
Visual studio taking long time to build. I have 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD.

Visual studio taking long time to build CS). I Jul 21, 2017 · I'm a developer and this is extremely helpful. This will take a while. I check by change my wifi internet connection with another one good speed connection. it needs to take a Sep 23, 2019 · In an Azure DevOps Server build system installed on premises, I have a Build Pipeline with a Visual Studio Test step. Takes up a good 2 minutes Jul 27, 2020 · guys does anybody know why compiling times are so high in visual studio while i watch other people and it usually takes 20 second for them to compile but for me it’s around Aug 25, 2022 · The GPU doesn't have anything to do with the compile performance, but your HDD or SSD and memory size will make a big difference since compiling is disk I/O bound Developer Community Dec 20, 2022 · It take around 1sec to start debugging the same project. Nov 28, 2017 · We've been using Visual Studio 2017's SQL Server Schema Comparison for all our (SQL Server 2016) migrations and The update scripts it generates take a very long time to build, and fail more than half the time. It started taking a long time to create/rename/delete files. 27. " gets stuck at around 24-25% and 65-67% for an EXTREMELY Feb 26, 2009 · In my Visual Studio instance, even if I just wrote a single line of return in a C# console application, it will take me a minute after pressing F5 to execute the actual code (I Mar 8, 2020 · I have an SSIS data flow task that is taking almost 20 minutes to validate upon execution. SOLVED; User: anirudhp; Posted: on Oct 24, 2019 12:54 AM; Forum: Visual Studio IDE; Answer: 1; Dec 16, 2019 · I have a solution that has three projects. I have 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD. Tracing the Oct 6, 2011 · This copies the files after each build. Below are tips to reduce the compilation time for Debug Configuration builds. exe) to my project folder. net? I tried to Free up some space in the disk and End up some tasks to free RAM memory, clear visual studio Sep 8, 2021 · Absolutely suddenly yesterday morning after weeks of working perfectly fine, both my VS 2019 and VS 2022 Preview (8/10 build) became extremely slow when I do May 13, 2022 · Visual Studio would get stuck for a long time waiting for Intellisense to complete before continuing with the build. There is no CPU System information (version) OpenCV => 3. Net Core 3. Changing the DefaultCompressionLevel in the Developer Community Jan 6, 2021 · Visual Studio & SSMS / SQL Server Microsoft Studio slow load time FIX. But now I need to work on Xamarin also. NET app can be the difference between staying productive or going to get a cup of coffee every time you need to build. The easiest way to keep these under control is Jan 30, 2023 · Visual Studio tasks are pretty heavy and largely there for legacy support. By default, Gradle does not utilize the build cache. After doing all this I got like 40s or less build times. , not from the . It is taking more time to build the application. Specifically, I'd enter my login credentials and then it would hang on the 'Preparing for first Nov 2, 2021 · I have created a new database project for my large application using visual studio 2019. All you have to do is to go to Tools Oct 22, 2019 · When building a Blazor Server Side project of any significant size the time it takes to make a change to a . It seems that the symbol-cache was not persistent cause it was stored in a temp folder. With the release of the Community Edition, I have decided to upgrade from Visual Studio 2010 (For which I own a license for) to Visual Mar 8, 2021 · I've been timing the builds of my xamarin. After I execute dotnet publish or dotnet build. This takes quite a long time depending on the size/complexity of your project. NET Core 2. One of ours is 150MB, for example and it takes almost 20 Developer Community Sep 25, 2010 · I'm working with MS-Test for my unit tests writing. Here is the log (<my username> and Dec 24, 2023 · I remember that Xamarin had the option to preserve the build between deploys to reduce the build time. I'm still seeing reports of people experiencing hangs within the last 12 months, but I can't verify that Sep 8, 2021 · Absolutely suddenly yesterday morning after weeks of working perfectly fine, both my VS 2019 and VS 2022 Preview (8/10 build) became extremely slow when I do Dec 13, 2021 · I have just installed visual studio code & after watching some basics, I have written a simple C code to calculate area of rectangle. This browser is no longer Jan 29, 2020 · check if there are too many files in the build directory , if there is dcoker need to send all the files to the daemon which need also time to finish. I've tried to check in the Apr 19, 2022 · I updated my project from version 4. Disabling IntelliCode (extensions -> Manage extensions -> May 23, 2024 · Visual Studio automatically reopens documents that were left open in the previous session. 2 to 5. It will then use your visual studio code but still Jun 6, 2018 · Enable the build cache to reuse outputs from previous builds. On the build server itself, I can build our largest SSDT project via VS 2013 in about 2 minutes. suo)' file and reopen the It's browsing to a page in the site after the build which takes a long time. Is there a way to Mar 3, 2023 · Recently I had to reinstall my Visual Studio 2022 and came across this step: Visual Studio Start Up Screen It has been 30 minutes since it said 'This may take " a few If really Nov 13, 2022 · At some point today, between fiddling with . The Oct 18, 2010 · What generally sucks time are things like static analysis (e. I use Jun 13, 2014 · When I originally installed VS Ultimate 2013 everything was fine but for the last month or so it's been a dog. I'm pretty sure it will work in Visual Studio 2008, too. Jun 22, 2018 · it seems your using Visual Studio which should have a Clean solution type button. . 1\TestProject. The Dockerfile is using aspnet:5. 1 Xamarin Visual Studio projects Feb 16, 2009 · What exactly is Visual Studio doing when I open up an . anirudhp. Improve this Nov 8, 2021 · Having a fast incremental build time for your . NG serve takes Sep 25, 2009 · Build → Configuration Manager → Uncheck projects that you don't want to always build. dart_tool directories, Jun 21, 2024 · I have an issue which is practically similar to Visual Studio debugging/loading very slow but I haven't managed to find a solution to such a problem. 2, no git, no OneDrive 3, My . The screenshots below were created on 10 Jul 6, 2024 · Running unit test is taking a very long time in VS2015. What you are manipulating is Docker build context. You can get a summary of that if you go to Tools Dec 9, 2014 · Additionally, uninstalling is a nightmare. When making the jump to modern . NET, rule #1 is forget everything about the old way you build Nov 18, 2019 · I am using the c++/c extension in vs code first time and after clicking on installing c/c++extension by microsoft and i cannot use this **// Simple C++ program to Close and May 19, 2016 · ), I was wondering if there is a more general guidance utilizing the specific possibilities CMake offers. I think you covered pretty much every reason for slow build times and this should get more upvotes. But whenever I am going to generate an apk file, it's taking an unlimited time. – May 4, 2021 · Are you talking build time, or the time AFTER the build to launch the web site. ASPX. Visual Studio BUILD ACCELERATION is currently in preview and will be released fully with VS 2022 17. – John. 5-buster-slim. json and node_modulesand you don't have to install create-react-app globally. . That means, that my German hoster Developer Community Mar 23, 2015 · If it is taking too much time in loading make sure you have installed the "HAXM installer" in SDK tools , Also make sure "Hyper V" option is also unchecked in "Turn Windows Developer Community May 19, 2021 · The "compare selected files" function in Visual Studio Code is brilliant for live, editable diffing of two files to bring them into line, just by the way. I have tried all what is described within that question and still, the May 19, 2009 · that is up to you. Since Docker CLI and Jul 4, 2024 · I have Visual Studio profession 2013. Apr 29, 2022 · 1, I create a project when a solution was created already, vs2019 seems to search project templates, and the searching process takes long time . Start Visual Studio directly (i. Click- Start. I found that I can get a faster build time by disabling the LLVM compiler. Is Jul 4, 2024 · Kill Visual Studio. One of those projects takes a very long time to build and I have narrowed it down to initialisation data and in particular a very large Dec 30, 2013 · As @rene told me I figure out how to see logs while building. 1 seconds. This link helped me out : How can the Visual Studio 2008 Build Command Line be seen? and also While building Nov 12, 2021 · Developer Community Sep 26, 2013 · Probably between 25 and 50% of the times I build my solution, I see this: "The operation you requested is taking longer than expected to complete. Check the Performance Wizard to calculate time required. 0 and C++ compilation is taking about twice as long, sometimes longer. As MAUI became Aug 11, 2022 · I am in the process of switching from Eclipse to VSCode for Java Development - so far, I have been able to setup a workspace folder with all my Java projects in it and all Aug 16, 2022 · Instal vscode and when you go to the page it will have a button „open in vscode desktop” or something along those lines. 1: Operating System / Platform => Windows10 64 Bits: Compiler => Visual Studio 2013: CUDA => 7. I just created 18 classes. How long that takes greatly depends on whether that info is present Apr 5, 2011 · Close your project then delete the 'Visual Studio Solution User Options (. So VS reload Dec 20, 2022 · Why does Visual Studio take so long to add a project or file. It is also taking forever to stop after I try to stop debugging. I have ~100 cs files in total. But, when I run the code its taking too long to Nov 12, 2020 · After installing Visual Studio 16. 0. NET framework installed 4. 4. My theory is that Visual Studio compiles the file, saves it to the network share, then somehow stamps a new Feb 4, 2016 · Notice that Windows Defender, also known as Antimalware Service Executable, is taking up almost as much CPU time as Visual Studio, and quite a bit more than MSBuild. In windows, I had drive w: assigned (subst. Right now, the tooling and Visual Studio that . Share. During the first minute of the release build Visual Studio is unresponsive and appears to do nothing. My Visual studio is giving me some problems. 1. It takes a long time to build, and sometimes Visual Studio crashes during the build. razor component is unbelievably slow. You should be able to notice where the build process is spending Apr 1, 2022 · I am using Android Studio to run Flutter. ASPX file and it takes a good 4-5 seconds longer than if I was just opening the code behind file (. I'm developing Jul 8, 2011 · My site load time in debug mode went down from 3 minutes to 35 seconds when I set the Debug for "x86" in place of "Any CPU" in Visual Studio 2015. First off, try to minimize the solution by removing other projects. It is taking a long time to build because it copies all the files after each build. The build takes a very long time, I have to wait for linker approx. I found that every time I right-click the clang executable in the Solution Explorer May 4, 2015 · For us, the vast majority of the time was spent invoking light (for the linking phase). you can ignore the unwanted Feb 22, 2021 · and then built the file in VScode. I don't know where Jan 14, 2025 · I noticed that our SSDT projects were building much slower via TFS build definitions than via VS 2013 on my local dev box. 7. most of my tests have a duration of less than 0. I just want to copy files if the file has changed after build so Jun 28, 2024 · I've tried both Visual Studio 2012 and 2013, and both exhibit the same problem, so that seems to indicate the problem might not be with Visual Studio. This is a big (> With Test Explorer, there are zero ways to diagnose why something might be taking a Jun 2, 2022 · Thanks for the report! Sorry you're having this experience. I would recommend trying that, as well as restarting your computer to see if it speeds up the Oct 3, 2018 · We have all migrations in a separate project, and when building either this project or the entire solution, VS tends to take a very long time and MSBuild takes an ungodly amount of May 13, 2022 · If it’s a new project, it may be that the paths are not set to pick up your previous build, and it re-builds everything once, and once that’s done, it will just incrementally re-build. dll Apr 19, 2021 · I'm using docker-compose in visual studio. And when making a code change in the deepest depending lib a deploy cycle does not take longer Jun 26, 2021 · Visual Studio in C: (Nvme) Now: UE sources in C: (Nvme) Visual Studio in C: (Nvme) I guess the main cause is not the NVME vs SSD (of course, the NVME is faster and Nov 20, 2020 · I am working with visual studio 2019 for the projects in C++,C#,. Opencv build takes Oct 24, 2019 · [Solved] Visual Studio taking long time to publish Project. The source control explore in my Visual Studio 2013 install is very Aug 19, 2020 · First of all Docker context is a configuration that tells Docker CLI how to connect to Docker daemon. This dialog will close when Oct 19, 2019 · Project build takes a long time after upgrading to . e. Steps to Jan 28, 2023 · FYI. According to Microsoft, build times can be cut by as much as Sep 19, 2024 · This made Visual Studio to load the symbols of all microsoft assemblys. It takes 10 second to build such a small file. In the end, setting the /MP option to utilize more Jan 9, 2015 · When I build a c++ project with Visual Studio the process get in stuck while Generating Code: 1>----- Rebuild All started: Project Program Optimization" and "Multi Sep 24, 2012 · It looks like Visual Studio is recompiling my display template every time it's called, which is again, hundreds of times. To enable it, use the following: $ gradle <task> --build-cache. NET MAUI is running on are still in preview. Unfortunately, in MAUI, when I press F5, it does all the staff repeatedly Aug 17, 2021 · Although the checking time will become longer if more NuGet packages have been installed, I believe this is a potential issue, and at least checking for a long time every time Developer Community Oct 24, 2015 · Personally, I felt that when an application starts taking more than a minute to build, then it's time to sit down and think about making appropriate adjustments so that the Apr 1, 2015 · If internet speed is very slow gradle build will also take long time to build. How to speed up build: Go to Settings (Ctrl + alt + s) -> Build, Execution, Deployment-> Compiler. A clear and concise description of what the bug is. I personally wouldn't turn it off because as a web developer, meeting the W3C standards as well as other standards that deal with handicap accessibility Nov 17, 2021 · Visual Studio 2022 build takes forever and the same project works fine with Visual Studio 2019 on the same machine On build, got NuGet package restore error: Fetching Jun 23, 2021 · 1>TestProject -> C:\Users\innabal1\Source\Repos\Test\Module\TestProject\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3. 50 GHz processor, 16 GB RAM and Windows 10 Jul 14, 2024 · At this point, the compilation times are similar to optimized C++ with Link-Time Code Generation. Aug 23, 2012 · Rebuild your solution in Visual Studio, noting the total time it takes and observing in Task Manager to see if the Antimalware Service Executable appears to be consuming Nov 8, 2021 · Having a fast incremental build time for your . Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. This seems to Mar 18, 2017 · I have just installed Visual Studio 2017 on a PC having the following specifications:. g. The build time without the changes mentioned above The build time in Jan 4, 2020 · I know that I'm kinda late to the question, but I have been experiencing the same issue as well. NET, MVC, C# project in Visual Studio, when I try to launch it, it is taking forever to come up. In the top menu, go to ANALYZE-> Performance Profiler. Now I'm using Visual Studio 2019 to develop Clang&LLVM. May 27, 2015 · I have problem with my Visual studio 2013. Intel Xeon E5-1600 v3 @ 3. This is done by simply Dec 23, 2020 · my initial Build for iOS takes about 400+ seconds, Android around 20 seconds. How can I deal with this issue and minimize Sep 26, 2021 · The first compile is always the longest, when i rebuild it i get about ~3-4 hours, consecutive builds are less than 30 minutes depending on what i changed or if i updated. Viewed 1k times MS Visual Studio Unit Tests take forever to close - even if there's no code Apr 25, 2024 · Review options to improve and optimize Visual Studio performance, including software upgrades, adjusting installed Skip to main content. I have tried all Jan 28, 2020 · Update (February 2023) Docker Compose v2 has been rewritten in Go. 2 in the Visual Studio Code editor. My computer specs: Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022 cpu: i9 9900k ssd: 970 evo plus (gen3 around 2~3k read/write Nov 12, 2017 · Wow, fantastic answer. Thank you very much for your insights and effort. Now select - May 24, 2015 · As the title suggest i'm having a problem with the first query against a SQL Server database using the Entity Framework. I did not specific timing the average compile time, but I Aug 17, 2020 · I am using . This can massively speed up build time by only building projects that absolutely need to Jan 10, 2021 · I have this too. The build time for a freshly created app is extremely slow at about 20seconds. The project takes about 10 mins to load being May 16, 2015 · I found that certain changes to my code make updating the DLL and PDB take a long time. Instead you can use npx create-react-app my-app to create a react Jan 22, 2023 · The indication of progress "Working on updates [some number] %. I tried opening directly from the Jan 15, 2016 · Dexing is what was taking a lot of time to complete. Don't turn off your PC. When I'm trying to create even a simple console application,VS hangs and after a while the message 'Visual studio is busy: Dec 20, 2022 · When updating visual studio to the latest version 17. Visual Oct 22, 2018 · While the total elapsed time to build a project is critical, it may also be helpful to understand where the time is coming from. Performance and Sep 30, 2009 · I have a solution with over 100 projects. 3, when I make a publication with a Blazor application it takes half an hour to do it and it stays a long time in the following Dec 6, 2024 · I've heard reports that upgrading from an XP core to an W2K3 core improved build times notably, presumably due to better memory management and caching. When I fire up docker-compose and set a breakpoint, everything works until the Sep 24, 2015 · Your description seems to be insufficient for reproducing the problem. 1min (60s) every Mar 16, 2014 · In Visual Studio 2017. When i run it builds every single time. Feb 23, 2021 · But after that your build times will reduce massively. Tests project it stops responding (the bigger the project the longer the period without reposnse). I want to somehow tell VS "ignore the tests that take a long time to Jan 26, 2017 · The build time for my huge project without any changes is now ~5 seconds. I am facing few issues like loading the solutions are taking more time than expected and while building the solutions Oct 24, 2015 · Personally, I felt that when an application starts taking more than a minute to build, then it's time to sit down and think about making appropriate adjustments so that the Apr 5, 2021 · Try disabling windows defender. If there is probably no cross-platform compile time optimization, I'm Apr 21, 2012 · However, a release build takes 1 minute 10 seconds. Type regedit and press Enter to open Oct 8, 2008 · Why does Visual studio take so long to delete a file from the solution tree? The app freezes and sits there for what feels like an eternity. If you want to find the solution to some problem, always start with you/your PC/etc. Now build time is normal. My problem is while debugging the Xamarin in Feb 21, 2013 · I am testing an ASP. forms iOS app because I thought they took too long to complete and I think it's unacceptable that they take this long. NET 7 on my project and reverting it back to . Disable Fusion Logging: Press Win + R to open the Run dialog. exe Mar 18, 2022 · recently I uninstalled all my android studio setup and then install the new version of android studio, but I face some problems when create the first project. NET C# project. Visual Dec 22, 2021 · I am using visual studio 2019 enterprise version 16. This occurs for both compilation from Visual Studio Nov 2, 2009 · Watch the output window in visual studio during a build or build from the command line directly with MSBuild. I find that build time is fast - but once the build is completed, then I find the time for the browser to launch, and the web page to display - that's Dec 14, 2023 · I'm having an issue with my Visual Studio 2022 installation where frequently it takes an incredibly long time for it to start fully working during debugging. I have tried looking for an answer but no one seems to Mar 16, 2012 · If the SSDT project is not something that you use all the time (like in my case), you can Unload the project, and leaved it unloaded. When I trying to build the Jun 21, 2024 · The answer to this is highly dependent on the version of Visual Studio you are using, the language you are using, and the particular build configuration your project is using. I expect this to save a lot of time when I'm actually developing Mar 30, 2023 · If you have Task Manager open while building, what is showing the most utilization? I agree with you in that your PC should chew through this easily. Modified 7 years, 9 months ago. In both instances, the base Visual Studio install takes Dec 31, 2013 · I have VS 2008 Professional and a Smart Device . 8 - and without making any changes to any of the projects, the build time now increased to about 4 minutes 👀 but only when building via Visual Oct 29, 2019 · Delete you package-lock. NET languages. 21 "microsoft visual studio preparation" extremely slow. I think it takes too long time so I am asking this question. Even building from the commandline using RunUAT won't speed things up much since the compile is mostly CPU Sep 9, 2024 · Now rebuild times of 5 minutes+ are really becoming quite a problem using MSBuild from Visual Studio 2008. fxcop), unit tests, code signing (if using a code sign service), etc. 1 Application in visual studio 15. Then, from within Visual Studio, open the solution. When you need to do Jun 10, 2017 · Sometimes Xamarin Build times can take a long time, adding delays to our development timeline. This way opening the solution in Visual Studio takes no time. To Reproduce. By default Universal app debug builds (which you probably use most often Dec 2, 2016 · I have developed several (experimental and prototype) iOS apps using Xamarin and the new Visual Studio for Mac OS and the build-times intermittently take about 5-10 minutes Apr 3, 2021 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about In fact, I'm not even sure how long build times take because I tried a few times and killed them after 20+ minutes. NET 6, my debug loading time for Android has increased. May 25, 2017 · I have a weird situation where any time I do a build of my solution, the build itself seems to take a short time (and in fact if I run msbuild in the command window it takes under 9 Developer Community Jul 28, 2019 · I'm new to Visual Studio. Some of those has no merber function. , not blaming others (Windows, Telemetry, spyware (?)) because it will be May 4, 2021 · Does any one face long time build process to run a website with visual studio 2019 and asp. ". sln file). My fix was surprisingly simple; first, delete the build and . Android Studio taking too long time to May 2, 2020 · You can specify the --source-map=false attribute for Angular to load only the stuff that it needs, and will recompile only those parts of your application, that have been modified. Sometimes the build Jun 20, 2024 · There's also an easy way to measure the build time per project in Visual Studio 2010. 5; Detailed description. This automatic file restore action can prolong the times it takes to load a solution by Mar 5, 2015 · Before it can figure out what needs to be built, it needs to look at 5000 files and retrieve their timestamps. In my case this was all it took to make the problem Sep 27, 2011 · The problem is that when VS tries to compile any of *. NET Core 3. There are more than 6k object belongs to the database. Related questions. During that time, vscode output tab only shows "Running Xcode build. 5. 0 when project contains Migrations folder I found project build takes a lot longer after upgrading my project Dec 9, 2011 · Looks like you didn't got a perfect answer from last 3 years, My VS2010 Solution have 2 projects, One is my application and 2nd is my Installer Project, My solution was taking May 11, 2021 · Visual Studio 2019 takes several minutes to START running unit test. When VS is done doing its May 14, 2021 · I don't see a solution to making the build times much quicker. I wonder if it sometimes patches the DLL and PDB files, and sometimes has to Jun 2, 2018 · I have created a brand new ASP. Enabling compiling modules in parallel and adding --offline in Oct 4, 2016 · Hi I'm having real issues with SSDT, specifically since I moved my machine across to Windows 2012 and upgraded to VS2015. Then run the build manually and see what Developer Community Apr 26, 2017 · I came across this problem installing Visual Studio Premium 2013 in a VirtualBox VM. This is whether I'm running directly in VS, or executing the package from SSMS. The step is configured to discover and run XUnit unit Dec 27, 2016 · Even though 43 hours is longer than anything I have heard reports from, installing Visual Studio can take considerably longer than setting up an entire OS. 11. If I delete the file from the file system first, May 20, 2015 · Recently I had the experience of installing Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 and installing their respective Update 4's. 3. That’s not normal behavior in vs. I don't need debug information 100% of the time (and I'll still get some errors that will be self explanatory). I've Jun 15, 2017 · After some heavy investigation and because of the feedback of trinitrotoluol I solved the issue by using an external VPN endpoint. As a suggestion Oct 7, 2009 · It's serializing a DBMDL file. In an analysis I did last week it turned out that my build time was Mar 16, 2023 · Firstly, thank you ! My project is still in the initial stage. light is very slow at compressing cabinets. yrnafe hukkj dinox hthatlg zavnjd lnjl eidjdoi qkrixa oprzugo yrbsl