When a girl compliments your physique. When she calls you handsome, hot, cute etc.

When a girl compliments your physique New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Don’t let the compliment go to your head. Examples: I really like your legs, they look powerful. What does it mean when someone compliments your shirt? 21. Saying the same thing everyone else says is lazy and unoriginal. Overall, when a girl says you have nice hands, it is important to take it as a positive sign. When someone compliments my threads, they're complimenting my taste, style, body, and ability to present myself. Here are some ways to do that: Sincere compliment: If the person who complimented you has done something praiseworthy, you can return the compliment with a sincere one. OP, if they were specifically talking about your body, they might just be talking about your body shape. Basing your decisions on your own perception of what warrants a compliment may work fine for you, but that doesn't mean it will work for everyone. But the girl was weird. In our era of evolving social norms and digital communication, deciphering the meaning behind compliments can be as nuanced as understanding the subtleties of texting styles and emoji usage. 57. She'd frequently claim that she had a penis. That’s just me, but i 8. If it's a male complimenting, a hearty thank If a girl compliments you on your physical appearance, it could mean a few different things. When someone compliments you regularly, it can indicate a desire to build or maintain a close relationship. If you have doubts then don’t hop on yet. First acknowledge the compliment and then thank her for the compliment with a smile by saying something like 'thank you for saying/noticing that, it feels good to be appreciated. “You look stunning today; that outfit is amazing on you!” Remember to be genuine and sincere, and don’t forget to share your favorite compliments with the special girls in your life! Save For Later! Habibi Articles: 380. ke published an article on the best comments for a girl's picture on Instagram that will impress her. Reply reply First time a girl every complimented my bum was during a cadet camp when I was 12. Most of the time the opposite sex will compliment you on your fragrance no matter if it’s a 7 or 10, however only your 10s in their opinion will get more enthusiastic responses. Board member: Your pics (which she posted on social media) look great! That dress was awesome. With compliments like that, you’re going to make me blush! When people compliment my physique or body. Your sense of humor is so great, it should be prescribed by doctors. When a girl compliments She is attracted to you. I guess. Definitely don't try to Compliments play an essential role in building someone's confidence and boosting their self-esteem. FAQ Last compliment i got from a girl was 6 years ago, she called me good looking and I remember blanking out and having no idea what to say. Because I've always been told I am smart. Yeah When a guy gets a compliment from a girl its usually a little more genuinely nice IMO as girls tend not to use compliments almost exclusively as a way to . Guys often think one of four things when a girl pays them a compliment: “She must like me. Compliment a Girl with Curly Hair. Top 6 reasons why a girl has sent you a picture of herself Nowadays, text conversations can seem incomplete without emojis, gifs and a few pictures. It’s important to consider the situation in which the compliment was given and the relationship between you and the girl. We weren’t flirting or anything. It's kind of funny but they all have this same idea that "every other girl must compliment your physique but I'm not every other girl" so most are friendly but act very neutral in terms of my build. The main thing here isn't necessarily what you say but how good your pictures are and if your profile is up to her standards. Boosting Self-Esteem: Both giving and receiving compliments can boost self-esteem. Do guys notice what you wear? 27. However, it’s important to choose your words carefully to ensure that your well-intentioned comment doesn’t inadvertently cause offense or hurt. That is unprofessional. Tuko. Compliments are very essential not just to impress the girl, but also even if the girl is already impressed it keeps on the heat between the couple. It's not that I think you think I'm attractive, it's just that the odds are better and that tips the scale. They make me really awkward. You are kindness personified. Sometimes, even the simplest one-word compliments are enough to make her realize how special she is. You’ve got quite a way with words! Thanks for the compliment. It’s important to consider the situation in which the compliment was given and the Start complimenting other guys daily, go on a heartfelt compliment rampage, get a compliment circle going with all your mates. See more videos about Compliments in Spanish, How to Answer A Compliment from A Guy, Compliments in Spanish Original, Compression Shirt Women, The Christian Girl, Reposts for Girls. On rare occasion will a women compliment me (they assume I already know I’m in great shape). This would be more likely if she said it specifically to you and she didn’t compliment other people at the same time, if she said it while she was alone with you, if she’s a similar age as you and if she compliments you in other ways as well. When it comes to giving compliments, try this radical idea: Don’t talk about the body. 3M posts. The latter often borders on sexual Do be genuine in your compliment. To compliment a girl’s body without appearing creepy, focus on sincerity. Depends on the compliment. You certainly know how to make a girl feel special. How to. It could be your personality, appearance, achievements, or actions. And almost every good friend of mine noticed that and complimented that I look 10 years younger now. I had no idea how amazing it feels to be appreciated by someone other than your family. Your memory is so impressive, elephants are taking notes. Your empathy is so strong, you probably cry during 51. Giga chad vibes, that physique is great for a 16 year old. Sometimes you'll get the combo, the 'your form for x was dead on'. Whether it's a sign of attraction, admiration, or simply friendly acknowledgment, a compliment on your muscles reflects her perception of your physical attributes and her desire to communicate positively with you. You didn't 20. You can praise him for his dedication and effort, and recognize his achievements. You have the rest of your life to figure it out. Take it. By complimenting your glasses, she might be indirectly boosting your sense of self-worth and attractiveness. Be specific and genuine in your praise, highlighting the qualities or actions that truly stand out to you. They get the biggest smiles and it makes me happy to see their eyes light up. Lol, maybe. Offer a compliment back if it suits you. Dig in to get all your questions answered. Don't make people feel awkward for In a year I went from seriously overweight (183 cm, 98 kg) to quite fit (75 kg). I try to compliment things like hair, beards, physique, clothing, etc - things they obviously care about and put effort into maintaining. Overall, your compliments are supposed to be meaningful and special. You’re not afraid to pave your own path and speak your mind. Your doctor is more likely commenting on your physique not your goods. But what do you say when a girl compliments you on your hair, physique, or smile? jw2019. If he doesn't like you well, it's still a compliment, but it would be of lesser value (since he doesn't like you). During a recent quick little spat I had with my husband, I pointed out something that he did wrong. If you really wanna signal to a guy you desire them, you express how (their behavior or actions or words) make you (feel some positive type of way). There are two parts. When a girl responds positively to your flirting, it's a clear sign that she's interested in you and enjoys the playful banter between you. Interpreting a compliment on your shoes involves considering various factors, including the context, the nature of your relationship, and the girl's personality. If she's hot, she gets 1000s of messages a day and doesn't have time to look at each and every profile. And no bragging. It's distracting and she'll be less appreciative of your compliment, so just wait until she's free. Interpreting Fashion Compliments. You have a slender and attractive body shape. How to compliment a guy on his body – (Image Source: Pixabay. ” If he notices the good things about you, and compliments you, chances are, he is letting you know that he is interested in you romantically. On the other hand, if she comments on your physique and says you’re fit, she might be referring to your physical attractiveness or fitness level. Save "You're cute" for guys you desire; avoid using it around guys you like only as friends. Women on the other hand will instantly think you're hitting on them. You thank her, maybe with a nod. But, yeah, he may just like your boobs too. And this question does not deter from compliments around non physical and emotional things, just talking physical for this question. The way you appear (attractive, stylish, approachable) will determine whether or not you’re going to receive a compliment. It's always a good idea to have a cache of the best compliments for girls. Wives, do you often compliment your husband? The Context of the Compliment. Is it weird to compliment a girl on her outfit? 28. But of course, the biggest impact was when a girl I'm trying to date said "Wow, you have some serious abs". ”, “She’s attractive. Conclusion In 3. Here are the top 6 reasons why a girl would send a picture of herself to a guy: When a girl compliments your clothes, it can be a subtle way of expressing admiration and indicating interest. However, if someone compliments me I'm significantly more likely to see if they are interested in more. Read article. Another guy's compliment to your girl is a matter to rejoice. Human psychology underpins much of our social behavior, including how we express admiration and appreciation through compliments. The reason that she said that she likes your eyes could be that she was showing that she likes you. For all you know, OP is giving compliments precisely when he deems someone worthy of one, but it still comes off as overbearing. Discover videos related to Compliments for A Girl on TikTok. When you like someone, it is easy to say compliments. The relationship people have with their bodies is more complex than their Instagram caption or photo. One particular compliment that can intrigue many is when a girl remarks positively about your teeth. Blushing is something guys do, I guess, when a woman makes a compliment to him. It could mean she finds you attractive or simply appreciates your style. What does it mean if a girl compliments your shirt? 24. Contents Best Cute Printables What Why How To But if you can’t compare a girl to your favorite pro sports team then what can you say to compliment a fit girl on her hard-earned physique? Unfortunately, as NCAA women’s basketball phenom Brittney Griner discovered, sometimes it’s easier to define what not to say to fit girl. It's always put across as "I'm just trying to compliment her! She should appreciate it!" when really, it's about the guy wanting to get attention from a girl who might not- and probably doesn't- want it from a stranger at the bus stop, and will be made to feel extremely uncomfortable and unsafe by his so-called "compliment". This not only shows genuine thought and effort but also makes your compliments more sincere and memorable. This We talked to licensed clinical psychologist Sarah Schewitz and dating coach John Keegan to compile a list of expert-backed compliments that'll help you capture her heart. I have no idea what is happening, but in the last year, Skill or Achievement-based Compliments: Acknowledging someone's talents, accomplishments, or efforts can convey respect, admiration, and recognition of their abilities. Your slender physique is beautiful. com) How do you compliment a guy’s physique? Your appearance is stunning today, compliments on your physique. I admire your independence. Here are a few ways you could handle being told you A girl has complimented my hair . Yea, when it comes to gym goers. Your (insert compliment about either the nails, hairstyle, or style) is phenomenally done. If it’s about some none physical quality of mine I tend to downplay it because I feel really weird if people keep telling me I’m smart or I’m hardworking, as if I’m bragging to them. Make sure your compliment is genuine and sincere. He's just trying to make you feel good/positive about him, so he's giving you a compliment, hoping you associate HIM with the good feelings that the compliment gave you. One way to respond to a compliment is to return the favor. Talented stars, killer physiques. Bonus points if it's obscure and doesn't get complimented much, like eyebrows. When she calls you handsome, hot, cute etc. She said to me “thank you for your body” as a way to compliment my physique as she rubbed my shoulders and chest. 120+ Funny Fun thread. you need to invest in v-tapered button-downs, seek out the companies that produce "athletic fit" shirts. She gave you a pretty standard compliment, which might mean she likes you. 8,999 likes, 354 comments - devinphysique on April 10, 2022: "LIKE & DROP A 😂 IF YOU LAUGHED!⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ when a girl compliments your Words To Compliment A Girl On Her Looks. Sometimes people simply compliment to compliment. How would you feel if you said "Nice shirt!" and the other person was like "Yeah? Thanks. Don't throw those away. “You have beautiful eyes, nice hair, a charming smile, a great physique ” – usually it is easy to find something attractive in a person. She compliments you. ” They know what I’m working on, so they know the context of what my routine is, 8,999 likes, 354 comments - devinphysique on April 10, 2022: "LIKE & DROP A IF YOU LAUGHED!⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ when a girl compliments your boyfriend ⁣ TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS TO SEE THIS! @seirasin". This post gives you exactly that. Give your girlfriend a shudder Edit: It's okay to compliment a guy on his physique (just don't talk about the legs or the glutes), but don't do that to women. On the other hand, smiling makes us feel good, and laughter even fortifies our immune system. I love it when I get those kinds of compliments, and you bet your ass I remember every single one of them whenever I pull that article of clothing out of my closet. For instance, Hey I like your "Piece of clothing" from a girl that is generally because they like clothing pieces. Yeah, exactly. Discover videos related to Compliments on TikTok. A body builder girl with an amazing physique complimented me (a little chubby and not really training for physique goals at the time), by telling me my deadlifts were “crazy strong. Once every year. Sometimes people compliment to embarrass. In the realm of interpersonal communication, compliments serve as powerful tools that convey admiration, appreciation, and sometimes even deeper emotions. It does not happen often (they are more likely to comment on other things) so I really enjoy compliments on my nail polish or something. Person says 'thanks' and then is asked about their program. If the compliment was given in a professional setting, it may simply be a polite remark. I know I when a man loves you, you start asking questions” I’m paraphrasing. I have no idea what is happening Here are some examples of how to reply when a girl compliments you through text, depending on the situation: If She Compliments Your Appearance. There are the compliments about form/weight/and in general what the person is doing. Social Skills Hi! As someone from engineering major it happened to me that I don't know many girl and used to socialize with boys more, so I sometimes have difficulties with talking to females. In the following sections, I’ll mention a number of reasons why she might ignore your compliments, the signs to look for and the things to consider. That is, unless they pursue you afterwards. How to Accept Compliments Gracefully as a Guy With a Hot Body. Here are effective ways to respond: Gratitude: Express appreciation for the compliment with a simple "thank you. She might just be trying to What does it mean when a girl compliments your shirt? A BIG one on these lists is when men say that if a woman gives you a compliment, then that means she like you. Your physique today is so strong; I can tell you’ve been working A girl can compliment me without it seeming like she wants to fuck me, if that's what you mean. After they get to know me a bit then Take your girl's hand and dance through the compliment. Female: Lol well thank you Generic and vague compliments. And another girl later (different group) saying "I must admit Rob, you have put on some muscle since I last saw you" Now I know it sounds like a big head post, but I have always been skinny, have only been training a little while, and Women probably don't think this is the case because they've all complimented men before, but chances are that they all complimented the same few guys. When you see a friend who suddenly looks different, there’s a strong impulse to remark on it. When you tell an attractive girl she is beautiful, she has probably heard that compliment a “gazillion” times. The best way to respond to a compliment from a girl about your looks is either to make a funny remark about your appearance or to return the compliment right away. What Does "You Mean a Lot To Me" Mean? Plus Similar Phrases. A good compliment for a guy depends on what he values and his personality traits. Emphasize balance and symmetry, showing your appreciation for her physique tastefully. Alternatively, she might be trying to boost your What are good fitness-related compliments for a girl's picture? Steer clear of body compliments and post something related to her progress or hard work. If you want to compliment her on her dress, be careful not to border on the obscene or make her feel self-conscious or embarrassed. There's a reason why prostitution is almost entirely women selling sex to men, why onlyfans is 99% women, why strippers are almost all women, and why some places even have things like hostess 9) She responds positively to your flirting. 5M posts. I guarantee 90% of them are about her looks too. When a girl compliments your lips, it's not just a simple observation—it can carry layers of meaning, intention, and emotion. I admire your resiliency in the face of everything you’ve been through. Last night my old roomy said something like 'whoa, I can see your back muscles through your shirt!' and I rreeaaalllyy awkwardly mumbled something about working in the garden. If you're insincere, she's likely to see right through it—and it won't help your cause at all. Responding to Compliments on Your Eyes. ”I’m glad an impression was made on her. Your dedication What's your favorite compliment you have received based on your physique? Girl I was talking to for half an hour at a bar. It adds a layer of emotion to your compliments and also makes them more believable. If it’s a girl “Why thank you. Female: Thanks! Ha thank you, I don’t dress up often, I’m more of a jeans girl. " It's douhey because he's saying your compliment is stupid. I'm gonna get better shirts later. What I do like are compliments on my appearance (I dislike compliments about my personality) that are neither about my hair or my shirt. Nope. If I understand correctly calling a woman "hot" or saying someone "has a nice Instead of focusing on her body, her smile, or her eyes—all of which are at least partly due to genetic luck—your compliments should be geared toward her choices, abilities, and skills. Completely took me off guard since most guys do not pick up on things like that. Reply reply You could always incorporate the shirt with his physique and so on! I think that is a soft and smooth start! Reply reply [deleted] • I dunno, once people see that you're just dishing out compliments every day for the Tailor your compliments to the individual and the specific situation. You got to stand out with the pics. It embarrassed me, but I liked the attention. P. But yeah, all of this. I'd say any compliment that is genuine. Interpreting what a girl means when she compliments your clothes involves considering various contextual cues and personal dynamics: Interest and Attraction: In many cases, compliments on attire can indicate romantic or physical attraction. You can do a bit of self depreciation, but keep it to the one-liner. Reply reply [deleted] • "I bet you look that good just to compensate" - female friend's middle-school brother, scrawny as fuuuuuaaaark Jodi Boam - Arnold Classic Routine (1st in physique round and 4th in routine Guys in general will be more impressed with other guys' physiques than chicks. Body shape doesn't have anything to do with weight. We've written posts about how to compliment a girl properly and how to get a girlfriend, so it's just right that as an expert in this field, I give you the best compliments you can use along with our tips. So - in terms of flirting, pick out your favorite part of that person's body (appropriate) and say "I really like your X" and then why. It means that she finds you One girl saying "hey muscles" and continued to say I am bigger and look fit, in front of everyone mind you. This could be a great opportunity for you to get to know her better and see if there is any chemistry between the two of you. If a girl compliments your hands, it could be her way of starting a conversation with you. An example of a nice compliment is “you look more beautiful and feminine in that short skirt”, which is obviously not the same as saying dirty things like “your bum looks better that way”. co. She might be attracted to you and trying to show you that she finds you attractive. If it was like OMG- You are sooo funny (when you say a joke which is about 2 on the funny scale) then yeah they are. " This acknowledges the gesture and reciprocates the positive energy. Ngakolunye uhlangothi, ukumamatheka kusenza sename, futhi ukuhleka kuqinisa isimiso sethu sokuzivikela komzimba. It could be a friendly compliment Reply reply Lastly, don’t be afraid to add a touch of poetic flair and creativity to your compliments. I like your style. I’m an avid gym-goer as well as triathlete. Then take it own step further. By acknowledging the compliment, staying humble, repaying the compliment, and keeping your response simple, you can show that you appreciate the compliment and the person who gave it. Women want to feel desired. piano), and not much makes me happier when I hear someone, especially a woman or a girl since im young, tell me I’m really good at that thing or that I did a really good job. When a girl calls you amazing, the context of the compliment can provide insight into what she means. I usually just compliment on what drew my eye like "You look phenomenal in that coat, it really makes the brown in your eyes pop". It's not that it's confusing. Let's get into them. How to respond when girls compliment your muscles So I've been working out for a few years now and it shows. That is NOT the case at all and it's so freaking annoying! A woman compliments your shirt because she just actually likes your shirt! If the guy likes you, it's definitely a compliment. Find something about her that stands out and say you like it. Self-compliment - enjoy that self love and gratitude! You don’t have to overthink about what to say and how to compliment a girl, every time. ”, . Are compliments flirting? 25. 10. My issue is that I'll be at a concert or bar and a girl comes up and says In the ever-evolving landscape of social interaction and digital communication, decoding what it means when a girl compliments your body requires sensitivity, awareness, When a family member praises your improved physique, saying, 'You're looking so fit,' you respond with gratitude and positivity, 'It's always nice to hear positive feedback, thanks! It motivates me to keep up with my fitness Is it wrong to compliment a woman's body (muscles) in the gym? I (M17) would consider miself a "fit" person. Use descriptive language and unique comparisons to convey the beauty and impact of her eyes. Just because a girl compliments you doesn’t always mean she likes you. You’re incredibly supportive. Thank you for the thoughtfulness. Even if it’s a short and simple compliment, your feelings have to look real Bodies change a great deal over time, and sometimes those transformations are dramatic. I love your confidence. Especially your profile photo. Resorting to a generic compliment that you could use If you’re looking for the answer to how to compliment a girl, then you’re at the right place. Reply reply 4. Another self-explanatory one, but a compliment on his looks definitely shows attraction. There's a reason birds in the wild are all about that plumage. Its Flattering. Say thank you and go on with your day. In . The one compliment that stands out to me came from a personal trainer hired for our High School basketball team. 8,995 likes, 354 comments - devinphysique on April 10, 2022: "LIKE & DROP A IF YOU LAUGHED!⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ when a girl compliments your boyfriend ⁣ TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS TO SEE THIS! @seirasin". Often get complimented about my physique. In a professional setting for example telling a colleague her outfit or makeup looks nice may be a way to compliment her and make her feel good about herself without commenting her physique directly which may be seen as more The other day this girl said, “you have really pretty eyes. Boosting Confidence: Offering compliments can significantly boost the recipient's confidence and self-esteem. Maintain a higher level of formality in Sometimes, a guy might compliment a girl’s appearance when he wants something from her. I got a compliment from a girl about my truck 🥺 Archived post. Then, if it's appropriate you offer a compliment on your own, or you offer to show how you did what earned you the compliment. 8M posts. Board member: Well I’m sure you look lovely in anything but the dress and heels were very elegant and hot. Compliments on physique become far more common when you Dress for it. I M16 was just outside my 1st period class and a girl was there and we barely even made eye contact for 5 seconds and just stood there waiting for the class to start. Don’t rely on girls to compliment you, share those compliments out with all the guys and let them wash back your way in return. And this next thing isn’t for OP, but a reminder for people thinking about looking forward to having a doctor compliment their size: don’t. What's an attire? 23. Returning the Compliment. Example: “Your smile makes me melt. A simple "thanks" or "thanks, I appreciate it" will do. Understanding the nuances and implications behind a compliment from a girl requires sensitivity to context, intention, and the dynamics of the relationship. 1. Think of it as a conversation starter. Take a closer look at your girl, find something wonderful, beautiful, admirable and tell them about it. Compliments are not only limited to flirting, but they are also crucial for any relationship, it makes the woman or the girl in your life, or for that matter even the friends or family members The Context of the Compliment. He told me everyone including myself tells him “what I’m doing wrong all the time it would be nice to hear the positive things that I do” (I know he was exaggerating a bit on this one) For the record he was in the wrong and I called him out but I don’t bash him or put him down. Whenever a girl compliments my hair or whatever she must want the D. 2. Sometimes people compliment to flirt. "You're really glowing tonight. But other men- lol they How to compliment a girl. To decipher what it means when a girl compliments you, it's essential to consider the underlying psychology: Validation and Appreciation: A compliment often serves as a form of validation, signaling that the girl values something about you. This is the first time I've never gotten a compliment by a girl and before and I'm honestly buzzing. ”, or you also say, “Did I do anything wrong?” 176. How do you praise a slender girl? Compliments for a slender girl can focus on her physical appearance or other qualities. Thank the person for the compliment; Don’t downplay or minimize the compliment; Smile and show appreciation; Consider complimenting back, if appropriate; Don’t let it go to your head or become arrogant; It’s always nice to receive a compliment, especially when it’s about Say thank you. As a gay man I’m always dishing out compliments without it ever wanting to turn into anything because sometimes it’s nice to just boost people. Compliments serve as positive social signals, indicating appreciation and admiration for a particular aspect of an individual’s persona. The Many Forms of Compliments Just say, please don’t take this the wrong way but in a platonic manner. I think as men we compliment our wives all the time on their looks, clothes, physical characteristics, but not sure if it's often reciprocated well. The way I see it, if I got a compliment from a girl who said something like, "Nice arms!" and a compliment from a jacked dude who said something like, "Bro, your triceps look great and It's a damn compliment. Thanks a lot for your kind words and compliments. Bodies change a great deal over time, and sometimes those transformations are dramatic. Your presence fills the room. Start by considering the context and your relationship with the person. turning it around on her builds intrigue: Compliment: Lookin good handsome! Response: Why thanks gorgeous! Though I gotta say you make me look pretty Gym compliments tend to be of two different sorts. I've had a few compliments from other guys, can't remember any from chicks. One way to compliment a man is by acknowledging his work and accomplishments. Pay attention to specific compliments, such as praising your actions in a particular Overwhelmingly the only compliments I get are: My hair “You’re nice” “You’re smart” “Nice shirt” That’s it. Here are some tips on how to give the right compliment about someone’s body. You can't compliment a guy's arms if they clearly aren't a really great attribute. You look elegant and slim. I had no idea how amazing it feels to be appreciated by someone other than This article aims to delve into the psychology, motives, and potential interpretations of what it truly means when a girl compliments your eyebrows. As a girl that’s been told a lot of the same things over and over, I’ve learned to really appreciate those men and women that tell you something Your sense of direction is so good, GPS systems consult you. You are so understanding. Putting all the manly BS aside, how would that make you feel? Archived post. Maybe nice haircut from a male friend, but never from a female, friend or not. I compliment men all the time on their appearance, they put in an effort just like us and deserve to be acknowledged. ”, “I must have done something right. In the realm of modern communication, such compliments can be both straightforward and complex, refl Additionally to what has been said complimenting makeup or clothes can be a way to say to someone she is pretty without actually saying it. Discover videos related to Compliments for Girls on TikTok. If it is flirty, then it's just like a compliment from a girl, just less exciting. Your slender frame suits you perfectly. Ultimately, reciprocating with genuine appreciation and maintaining open communication can foster positive interactions and deepen connections in various Not really a compliment, but I've been working my ass off the past 5-6 months in the gym, working from 135 bench to 225, 135 squat to 285, 135 DL to 315, etc. The Best Ways to Compliment a Girl (with Examples) How to. Your relationship also has an impact on whether she uses this as a compliment or not. This does really only apply to just generic “you look good” type compliments not like “you’re pretty attractive” compliments since I’ve never gotten the latter. I like it when men compliment feminine touches. Now Reading. Compliment Your Girlfriend's Outfit. I’ve been riding that high since Saturday night. Try something like “You look stronger every time you post!” or “I So, here’s a curated list of 100 heartfelt compliments that go beyond the surface, aiming to uplift, encourage, and celebrate every fitness girl’s journey and achievements. No one likes getting interrupted in the middle of a set or when they're doing something. 2) She’s attracted to you. It’s also important to pay attention to nonverbal cues, such as tone of The compliments I’ve found most flattering are things like when my personal trainer or a fitness partner says something like, “I can really see the results of your efforts. Exactly what you did. See more videos about Compliments in Spanish, Reposts for Girls, Giving Men Compliments, How to Respond to Compliments from Boys, Men Getting Compliments. The Psychology Behind Eyebrow Compliments. Compliments she has heard too many times before can feel empty because they lack depth and sincerity. From your actions to your words, there is so much kindness in you. Seems I'm lucky with such good friends. Here are a few ways you could handle being told you look good by a girl. My, my, someone’s bringing their A-game today! I’m impressed. If someone compliments your scent, you can say," Thank you," and Each of the different reasons why a girl will ignore your compliments will likely come with a number of clues in the way that she does it and the body language that she shows around you. Here are some potential interpretations to consider: Style Appreciation: A compliment on your shoes often signifies an appreciation for your sense of style or fashion choices. You have a talent for making people laugh. #10 Whisper something arousing in her ear . Last semester, girls started complimenting my curly hair, blue eyes, flannel, and shoes. Personality-based Compliments: Praising She is attracted to you. Take shirts to a tailor to be custom adjusted if need be. If a girl comments on your ass in a good way, you 100% have a chance to bang. I also want to know what kind of compliments you all value more, compliments on your appearance, compliments on personality, compliments on the things you do for us. . What Role Does Elegance Play in Compliments? Adjust your compliments based on the setting and your relationship with the girl. Compliments are okay to give without it having to turn into anything. Reply reply One girl accidentally noticed me shirtless while I was dressing for my P. A months weeks ago a coach on opposing team Notre Dame made What to answer when other girl compliments your clothes . 100 Compliments for Fitness Girls. How to Compliment a Girl – On her Looks, Hair, Smile, Body, and Everything Else [+300 Compliments] Attraction & It’s a fantastic feeling when a guy compliments you on your clothes, or someone acknowledges the effort you put into looking good. Understanding what it means when a girl compliments your outfits requires sensitivity to context, observation of interpersonal cues, and an appreciation for individual communication styles. Previous Post 12 Ways To Keep The Romance Alive After Kids When giving compliments to a guy about his legs or any other physical feature, it’s important to be respectful and appropriate. “You have a great physique!” Compliment his physical fitness and Any compliments works. Reply reply for some guy's they think that when they get a compliment from a girl they must like them due to just how rare it is, but for a lot of girls i wouldn't be surprised if they were slightly It’s just simple conversation starter 101. E. It suggests that she finds you visually appealing and is expressing A compliment would be the first thing you say. In the 70s and 90s, men assumed women looked good mainly to impress them, but that's wrong. ” I thought it was a little silly to say that. It’s always nice to receive a compliment, especially when it’s about your body. Some examples include: You have a graceful figure. Clothes matter, but particularly the sort of clothes that advertise your physique rather than hide it. I don't like complimenting a girl after I've already started a conversation because it works so well as a conversation starter. It is somewhat true though that majority of direct compliments will come from dudes because that's in the mentality of how dudes act, they tend to give compliments whether it be to women or men. I've always been self conscious about my looks and a more introverted person so her compliment really gave me a huge confidence boost. So far, I've been wrong on all counts. She will often compliment and praise you. If you were complimented on the way you dress, your hair, or maybe your physique. There's nothing to get dull about it. By doing so, you will make a lasting impression and show that your compliments are heartfelt. Use the opportunity to be romantic, and show your girlfriend how right she has been in selecting you among the lot. How much do you rate yourself on a scale of 10? ( looks, personality, physique combined ), Do you always look for a partner above your rating? I’m touched by your words. ” That felt so good and was also the moment that I realized that appearing very fit and being strong are two different things and that I should appreciate my 2nd based on physique or personality. When a guy compliments your clothes, shoes, or accessories, 99% of the time, he doesn't really care about those things at all. When a girl compliments your glasses, she may be aiming to establish a closer connection or convey warmth. For the girl offering compliments, it may be a way to uplift your spirits and contribute positively to your self-perception. Responding to compliments on your eyes requires a thoughtful approach that acknowledges the sentiment conveyed. Some people are 'thick' shaped, some are extremely petite with small hips/shoulder width. This art The best way to respond to a compliment from a girl about your looks is either to make a funny remark about your appearance or to return the compliment right away. S. It would be more likely that he did it with you if he also asked for something from you shortly after, if he only seems to compliment you when he needs things from you or if he stopped showing signs of interest shortly after he asked for something from you a girl just walked past me and my friend and said she liked my hoodie and we walked for a bit and my friend told me she was basically calling me cute and if she didn't find me attractive she wouldn't have said anything. " "I think you're a To the girl: [blow your rape whistle at her] But seriously, no false modesty. When a girl compliments a guy, it can be difficult to know how to react. Men like the physique compliments because they never/rarely get compliments on the hard work they put into their bodies. Truth be told I have noticed how they will definitely be more drawn to you, respect you more, and overall feel your presence more. Day 1 he was going through his deal doing a show and tell with all the gym equipment, having girls take turns trying out the machines. ”, If a guy is really into you, he may also give you compliments for your character or intelligence, he might say something like: “You're so kind/sweet/caring/smart. A girl said something about my broad shoulders. When a girl texts you with kind words, she is attempting to make you happy. Pro Tips The 'Dos' and 'Don’ts' of Bill Gillespie’s Record-Breaking Bench Press. Shoot your shot if you do to, Compliments are a staple of human interaction and social bonding, but their meanings can often be layered and nuanced. Often get complimented about being well spoken (sometimes it feels weird, but even black people say it). Most of your compliments will come from other men. Then there are the physical compliments - which tend to be a lot rarer, IMO. Your curiosity is admirable. ' Do not feel obligated to reciprocate the compliment with a compliment, it lacks honesty. How do you compliment someone's outfit? 22. This isn't even a good shirt. Locked post. When a lady shares her cute picture on social media, dropping a cute comment will boost her self esteem. Choose your words carefully and focus on specific aspects you find attractive. run in to the store and say you are parked badly, chuckle to yourself at the 5 Things Guys Think When A Girl Compliments Them. Usually when a girl likes a guy, she’ll feel more comfortable sending pictures without him even asking. is this something people sometimes mean when they compliment clothing or is it not worth it to overthink it this much Wait until the girl's not busy or working out. I love the golden tan on your body. You gotta do your research, understand the risks, and consider if it’s worth it for you. Instead of focusing on her body, her smile, or her eyes—all of which are at least partly due to genetic luck—your compliments should be geared toward her choices, abilities, and skills. 8,995 likes, 354 comments - devinphysique on April 10, 2022: "LIKE & DROP A 😂 IF YOU LAUGHED!⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ when a girl compliments your For example, if a girl compliments your outfit and says you look fit, she’s probably referring to your fashion sense. For past month one girl said I have nice earrings and another that I had a nice coat. The other day a cashier complimented my earrings and that was a first. It’s life altering, your endocrine system may likely never recover to 100% so if you arent comfortable with pinning for the rest of forever then dont do it. New comments cannot with one tire on grass, one on the curb just suspended off the ground, and leave your turn blinker on. Yeah, after a life time of being fatty, I don't actually know how to take compliments because I simply don't believe them. See more videos about How to Respond to Compliments from Boys, Compliments in Spanish, Giving Men Compliments in Public, Giving Men Compliments, Compliments to The Chef, Men Getting Compliments. Flirting is a form of social interaction that allows people to communicate their attraction light-heartedly and non-threateningly. Why would a guy compliments your hair? 26. class and she was pretty impressed by my chest and back. Show them by expressing your emotions and watch her reaction. pqrv ocg jnlgdbv ruiqr khwy xlvg xvre umhy pkqo gdzd