrated System Plan by 2027 (RW 80. Track & report power outages in your neighborhood and check on restoration times, all in the palm of your hand. 3 The Preferred Portfolio from the IRP included large additions of distributed energy resources (DER). Planning (IRP), load forecasts, and modeling software are essential in assessing whether a trigger has occurred. Evaluation. Talysa McCall, Communications Initiative Consultant 5. 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Public Engagement Webinar; Puget Sound Energy is working to help thousands of low-income families avoid gas and electric service cuts. – 1:00 p. 030, respectively, and the natural gas IRP and . m. Brian Tyson, Manager, Clean Energy Planning and Implementation Petition of Puget Sound Energy, Inc. free Pay your bill or report an outage . Events. View Ron Roberts’ profile Puget Sound Energy 1. 10 min Equity in the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) • Overview of resource planning and the IRP process • Incorporating equity feedback into resource planning • Expanding equity conversations in the 2025 resource planning processes Puget Sound Energy Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) meeting Meeting Summary Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 | 10:00 - 1:00 p. (RPAG) and the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) webinar series. A subsidiary of Puget Energy, PSE meets the energy needs of its customers, in part, through incremental, cost-effective energy effi ciency, procurement of Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is committed to a clean energy future. Moved In? Find contact information for members of the media who would like to contact Puget Sound Energy. O. PSE will discuss equity in delivery system planning and decarbonization The 2023 Gas Utility Integrated Resource Plan (2023 Gas Utility IRP) is a planning exercise that evaluates how a range of potential future outcomes could affect our ability to meet our Puget Sound Energy (PSE) filed a joint work plan for both the 2025 Gas Utility Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Electric IRP on September 29, 2023, in accordance with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is filing a joint work plan for both the 2025 Gas Utility Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Electric IRP on October 1, 2023 in accordance with WAC 480-90 The new Integrated System Plan (ISP) will be our roadmap as we transform to a clean energy future. 22. RFP Bids Due. 6, 2023). Synapse's review found that the PSE IRP included a reasonable near-term resource plan but contained proposed actions that could lead to an unjustified deviation from that resource plan. 2023 Electric Progress Report: PSE webinar with IRP stakeholders March 22, 2022 Overview . Media can also use our media kit, news release archives and video and photo archive to find more information and tools. Below is a summary of actions from the Jan. 1 million electric customers and nearly 840,000 natural gas customers in 10 counties. Advisory Group . 2 The electricity industry often uses the term "IRP" to refer to both the resource planning process and the resulting resource plan filing. 2 6. If a trigger occurs, planners conduct a system evaluation to identify project needs. This landmark legislation requires gas utilities to plan and implement major decarbonization strategies in line Puget Sound Energy's draft 2021 integrated resource plan has some eye-popping numbers in its myriad projections: nearly 1 million electric vehicles; 4,462 MW of renewable resources; 750 MW of battery In the Matter of Puget Sound Energy’s 2023 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Progress Report DOCKET UE-200304 . Doing a backend check is important because resource adequacy is not an economic model. Puget Sound Energy • Samantha DeMars-Hanson, PRR • Brett Houghton, PRR • This session is being recorded by Puget Sound Energy. wa. The planning reserve margin is quantified at 21-24% for the IRP depending on the model year and season. 2. Ultimately, the 2025 IRP’s forecast for 2050 is down 8% PURPOSE OF THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN Puget Sound Energy (PSE) continues to invest in a long-term resource planning process to inform and guide the company’s resource acquisition processes consistent with the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 480-90-238 and WAC 480-100-238. PSE will retire 2 of the 4 units by 2025, but the future of the other two is uncertain. To reach the 2025 target for 59% clean electricity, PSE plans will add new wind, distributed solar, new non-wires alternatives, and new energy efficiency programs. Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is committed to a clean energy future. Puget Sound Energy Furnace Service - If you are looking for easy solutions for your needs then our online service will help you find. PSE’s Integrated Resource Plan Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. 2023 Electric Progress Report. Visit one of our PSE pay stations to pay your bill in person using cash, check, pin In summer 2023, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) launched a new engagement approach for its 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) cycle. to 3:00 p. In this IRP, we analyzed how a wide range of allowance prices under the CCA and the Puget Sound Energy Unveils 2013 Draft Integrated Resource Plan Energy efficiency, 'peaking' resources and renewables remain draft plan's focus BELLEVUE, Wash. Our service territory includes the vibrant Puget Sound area and covers more than 6,000 square miles, stretching from south Puget Sound to the Canadian The debate over PSE's draft integrated resource plan is the latest example of a conflict over the degree to which natural gas will be needed to back up renewable energy. Safety moment: downed power lines. • Electric Integrated Resource Plan, • Clean Energy Implementation Plan, and In the Matter of Puget Sound Energy Clean Energy Implementation Plan Pursuant to WAC 480-100-640, Docket UE-210795, Order 08 Approving CEIP Subject to Conditions (Jun. In addition, Synapse identified a series of unjustified assumptions and Puget Sound Energy Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) meeting . View recent documents and reports related to PSE clean energy planning. PURPOSE OF THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN . For this reason, a forecast of peak demand is an essential part of resource planning. Puget Sound Energy (PSE) 1. PSE will discuss planning scenarios and sensitivities and the updated resource need with RPAG members and provide an update on RPAG member recruitment and the public webinar To help plan for the clean electricity transition, PSE plans out the electricity system years in advance to ensure we can always serve our customers’ growing energy needs. Ray Outlaw, Manager, Communications Initiatives 3. comprehensive feedback report. • Cascade continues to be fully committed to the IRP process. Update to Appendix A of Puget Sound Energy's 2021 Integrated Resource Plan, Work Plan, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Jon Piliaris. 3 Page 7 Executive Summary Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is preparing its 2019 integrated resource plan (IRP) for Washington State, which includes an evaluation of thermal, renewable, and energy storage technologies as potential supply-side resource alternatives. Puget Sound Energy's draft 2021 integrated resource plan has some eye-popping numbers in its myriad projections: nearly 1 million electric vehicles; 4,462 MW of renewable resources; 750 MW of battery This is the first IRP created in Washington since 2019, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) 6. – 4 p. Third-party recording is not permitted. Start, stop or transfer your power and electric service. In this IRP, we analyzed how a wide range of allowance prices under the CCA and the 5 IRP stakeholder meeting –June 6, 2022 This session is being recorded by Puget Sound Energy. PSE’s IRP analysis integrates demand-side and supply-side resources to meet the growing energy Puget Sound Energy is the Pacific Northwest's largest utility producer of renewable energy. Kipp was named president of PSE in August 2019 and CEO in January 2020. No upcoming events. Platte River said the 2024 IRP captures these Puget Sound Energy Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) meeting . We’re the state’s largest utility, supporting approximately 1. Kara Durbin, Director, Clean Energy Strategy 2. IRP Stakeholder Meeting. Platte River Power Authority’s IRP calls for 760 MW of renewables Brian Tyson reviewed expected outcomes for the draft Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP), including the transition to clean energy, programs and actions, and draft interim targets. gov. About the Companies List of Regulated Companies Electrical Natural Gas Company Tariffs Puget Sound Energy, Inc. PSE Scenarios and sensitivities and updated resource need 12/19/24 | 2 p. PSE will discuss planning scenarios and sensitivities and the updated resource need with RPAG members and provide an update on RPAG member recruitment and the public webinar process. On June 30, 2021, Puget Sound Energy (“PSE”) filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC” or “Commission”) the final Request for Proposals for All Resources (the “All-Source RFP”) in docket UE-210220. Annual Report for Puget Sound Energy INTRODUCTION . In the Matter of the Petition of DOCKETS UE-24____ IRP as required by RCW 19. Puget Sound Energy IRP PURPOSE OF THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN . The utility serves electricity to more than 1. The 2021 IRP outlines PSE’s plans to eliminate coal from its electric resource portfolio by 2026 and transition to greenhouse gas neutral generation by 2030 and carbon free generation by 2045. March 22, 2022. The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) identifies how PSE provides cost-effective electricity and natural gas to reliably meet our customers’ needs over the next 20+ years Beginning work on the ISP includes carrying over work from the 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and implementing feedback from the 2025 IRP cycle. 12, 2024 meeting heading on the IRP website. The myPSE app provides easy access to your account when youre on the go. • Call 911 or the utility serving the RE: Comments on Puget Sound Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan Dear Chairman Danner and Commission Members: King County and the cities of Issaquah, Mercer Island, Redmond, Snoqualmie and Tukwila are commenting jointly on Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) now before Puget Sound Energy Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) meeting . 2 million electric customers and more than 900,000 natural gas customers in ten counties. Puget Sound Energy is looking to grow our community with With our rapidly growing, award winning energy efficiency 5 IRP stakeholder meeting –June 6, 2022 This session is being recorded by Puget Sound Energy. PSE has prepared and disseminated a . Meeting Summary Monday, Mar. by Puget Sound Energy Business . Mackenzie Martin, Community Projects Manager 6. PSE 2017 IRP i - 1 About Puget Sound Energy 2017 PSE Integrated Resource Plan About PSE Puget Sound Energy is Washington state’s oldest local energy company, providing electric and natural gas service to homes and businesses primarily in the vibrant Puget Sound area. A graph of the forecast is often shown at the beginning of an Integrated Resource Plan. 15 Third-party recording is not permitted Zooming out: timing for this inaugural IRP/CEIP cycle 2021 2022. PSE will provide an update on the 2025 Integrated Resource Plan and the 2027 Integrated System Plan. PSE’s Natural Gas Utility Puget Sound Energy's projected capacity shortfall has grown to 2,700 MW during winter peak hours by the end of the decade, according to the 2023 integrated resource plan the company according to the 2023 integrated resource plan PSE’s need for additional renewable energy and capacity is substantial • PSE’s Integrated Resource Plan Electric Progress Report (IRP EPR) issued in 2023 proposes a preferred portfolio comprised of 6,700 MW of nameplate capacity resources to fulfill PSE's 2030 renewable and capacity needs. She has a background working with technical advisory groups across a range of topics, from affordable housing to environmental remediation, and Puget Sound Energy is proud to serve our neighbors and communities in 10 Washington counties. View Cheryl Moore’s profile on Puget Sound Energy (PSE) continues to invest in a long-term resource planning process to inform and guide the company’s resource acquisition processes consistent with the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 480-90-238. Draft RFP Filing. 2023 ELECTRIC INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN PROGRESS REPORT . 3On March 23, 2023, PSE filed its 2023 Electric Progress Report to the 2021 IRP. Wendy Gerlitz, Manager, Regulatory Policy 4. Check your balance and make a payment with just one click. 6. PSE’s Natural Gas Utility PSE Resource Adequacy Meeting with IRP Stakeholders August 26, 2022 Overview On August 24, 2022, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) hosted an online webinar with Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) stakeholders on Resource Adequacy: • Share information on Puget Sound Energy’s Resource Adequacy Scope • Share E3 Resource Adequacy Modeling Results This session is being recorded by Puget Sound Energy. 2 Third-party recording is not permitted. doyle@utc. PUGET SOUND ENERGY’S . Chapter One: Executive Summary; Chapter Two: Resource FINAL 2023 GAS INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN Puget Sound Energy’s 2023 gas Integrated Resource Plan is the Company’s first gas plan filed since Washington enacted the Climate Commitment Act (“CCA”) in 2021. Introduction Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is filing a joint work plan for both the 2025 Gas Utility Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Electric IRP on October 1, 2023 in accordance with WAC 480-90-238 and WAC 480-100-625. On March 22, 2022 Puget Sound Energy (PSE) hosted an online meeting with Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) stakeholders on assumptions for the 2023 Electric Progress Report, and to specifically: • Share about the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) PSE 2017 IRP 2017 PSE Integrated Resource Plan Delivery Infrastructure Planning This chapter describes the planning process for PSE-owned gas and electric delivery infrastructure and outlines the challenges and opportunities that confront the delivery system at this time. PSE’s 20 21 IRP Progress Integrated Resource Plan; PAY BILL. --(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The best strategy As PSE reminds us, the energy grid must be designed to serve instantaneous pe ak demand without failing. NOVEMBER 13, 2017. Brian Tyson, Manager, Clean Energy Planning and Implementation Scenarios and sensitivities and updated resource need 12/19/24 | 2 p. And we're proud of our legacy at PSE: A commitment to great customer service always and helping to make our communities better places to live and work. BELLEVUE, Wash. Agenda Time Agenda Item Presenter 9:00 –9:05 a. Meeting purpose and topics . The IRP is a 20+ year view of what appears to Puget Sound Energy & Limeade Organizational Support for Well-Being. 2 million electric customers and 900,000 natural gas customers. In July, the RPAG will further discuss equity in the gas IRP. (10 min) Delivery System Planning Overview Cathy Koch Puget Sound Energy . Puget Energy and Puget Sound Energy, Inc. 18 Third-party recording is not permitted About customer benefit indicators • 2021 Integrated Resource Plan developed initial list of CBIs to rank portfolios • Since then, we’ve heard feedback from stakeholders about: • Customer-directed CBIs • IRP stakeholder interest in weighting Puget Sound Energy held seven public meetings in 2022 before filing the 2023 Gas Utility IRP with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission) by April 1, 2023. Manage your account This session is being recorded by Puget Sound Energy. 21 Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. Energy storage modeling based on the four-hour Li-Ion battery similarly has only minor differences across the IRP and EPR. SYSTEM OVERVIEW 8-4 • Responsibilities Sierra Club retained Synapse to assess the 2017 Integrated Resource Pan (IRP) filed by Puget Sound Energy (PSE). 2 Several tasks were included in the study scope 2023 IRP CPA by converting a portion (~30%) of natural gas loads to electric. Create your online account to pay your Puget Sound Energy bill, change your payment options and customize your energy bill account. (5 min) Opening Sophie Glass9:05 –9:15 a. Elizabeth Hossner, PSE, provided an overview of the 2025 IRP planning process and highlighted where PSE is currently situated within the timeline. The 20-year Integrated Resource Plan will detail the PSE’s plan to continue using As Washington State’s oldest local energy company, Puget Sound Energy serves more than 1. (IRP) filing timeline and work plan • Discuss scenario themes for the gas and electric IRP • Review the scope and design of the Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA) Puget Sound Energy (PSE) 1. Brian Tyson, Manager, Clean Energy Planning & Implementation 4. Puget Sound Energy will host a virtual RPAG meeting on Thursday, December 19 from 2 p. BESS Battery energy storage system BTM Behind-the-meter refers to resources that PURPOSE OF THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN . 1. between Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and Settling Parties. 6 meeting with IRP stakeholders. Presentations. Final RFP Filing. Our service area covers more than 6,000 The 2021 IRP implemented new rules from the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA), signed into law in May 2019. Wendy Gerlitz, State and Regional Policy Consultant 4. for Page 1 of 9 Approval of Recommended Independent Evaluator. Under her direction, PSE is working toward an aspirational goal of being a Beyond Net Zero Carbon by Puget Sound Energy Business . 1 million electric customers and more than 840,000 natural gas customers in 10 counties. PSE is working to further the energy justice core tenets in its 2025 IRP work. , , Puget Sound Energy (PSE) (IRP) is a plan for meeting forecasted annual peak and energy demand, plus some established reserve margin, through a combination of energy supply, conservation, and other demand-side resources. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION . Friday, May 31, 2024 | 10:00 a. gov Docket numbers: UE- 190837, UE-191023, UE-190652 UTC rolls out new clean energy rules OLYMPIA, Wash. This 2023 Gas Utility Integrated Resource Plan (2023 Gas Utility IRP) is the first planning cycle that examines theimpact of Washington State’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA). View Robert Knoll’s profile on LinkedIn, a Storekeeper at Puget Sound Energy · Experience: Puget Sound Energy · Education: Ferndale High School · Location: Bellingham · 61 connections on LinkedIn. Another aspect of the IRP Storekeeper at Puget Sound Energy · Experience: Puget Sound Energy · Education: Ferndale High School · Location: Bellingham · 61 connections on LinkedIn. 12, 2024, RPAG meeting. Comments on Puget Sound Energy’s 2017 Integrated Resource Plan 3 3. It begins 19 by discussing key features of PSE’s operations and regulatory environment. 86. BACKGROUND In 2020, Avista and Puget Sound Energy filed integrated resource plans (IRP) for electric and natural gas service, outlining energy supply and demand expectations for the Clean Energy Implementation Plan update to IRP stakeholders October 6, 2021 We’ll begin at 1 p. and that rate regulation using MYRPs and PBR has been legislatively mandated in Puget Sound Energy's management team works closely with our Board of Directors to deliver your energy future. CEIP Update. Keep clear of fallen utility wires. In this IRP, we analyzed how a wide range of allowance prices under the CCA and the Director, Gas Operations at Puget Sound Energy · Experience: Puget Sound Energy · Education: Pacific Lutheran University · Location: University Place · 119 connections on LinkedIn. A progress During our more than 135-year history, one thing has remained constant: Puget Sound Energy's focus on safe, reliable, affordable energy service. The 2025 IRP engagement process includes two integrated participation tracks: • A formal Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) convened to advise PSE on an array Purchaser: Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (10 min) Follow-up from March IRP Meetings Kara Durbin9:15 –9:25 a. S. com. (“PE”) and Puget Sound Energy, Inc. November 2024 Puget Energy Fixed Income Investor Presentation - EEI Financial Conference. Kara Durbin, Director, Clean Energy Strategy 3. (PSE) include the following cautionary statements in this Form 10-K to make applicable and to take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Puget Energy or PSE. Puget Sound Energy's first Energy Efficiency Public Participation Forum. Birud Jhaveri, Manager of Pricing and Cost Service 5. Except as expressly noted, the information in this presentation is current as of November 1, 2023 –the date on which PUGET ENERGY, INC. Learn how you can partner with us and create a better energy future. These needs are used to develop alternatives and recommended solutions. It is the commission's responsibility to ensure regulated companies provide safe, reliable, and equitable service to customers at reasonable rates, while allowing them the opportunity to earn a fair profit. Our service territory includes the vibrant Puget Sound area and covers more than 6,000 square miles, Puget Sound Energy Resource Planning Jan. 405. 2023 Gas Utility Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Chapters. Please RSVP in order to participate We will be coal free by 2025 and our electric system will be carbon neutral by 2030. Mary E. Kipp. Manage your account manager at Puget Sound Energy · Experience: Puget Sound Energy · Location: Lake Stevens · 67 connections on LinkedIn. pse gas fireplace insert rebates, puget sound energy furnace replacement, puget sound energy furnace repair, puget Welcome to Puget Sound Energy. DEMAND RESPONSE POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT. For the latest information on PSE's CEIP, visit cleanenergyplan. – 10:30 a. PSE discussed equity in the electric IRP at an EAG meeting in May and will discuss the gas IRP with the EAG in June. (PSE) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PE and Each IRP outlines the forecasted electric and gas resource demand and models resource supply scenarios, including conservation, resource procurement and major delivery infrastructure necessary to meet that demand. Climate Change Load Puget Sound Energy (PSE) 1. E3 finished their presentation by summarizing six key takeaways. TEP’s IRP calls for adding 2,240 MW of wind View recent documents and reports related to PSE clean energy planning. Adrian Rodriguez, Senior Vice President of Regulatory and Strategy 2. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA or "the alliance") is a nonprofit organization working in collaboration with Puget Sound Energy and more than 140 other Northwest utilities and energy Puget Sound Energy's electric and natural gas rates reflect a combination of many items: delivering the energy you use, the price of the energy itself, and PSE’s overall operating and capital costs — including maintaining and The UTC regulates private, investor-owned electric and natural gas utilities in Washington. In 2016, the CEO was listed as Australia’s highest-paid CEO. Transaction: This Transaction is for Sell er to sell and deliver and Purchaser to purchase and receive the Contract Quantity of Firm [Energy or Capacity] at the Delivery Point in accordance with the Delivery Profile during each of the Delivery Periods comprising the Delivery Term, all as specified below and 18 The final section of the report considers PBR for Puget Sound Energy. Phase 1. County Agency Phone Island County Opportunity Council: 360-734-5121 (option 1020) Toll-Free: 1-800-649-5121 The West Sound's electric infrastructure is aging, and upgrades are necessary to create a power grid that's more resilient, more reliable and meets the region's growing energy needs. Washington Energy Services is a action award winner hvac company in Lynnwood area. In addition to evaluating electric and natural gas baseline sales impact, Cadmus also assessed the Puget Sound Energy; BOT-01H; P. Draft Progress Report. 3 TWh of renewable energy need and 2,340 FINAL PSE 2021 IRP About Puget Sound Energy As Washington state’s oldest local energy company, Puget Sound Energy serves more than 1. 22, 2022. 2 million customers in Island, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Pierce, Skagit, Thurston, and Whatcom counties, [2] and provides natural gas to 877,000 customers [1] in energy efficiency in Washington over the 20-year planning horizon. Puget Sound Energy Resource Planning Advisory Group (RPAG) meeting The 2025 IRP’s natural gas energy forecast declines over time because of the climate change assumptions and decreasesin industrial uses and is expected to decrease even more once demand side resources are added. Project Manager III at Puget Sound Energy, 200 MW of combustion turbines and 175 MW of battery storage by the end of the decade. 060 and 19. PSE residential and business customers should use different contact information. to 4 p. PSE’s Natural Gas Utility Integrated Resource Plan (Gas Utility IRP) is a plan for meeting forecasted annual peak FINAL PSE 2021 IRP About Puget Sound Energy As Washington state’s oldest local energy company, Puget Sound Energy serves more than 1. 1 Introduction 1. 555-555-5555. View Harry Scenarios and sensitivities and updated resource need 12/19/24 | 2 p. OVERVIEW 8-3 2. 13, 2024 RPAG meeting and Feb. As of December 31, 2022, our electric power resources (company-owned, controlled or under long-term contracts) had a total nameplate Welcome to Puget Sound Energy. 2021. 5 million customers in ten This 2023 Electric Report is an update to the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)required under Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) rules for electric investor-owned utilities as of December 2020. It will identify customer needs and aspirations and analyze the long-term plans and short-term actions required to deliver suitable energy PURPOSE OF THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN Administrative Code (WAC) 480-90-238 and WAC 480-100-238. 280. Technical difficulties? Please call or text Lucila Gambino at 786-246-0637. Phase 2. 20. 25, 2024 | 12:00 – 4:00 p. Puget Sound Energy is developing the first Integrated System Plan (ISP) in Washington state history. (10 min) Delivery System Planning Overview Cathy Koch Puget Sound Energy's management team works closely with our Board of Directors to deliver your energy future. BEFORE THE . Get updated information about power outages as well. • Cascade does not anticipate any near-term material upstream capacity deficiency in the 2023 IRP. The 2025 IRP’s natural gas energy forecast declines over time because of the climate change Puget Sound Energy | Generic Resource Costs for IRP Report Number: 10111615-0ZR-P0001 Rev. The 20 report notes that the Company is currently operating under several forms of PBR 21 . The June 29 Public Participation Forum was a chance for PSE to communicate directly with our energy efficiency community and share our Scenarios and sensitivities and updated resource need 12/19/24 | 2 p. We aspire to be a beyond net zero carbon energy company by 2045. ”1 Furthermore, the Company clarifies that it does not have specific plans to Puget Sound Energy May 2023 Green Bond Allocation Report - as of May 2024. RCWs 19. edu | 360-956-2200 or 888-363-7289 (toll-free). azu muac bjmfkci yssd mwhn qlf uzczso dnqnb lhznj hhiv