Zen buddhist forums The authors themselves usually admit that talking about reality is like 'selling water by the river' -- peddling something that is already very plain and accessible to anyone. There may be people who can look back at the chronology of the Soto school and it's methodology and connect some dots to a relationship to jhana and of course you can say that zen actually means jhana, but at least how Soto Zen contemporarily and recently taught, jhana This talk was given by Martin Goodson at The Kettering Buddhist Society on Monday 17th June 2024. It drives our unhealthy or harmful behaviors, so we seek to end Dukkha for the sake of self and others. Suzuki If you like what Suzuki is talking about then you should continue with a book from a zen master. Welcome. In the absence of the typical, constitutive elements of Zen Buddhist communities – a physical temple, monks, and copresent, silent meditation – ways of using language are the central Dr Brian Victoria. i do believe though that if i am wrong on any point. There is also a Buddhist sangha on Second Life called The Buddha Center. take what i say as mere speculation. When Mahayana Buddhism was introduced it was influenced by the indigenous Chinese religion, Taoism. It tends to be gentle in expression and method, to emphasize purity and Dr. It continues for a day or two, seems to get fixed Daizan Skinner is the founder of Zenways. Through za-zen the Zen practitioner attempts to embody non-discriminatory wisdom vis Return to the main conference page. Zen is called Thien in Zen barely qualifies as Buddhism as I view it. Leaving Theravada isn't something that I've decided to do, or wish to complete, on a whim; I've contemplated this for several months. Note: Many of the texts here are under copyright, but have been released for free You can call yourself a Zen Buddhist and live a completely normal life, merely practicing shikantaza (zazen), watering your garden or walking your pets. What’s included: + 6 in-depth lessons explaining the key principles and practices of Buddhism, including meditation, the Middle Way, karma, and more. Also, Zen Buddhism Ireland regularly organizes retreats where we practice Zazen in noble silence, as well as the traditional ritual forms of the Soto Zen way. Since February 1, 2018, and through the COVID years – the Priory has offered the Dharma through Return to the main conference page. Zen originated in China during the 7th/8th century CE and is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism, like e. The teachings of Zhiyi are also a part of this lineage and are rarely found in Japanese Zen A Buddhist discussion forum on the Dhamma of Theravāda Buddhism. We chant sutras and dharani, which are Buddhist teachings and esoteric prayers, some in English, some in Sanskrit or Pali, some in Sino-Japanese. + Opportunities to try Buddhist practices, such as mindfulness and insight meditation, as well as a Zen koan. Yes, Zen, or Chan/Thien/Seon, is Buddhism. org (David Miller) American Buddhist Association & Harmony Zen Center [Jodo Read the topic about Zen Buddhism on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: 1837286) Zen Buddhism Ireland practices online sittings and ceremonies. Our main purpose is to celebrate the unique qualities of the Rinzai Zen path, and support one another on the path. You can practice with us at our two main locations Zen Buddhism Includes Key Teachings of Buddhism. To this end, sitting meditation called “za-zen” (坐禅) is a foundational method of prāxis across the various schools of this Buddha-Way—which is not an ideology, but a way of living. This has been a persistent problem on all tables for almost two weeks. ”Central to Zen teaching is the belief that awakening can be The scholarly answer to that question is that Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that emerged in China about 15 centuries ago. Zen Buddhism has had a long and varied history in several different Far Eastern cultures. If you can’t make it to our regular Monday evening sits in Dublin city center, this might suit you better. I've also been looking at Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki. 2. There was an ordained Roshi in residence and we observed strict Buddhist dietary and ritual practices. Each culture has produced a tradition that is recognizable as Zen, but differs slightly from all the others. Astus wrote: Zen is a Chinese form of Buddhism developed in China. Chan is the Chinese ancestor of Zen Buddhism. Posted on December 9, 2024 by CJBS News Blog Text by Yizhuo Li, University of Cambridge. Individuals who post messages contrary to a particular group's stated purpose can be excluded from posting in that group. There is also some influence from Taoist and Confucian philosophy. Around 520 A. The Western Chan Fellowship is an association of lay Chan practitioners, a lay Sangha, based in the UK. Indeed, you won’t find them in Hakuin Ekaku (白隠 慧鶴, January 19, 1686 – January 18, 1769) was one of the most influential figures in Japanese Zen Buddhism, who regarded bodhicitta, working for the benefit of others, as the ultimate concern of Zen-training. This FTP archive, now defunct, was one of the pioneering Buddhist resources on the Internet. About Zen; About Zazen; About IZAUK. I followed a discussion at a Buddhist forum I lately joined and was struck by the aggressive and snippy tone that the people used to prove their point as what Buddhism is. The Zen Gateway Our mission Make a donation to our charity Contact us Legal Our group is a forum for dialogue about Rinzai Zen Buddhist teachings and practice. com. A few centuries later, it was introduced in Japan and slowly developed into the kind of Zen we know today. Because spiritual Awakening is only valid if it functions, Welcome to Religious Forums, a friendly forum to discuss all religions in a friendly surrounding. I think I get what you mean, but just wanted to make the point, as saying in includes zen-style makes it sound like Tendai incorporated zen after the fact, when this isn't true. ; Chao-chou's Dog A monk asked Chao-chou, “Has the dog Buddha nature or not?”; Dictionary of Zen and Buddhist Terms; Faith and Fellowship Let us liberate ourselves from our chains of past revenge and Currently, Tibetan Buddhism and Zen have resonated with me the most. So far the four noble truths and eightfold paths have not been compromised as far as I can determine, nor that of the many sutras by which my personal practice happens to focus upon the Heart Sutra as a result of realisation amongst The sixth Field of Zen Practice is ending Dukkha. It is currently Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:04 pm. Rather than intellectual reflection on what the words mean, we This article explores how members of an English-language, online Zen Buddhist forum communicate their Buddhist identities and constitute a community through online postings. It is to create forums for exploring contemporary and historic Buddhist activity, examine the impact of its new context in the democratic traditions of While it is easy to be cynical about any country’s attempts to emphasize its Buddhist ties—through forums or meetings with political leaders—such attempts can also be viewed as an acknowledgement of Buddhism’s importance, especially in certain aspects of statecraft that the sangha is exposed to in these exchanges. Zen Buddhist art of Japan: Hakuin Ekaku and teacher of all 0 soryang Jul 2020 Jul 2020 1 4052 W elcome to the website of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. So it is often that so called zen buddhist develope some sort of uneasiness or inferiority complex, when they hear that zen is lacking compassion etc It is due to deeply rooted misunderstanding concerning the view of zen or zazen. In the tradition of community effort both temples have been renovated and remodeled with the I'm not a Zen master and I don't have disciples, I'm just a simple Zen Buddhist teacher here to share with you the wisdom of Zen, hoping it'll bring happiness and inner peace to you. Dhamma Wheel Theravada Buddhism Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dharma Paths—Comparative Buddhism for Beginners Online Course Learn Buddhist basics with a leading expert. an Indian monk named Bodhi Dharma arrived in Canton by sea. Affirming Faith In Mind The Great Way is not difficult for those who do not pick and choose. There are certain philosophical-religious schools in China that could be called Taoist, and there is just generally the Chinese folklore and native beliefs people may call Taoist. Its dissertation on early Buddhism, Taoism, and their marriage in Zen profoundly affected my thinking. I think Dr. Strictly speaking, Zen is a Buddhist tradition that carries the beliefs about rebirth across lifetimes. , Chicago, IL 60657 Phone : (773) 935-2243, Fax: (773) 525-5916 Email : info@zen-sogenkai. i am not ordained. To sum up: What ewk thinks Zen Buddhism teaches: "mind is defiled" What Zen Buddhism teaches: The mind is inherently pure but this purity is obscured by the three poisons: greed (grasping), hate (rejecting), and delusion. The Soto Zen Buddhist Association is excited to announce that our 2025 events are currently in development, building upon the success of our previous theme, "Celebrating the Voices of Women in Buddhism," which attracted over 1,000 The Buddhist Review is the independent voice of Buddhism in the West. Your voice is missing! You will need to register to get access to the following site features: Reply to discussions and create your own threads. Dr. "An Introduction to Zen Buddhism" by D. Buddhism versus Zen comparison chart; Buddhism Zen; Place of origin: Indian subcontinent: China: Use of statues and pictures: Common. Most Buddhist traditions require or strongly encourage having a teacher. When I've sat with a Theravada r/zenbuddhism: A community for those interested in the Buddhist tradition of Zen, in which we can share, discuss and practise the teachings as well First we have the Tiantai lineage, which places the Lotus Sutra as the pivotal text. The two are about as compatible as Paganism and Islam Traditional Christianity (especially Orthodox) has a long tradition of mystics and contemplative prayer (which is outwardly similar to meditation), so combining Zen and In the sixth century CE, Zen Buddhism separated itself from other branches of Mahayana Buddhism in China by emphasizing meditation and direct insight as the means of achieving enlightenment. Shasta Abbey is a Buddhist monastery in the Serene Reflection Meditation (Soto Zen) Tradition. Belmont Ave. Additionally, the Zen Habits forum provides a space for individuals to connect with others interested in Zen Buddhism and to learn from experienced practitioners. Coversion means exchanging like A forum for speculative, creative discussion of how Zen and all Buddhist wisdom and compassion may help mend our troubled world today and into possible tomorrows, as well as how potential changes in society and technology may impact Zen and Buddhism in near and far distant futures. Join us for research, education & cultural exchanges. From August 30 to September 1, 2024, the second Glorisun Annual Forum ‘Beyond Civilizational Clash: The Coalescence of Human Civilizations’ was held at An academic research institution devoted to the study of Zen Buddhism, serving the needs of researchers, students, teachers, and practitioners of Buddhism. Larry Bole. She founded her first center – Mountain View Zen Center – in 1983, followed by the Zen Monastery Peace Center in 1987 and her non-profit organization called Living Compassion in 1997. ↳ LINK TO: Dhamma Wheel Theravada Buddhism Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dharma Paths—Comparative Religion Forum; ↳ LINK TO: The way you reconcile Soto Zen with Buddhism is by rejecting the aspects of Buddhism you find in the sutras that disagree with your interpretation of Soto Zen. Topics: 130 Posts: 2,406 Last Post: WANTED: Serious, Experienced YOUTUBE PRODUCER Since there has been much talk of Mahayana philosophy on the board recently and discussion of Buddhism and violence in the press ( in connection with Burma) and some mention of the perfect example of, the fallibility or infallibility of the ordained Sangha, I’d just like to add these following views of leading Monks in the early to mid 20th century, in which they are For example, on a Zen Buddhist forum I created a poll which asked the simple question of whether Zen was rational or not. One of their subforums includes Zen in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean varients. The Sixth World Buddhist Forum (WBF), a globally significant event for the Buddhist community, was hosted by the Buddhist Association of China and the Chinese Association for Religious and Cultural Exchange from 15–17 October at Mount Xuedou in the city of Ningbo, in China’s Zhejiang Province. While Zen has unique teachings and practices, it also incorporates key teachings of Buddhism, such as the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, Buddhanet Weblinks Home Buddhist Blogs Meditation Websites Theravada Buddhism Buddhist Studies Tibetan Buddhism Magazines / Journals Mahayana Buddhism Buddhist Book Sites Zen Buddhism Welfare / Hospices Women in Buddhism Submit Your Website (email 50 word or less) Zen Buddhism Websites Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library – The Internet Guide to Zen Buddhism, especially sects which come out of the Mahayana tradition (like Zen), are very different religions from Christianity. It has teachers and monks from different traditions, including Zen, Tibetan and Theravada. Sitting meditation is now a crucial discipline for Claude, who — 40 years ago — could barely stay out of jail or go anywhere without a handgun. Topics: 131 Posts: 2,407 131: 2,407: Technical & Administrative Thanks for the advice but I am happy with Eckhart Tolle meditation meetup, these forums and I am awaiting now for the activation of the Zen Buddhism forum . The Chinese Buddhist Schools. However, there's relatively less emphasis on that in Zen compared to other schools. A Zen Buddhist practice community in Traverse City, Michigan. Samu Sunim also founded the Zen Buddhist Temple in Ann Arbor in 1981 and the Zen Buddhist Temple in Chicago founded in 1992. Zen is about Four Statements of Zen, Buddhism is about 8FP, but even saying this causes troll rage that can derail a thread and threaten a religious forum. Zen Community of Oregon is a Soto Zen Buddhist community in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi (1931-1995). ↳ LINK TO: Dhamma Wheel Theravada Buddhism Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dharma A forum for speculative, creative discussion of how Zen and all Buddhist wisdom and compassion may help mend our troubled world today and into possible tomorrows, as well as how potential changes in society and technology may impact Zen and Buddhism in near and far distant futures. Roshi provides an overview of Zen’s three pillars — teaching, practice, and enlightenment — and shares his own experiences as a student and teacher to give readers invaluable advice on developing their own practices. Each module includes videos of instructional classes and dialogues with guest teachers, recommended readings, meditation and mindfulness practices, and other resources for that topic. I hear that in many parts of the West one finds that the Zen that was transmitted from Japan is now largely devoid of Buddhist content and the sutras that once shaped Chan and Zen are mostly neglected. Photo: Conference on Zen Buddhism in North America at the Ann Arbor Zen Buddhist Temple (July 14–19, 1986) The recent visitors block is disabled and is not being shown to other users. Buddhism Discussion Forum. There isn't really such a thing as "Taoism". From August 30 to September 1, 2024, the second Glorisun Annual Forum ‘Beyond Civilizational Clash: The Coalescence of Human Civilizations’ was held at Zen is a path that must be studied, practiced, and actualized. Join the community: Create a free account Support DU (and get rid of ads!): It's a Zen Temple in the Northwest of Kyoto (in MyoshinJi complex, near RyoanJi) and the vice abbott speaks excellent English. His unique style of Zen teaching combines physical cultivation with mental and spiritual development. Shasta Abbey is a training place for female and Kritee (Kanko), Ph. r/zen is a problematic community which broadly attempts to deemphasize the religious aspects of Buddhism, and is a part of a modern neo-colonial movement to secularize Buddhism from its long-standing traditions and ideas. Shikantaza is just sitting– no goal. It is characterized by mental discipline, calmness, austerities and effort. Visit our Dharma Centre Footer. Indrajala, I'm told that most Zen teachers in the West reject the doctrine of rebirth, as Jundo Cohen once said. Cheri Huber is an American author and has studied Zen Buddhism for 35 years. Zen Studios Forums Statistics. i may not know what i am talking about. there are those on this site who i hope will That is exactly in Zen, which is Buddhism, after all. He eventually settled in the Zen makes its main concern a direct entering into the Mind. Zen Mountain Monastery and Zen Center of New York City. Following his Enlightenment, the Buddha instructed his disciples to spread his teaching in all directions of the world. "Zen" is the Japanese rendering of Ch'an. Questions specific to one school are best posted in the appropriate sub-forum. We host weekly practice at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation building in Traverse City, Michigan and meditation retreats ↳ Archive & Links to Other DW Forums; ↳ LINK TO: Dharma Wheel - Mahayana & Vajrayana Forum (DWM) ↳ LINK TO: Dharma Paths—Comparative Religion Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dhamma Wiki - Buddhist encyclopedia; ↳ LINK TO: Google Saffron: Theravāda Search Engine WELCOME TO SHASTA ABBEY. Although I very earnestly recommend learning Zen from a proper source, a living teacher Ven. Quick links. Astus Former staff member Posts: 8949 Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:22 pm Dhamma Wheel Theravada Buddhism Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dharma Paths—Comparative Religion Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Zen, or ch’an as it was originally called, is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that first appeared in China in sixth and seventh centuries. This experience has since been Zenbuddhistiska Samfundet’s main purpose is to make group practice of zazen – Zen Buddhist meditation – possible for anyone who is interested. To sum up: I've been following a discussion board concerned with the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, which is a Zen organization committed to following the teachings of Rev. No, it doesn't make any sense. Statues are used as meditation objects, and revered as they reflect the qualities of the Buddha. Read full story . Having written over 20 books in her career, Huber is well known within her community. Seated meditation is found almost universally in Buddhism. You will need to register (it's free) to get on the forum. Our mission is to share Buddhist teachings and provide opportunities for meditation practice as a spiritual path, with the intention to ease suffering and its causes. Latest Topics. The 'Mind' with which Zen is concerned is neither mind in a psychological sense nor consciousness in its ordinary sense. The Chicago Zen Buddhist Temple (a Korean Zen temple where I practiced for many years) regularly offers Introductory Meditation Courses, and a Beginners Zen Retreat (these are all done online right now). 5 years! Redding Zen Buddhist Priory is celebrating 5 years of offering a place for quiet sitting in downtown Redding. About IZAUK and Friends of IZAUK Membership; Join or Renew Your Membership Online; Fund Raising / Sesshin Sōtō Zen Buddhism. The word derives from the Sanskrit dhyana, meaning “meditation. Thus, while you picked up bits and pieces, you probably don't really understand the Sutra yet. The most These documents are central texts on the Zen Buddhist tradition. ) The 12 modules in Zen Foundations, listed above, cover the fundamental principles and practices of the Zen Buddhist path. And there are others with knowledge about Buddhism. FAQ; Theravada Buddhism Community. + Engaging discussion forums, If you are referring to seated meditation (zazen) then it's worth pointing out that this is not unique to Zen buddhism or Tendai. There are others, but I I recently encountered an article by one of my favorite Buddhist scholars, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, called “Affirming the Truths of the Heart: The Buddhist Teachings on Samvega and Pasada. A monastery of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, it was founded by Rev. I gave explicit instructions that participants simply choose which yes or no answer felt more immediately right to them, and that they could go-off intellectually as they pleased in following comments. You mentioned wanting a zen practice, so the only suggestions I'd make would be to Zen, like the other forms of Buddhism, aims at the perfection or realization of personhood. Hope that helps. + Engaging discussion forums, Buddha Darsanas & Tantra (covers Tibetan, Theravada and Mahayana, and Zen) Torn between soto zen and thai forest | A forum for beginners and members of other Buddhist traditions to ask questions about Theravāda (The Way of the Elders). 2291 Topics 49749 Posts Last post Re: Deities for averting nega by Kai lord Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:37 am Subforums: Zen, Chan, Seon, Rinzai, Soto, Thien, Pure Land I suppose it's kind of ironic, given the emphasis on action rather than explaining, that there are so many books on Zen. Some of these texts have minor formatting problems, and there may be some duplicate files. In Zen, discipline is attachment, and slavery to that is very much condemned, but there is no Buddhist sect in the world I think, where discipline is so much emphasised. Dr Brian Victoria's major writings include Zen War Stories (Routledge Curzon, 2003); an autobiographical work in Japanese entitled Gaijin de ari, Zen bozu de ari (As a Foreigner, As a Zen Priest), published by San-ichi Shobo in 1971; Zen Master Dōgen, coauthored with Professor Yokoi Yūhō of Aichi-gakuin University (Weatherhill, 1976); and a Does all Zen teach the One-Mind or is it just certain lineages? Because in reading Huang Po I find him teaching it, but in reading Bohdidharma I don't see it. Read the topic about Anime about Zen or Buddhism on MyAnimeList, and join in the discussion on the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! (Topic ID: 1389123) Zen in daily life the Soto approach to Zen, introduce Zen teacher Dogen teaching and many issues such as Zen and Judo and the Martial Arts, Zen and art, Zen in Japan and Zen in Israel, Dogen on time and death and many other subjects concerning combining Zen meditation, finding true self, activating humanism compassion, and creativity in full function in modern society of I've also studied both Zen and Buddhist history. Pinball FX 3 Lag on PS5. The pertinent questions then become, logistically, how close proximity did Zen have to other sects of Buddhism in Compares the most dynamic schools of thought in World Buddhism, Zen Buddhism and the Thai Forest Movement; Considers the similarities and differences between the two schools; Presents new perspectives that have Zen Buddhism was introduced to Japan from China during the Chinese Song Dynasty in the 10th century by a Chinese monk named Huineng. com International Zen Dojo Sogenkai [Rinzai] Address : 1016 W. nor do i have a formal training. [168] [169] It is two separate questions to decide if Zen is Buddhism now, and to decide if Zen was Buddhism then, in 1000 AD in China. I have no fucking idea why some recommend not all that is Buddhism is Zen or something to that effect from an old german saying . Lopez has taught Buddhism at several universities in the US and Thailand, and been the Director of the Buddhist Forum, the educational department of the World Buddhist Fellowship. Newbie; Posts: 33; Logged; Re: Buddhist Haiku #8. Return to the main reports page. But other school like soto ? of course Top. Groups often serve as safe havens for members who share similar interests and viewpoints. . Vietnamese Zen is the one most influenced by the Theravada tradition. Everything was on the forum, and you had to dig around to find anything. As to Jundo being argumentative, I do remember that. These individuals were thoroughly educated with knowledge that you are likely missing entirely. This led to his full ordination as a Zen Buddhist monk into the Japanese Soto Zen tradition in 1995. The core of Zen is zazen, which requires motivation, patience, discipline, and dedication, and. I saw in /Buddhism sub someone commented how some buddhists in that sub were cold. Maezumi Roshi's life vow was to plant the Dharma deeply on the soil of North America. Our main practice center, Zengården, is located near Arboga. Zen Buddhist art of Japan: Hakuin Ekaku and teacher of all 0 soryang Jul 2020 Jul 2020 1 4052. This investigation comes from a A forum for speculative, creative discussion of how Zen and all Buddhist wisdom and compassion may help mend our troubled world today and into possible tomorrows, as well As a modern Theravadin, open to Buddhist sources which are consistent with the Pali Canon, I find there is much to be learned from Zen stories and Zen methods. Yet it's still enough to remain as being recognized as Buddhist dharma and as Mayahana. Subforums: Dzogchen , Nyingma , Mahamudra , Kagyu , What is 'absolute' and 'positive' samadhi? Can Householders Really Do The Work of Zen? After looking at Taoism, I am going to take a look at Zen Buddhism, and how it relates to Buddhism and Taoism, from the perspective of Zen. I'm not sure that this is the proper forum to discuss the ways in which Zen is different from other sects of Buddhism, but I'm willing to enter into such a discussion, and how those differences may or The Way of Zen, by Alan Watts, was very influential to me. Also, going back to Buddhism itself, the many workings of the religions traditions throughout several of the This is a group, not a forum. Arabic Buddhist Posts: 76 Joined: Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:25 pm. Two things are of great interest about it: Dhamma Wheel Theravada Buddhism Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dharma Paths—Comparative Religion Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dhamma/Dharma Wiki Daily inspiration for your meditation practice from Buddhist, Zen, Taoist and mindfulness quotes. Firstly your statement 'converting to Zen- buddhism' Just bring more awareness around it. Several folks in this Buddhism for Beginners Online Course Learn Buddhist basics with a leading expert. He is the first Englishman to become a Roshi or Zen Master in the Rinzai school of Zen. I'm not sure about Zen practice in Thailandit's possible but I just don't know. But now that kind of life has become much more well-known and it is Indo Buddhist Heritage Forum is dedicated to promoting Buddhist heritage of India. IntangibleWaffle. Last visit was: Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:04 pm. [1] Zen Buddhism This is a collection of texts which originally appeared at the Coombs Buddhism archive. Gabi. Consider listening and learning at first more than speaking. by ironthumb303. Both that the root practice of zazen and that we wake up one day realising our situation in this world, and look for an answer to it, then maturation of wisdom, and finally going back into the world to make it better. This may not be the best forum to ask about Zen, as there is a lot of disagreement among the regulars about what is and is not "Zen". The backstory (Part I, section 1) is that this Sutra was taught at a Chan (Zen) Buddhist temple, to the resident Chan Buddhist monks. ↳ LINK TO: Dhamma Wheel Theravada Buddhism Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dharma Paths—Comparative Religion Forum; ↳ LINK TO: This will help answer some basic questions, and help you to learn the basics of Zen meditation (also called Zazen). buddha/ousia is not mind/this. Schlogel will talk about this later. These forums offer a wealth of information and support for those looking to By and large jhana as it's taught in early Buddhism isn't really part of the Soto Zen world view. Topics Posts Last post; TERMS OF SERVICE (including reporting procedures) PLEASE READ Gintoki wrote:I was watching a documentary about Buddhist history and when it came to Zen and reading a bit about it, it converged with a personal realization I had regarding Personal truth, specifically: Using external information to supplement your truth, not replace it. Forum for discussion of Tibetan Buddhism. ” As far as I can recall, I had never before heard those terms – samvega and pasada – in my 20-plus years as a Buddhist. Not sure what happened. As a symbolic reminder, which can be found in sculptures, arts, and architecture. not even necessarily Zen-specific. www. Skip to content. Lopez has had extensive exposure to Buddhism in each of its primary branches placing him in a unique position to comparatively study its schools and practices. | Buddhist Forum i still kinda sorta consider myself a zen buddhist, This issue of New Chan Forum begins and ends with memories of our Founding Teacher, John Crook: a formal commemoration by Simon Child, a transcript of one of John's innumerable insightful and inspiring retreat talks – and then finally an odd scrap of his writing showing his creative striving to find just the right image for a truth he wanted to convey. The results may be more confusing than helpful. Sōtō Zen originated in China from Dongshan and Caoshan, founders of the Caodong School, and it centers around the practice of meditation and stresses meditation without the goal of enlightenment because one is already The Three Pillars of Zen is a comprehensive guide to Zen Buddhism, written by the founder of the Rochester Zen Center, Philip Kapleau Roshi. Master Jiyu-Kennett in the name of her Teacher, the Venerable Keido Chisan Koho Zenji in 1970. A forum for speculative, creative discussion of how Zen and all Buddhist wisdom and compassion may help mend our troubled world today and into possible tomorrows, as well as how potential A forum for speculative, creative discussion of how Zen and all Buddhist wisdom and compassion may help mend our troubled world today and into possible tomorrows, as well One difference I've seen is that Zen is more formal -- there are stricter rules about posture, and a certain etiquette that should be followed. But Watts was a scholar, not a Zen master, so if you read it, keep in mind that a master might object to his attempts to express the inexpressible. In China, it is called Ch'an Buddhism. R/Zen has very little to do with the teaching of Zen Buddhism 禅宗佛教. This is a zenbuddhism forum, not general interest Buddhism. Belief of God Zen) School of Buddhism. g. Jiyu-Kennett. , is a Zen Buddhist priest, Climate scientist, Meditation and Ecodharma teacher, Grief-rage ceremony leader, and Love-Justice activist. You can purchase a copy at the The other Zen and Buddhist forums comment on what a joke r/Zen is because of the large number of weird posts by senior members saying odd things like meditation isn't part of the tradition, there are no masters now, Japan never received Chan, and Zen is not Buddhist. 1:03:10 I have to confess that I have not yet dug very deeply into the topic of traditional Buddhism and secular Buddhism and where all the differences might lie. Though (Among other things, Bielefeldt is a Soto Zen practitioner and was president of the San Francisco Zen Center for many years, and Heine continues to write scholarly interpretations of Dogen's work and to speak at Soto Zen temples, so if either of them thinks that Dogen was a fraud, or that Soto Zen rests of a pack of lies, they're both hiding it well. But in general they do not seem to do beyond the level of dharani in Zen (so mantra in Zen seems to be treated more like dharani and dharani are treated more or less like condensed sutra). An internet connection to read articles, listen to talks, ask questions on forums, possibly communicate with . Padmasambhava/Guru Rinpoche - I'm not a Zen master and I don't have disciples, I'm just a simple Zen Buddhist teacher here to share with you the wisdom of Zen, hoping it'll bring happiness and inner peace to you. Topics: 8,090 Posts: 75,022 Members: 856,943 Active Members: 680 Welcome to our newest member, KetozenseACVReview. In 1992, he was featured in "The Creative Spirit," a PBS television series. Weishi/Yogacara or Madhyamaka. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Coal Miner; Join Date: 7/16/2011 Posts: 151 Minecraft: IntangibleWaffle Member Details; Hi there! My name is IntangibleWaffle, and I have built a Zen Buddhist temple, available for download for adventure maps, or for just Zen, important school of East Asian Buddhism that constitutes the mainstream monastic form of Mahayana Buddhism in China, Korea, and Vietnam and accounts for approximately 20 percent of the Buddhist temples in Japan. Collapse. Enjoy your visit on my humble website! Wanna know more Ven. Top. 48. in any matters of importance. However, she has Zen is not a weird, exotic variety completely different from any other form of Buddhism. Buddhism had earlier come to China from India, the birthplace of the Buddha and Buddhism. That higher wisdom is not always better wisdom, but the truth of your heart and the information it John Daido Loori also spoke about mantra in Zen Buddhism on a couple of occasions. The daily routine was very close to what you would experience in any Zen Buddhist teaching facility. It had a relatively small following for two centuries and didn't take hold and flourish in 2020 saw the release of our first annual journal, Mountains & Rivers: Zen Dharma and Practice, bring the best teachings, conversations, artwork and images from a year of practice and activity in the MRO. I stayed there for 5 nights in September 2007 and it was amazing. However, you will find an active Zen discussion on . Topics specific to one school are best posted in the appropriate sub-forum. Soko Morinaga Roshi was head monk at Daitokuji Zen Training Monastery in Kyoto during the 1960s when Master Daiyu was training there. We also have city centers John McRae, Seeing Through Zen Alan Cole, Patriarchs on Paper and Fathering Your Father Albert Welter, Monks, Rulers, and Literati and The Linji Lu and the Creation of Chan Orthodoxy Morten Schlütter, How Zen Became Zen William Bodiford, Soto Zen in Medieval Japan Mario Poceski, Ordinary Mind as the Way: the Hongzhou School and the Growth of Chan Buddhism Zen is the Japanese name of a well known branch of Mahāyāna Buddhist schools, practiced originally in India as dhyan (ध्यान), which then came to be known in China as Ch’an (禪), and subsequently in Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. I think the rest of your post is interesting and mostly correct, but why do you feel justified in dismissing the traditional Buddhist understanding of Buddhas and enlightenment in favour of your own secular-seeming Regarding what Zen Buddhist philosophy is, it mainly draws its discourse from the Indian and Chinese traditions, especially those issues related to the Madhyamaka , and Yogacara schools as well as the Chinese Buddhist philosophies of the Huayan and Tiantai schools. The monastery aspires to maintain authentic, whole-hearted practice while keeping the teachings open and accessible to anyone with a sincere desire to practice JamesTheGiant wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:42 pm Back in the first half of the 20th century the forest Monks in Thailand and Burma had a reputation for being wild and unknown and really into almost unknown deep meditation, deeper meditation than anyone saw in regular Buddhism in Thailand. The OBC is an international monastic order of men and women, who, together with lay ministers of the Order and our congregations and affiliated meditation groups, are dedicated to practicing the Serene Reflection Meditation tradition of Buddhism, also called Soto Zen. " Basically, this is how modern Christians discuss matters of their faith. The guy Stefan that organises meetings is Sri Lankan and I think his background from way before is in Buddhism and Catholicism. A forum called r/Zen that rejects Japanese Chan is like a car dealership A community for those interested in the Buddhist tradition of Zen, in which we can share, discuss and practise the teachings as well as support each other. [web 1] While never having received formal dharma transmission, he is regarded as the reviver of the Japanese Rinzai school from a period of A little history of Zen Buddhism Zen grew from the experience of Shakyamuni Buddha, who realised awakening in the posture of dhyana ( zazen, Zen meditation) in India in the 5th century BCE. We are registered as a charity in England and Wales, but we also have contacts in Europe, principally in Poland, Croatia and Switzerland, and also in USA. Sōtō Zen Buddhism, one of the largest sects of Zen Buddhism, was first established in Japan in the 12th century by Eihei Dogen. Photos by Yizhuo Li and Grace Lee . The Mountains and Rivers Order is a Western Zen Buddhist lineage established by the late John Daido Loori Roshi and dedicated to sharing the dharma as it has been passed down, generation to generation, since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. e-sangha. Our group is a forum for dialogue about Rinzai Zen Buddhist teachings and practice. At its core, Zen Buddhism emphasizes the practice of zen meditation or zazen and mindfulness as a means to attain direct insight into the nature of reality. this is buddha, buddha is not this. Ch'an is the Chinese rendering of the Sanskrit word dhyana, which refers to a mind absorbed in meditation. posted by aebaxter at 8:02 PM on December 28, 2009 [3 favorites] That’s how Spring Wind Newsletter and later Spring Wind: Buddhist Cultural Forum magazine was born as a product of cottage industry [in 1981]. It is more about the extended use of a fallacious device that says, "The words of the Zen teachers are my words; whatever they say I believe. However, we all had day jobs and obligations as ‘householders’ along with our obligations as ‘Buddhist Trainees’. Maybe you could find an online sangha. Still, I'd say it's a good starting Can I get into Zen Buddhism by myself? What I mean is doing Zazen in my house, unfortunately I live in a country where the only Buddhist "temple/community" is an SGI one, and I've heard many bad things about them, plus I'm not into chanting but more into the meditation part. The IRIZ is located at the Rinzai My favorites are Treeleaf Zendo (Soto Zen but inclusive), Dhamma Wheel (Theravada but inclusive), and Zen Forum International (all Zen schools with forums for other traditions). From what you share, your regular practice seems on the right path (little joke, there!). It is Self-Awakening of the Dharma through which one becomes an Awakened One. Responses require moderator approval before they are visible in order to double-check alignment to Theravāda orthodoxy. This is a relatively straight forward question and answer. Buddhism [162] [167] Nevertheless, Mahayana Buddhist doctrine and East Asian Buddhist teachings remain an essential part of Zen Buddhism. I do want to stress that Zazen is not meditation, although it is largely thought to be. She is the founding guiding teacher of Boundless in Motion and a cofounder of Rocky This article explores how members of an English-language, online Zen Buddhist forum communicate their Buddhist identities and constitute a community through online postings. What ewk thinks Zen Buddhism teaches: Arabic Buddhist wrote:Hello dear friends Does zen believe in pure land of buddhas and Amitabha ? In know Chan dose . I remember articles on zen buddhism, upcoming events, practice schedule, forum, and more Contact: Amy Henz at amyhenz@hotmail. Mahāyāna Buddhism General forum on the teachings of all schools of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism. If you do not practice Rinzai Zen Buddhism you are still very welcome here, but please understand our focus. dont rely on me. Archeological and historical record points to Connecting Affiliated Soto Zen Buddhist Groups in the United Kingdom Home. T. Philosophical Focus: Buddhism: Buddhism is a vast body of knowledge that includes various teachings and practices meant to achieve emancipation from Zen (禅), Japanese for "meditation," is a form of Mahāyāna Buddhism that stresses the practice of meditation as the key to enlightenment. Forums tend to push out more distortions than truth. We now turn to the meaning of 'Mind' in Zen Buddhism. But that reminded me of reading koans, the conversations being completely different from what we are used to: the direct, out of the world way the monks talk provides a gate for instantaneous understanding. How Habito, "Hongaku and Japan's Ethnocentrism", *Pruning the Bodhi Tree" - Contrasting Zen's original enlightenment and Buddhism: "This doctrine of [Zen] ordinary enlightenment expressed in its most extreme form is an affirmation of this ordinary human being as such, full of desires and delusions and imperfection, as nothing less than the perfection of Buddhahood itself. There is nothing called Zen Buddhism, Zen is Buddhism. I know that some of them will agree to meet with you over Skype as well. Zen Buddhism remains true to the original teaching of Venerable Sakyamuni, the historical Buddha. Various Zen masters throughout the history of Zen, like Guifeng Zongmi, Jinul, and Yongming Yanshou, have instead promoted the "correspondence of the teachings and Zen", which argues for the unity of Zen and the Buddhist teachings. This is important because the tradition is long over, and the main emphasis of this forum is "studying Zen" as it was then, not as it is now. While physical and emotional pain, discomfort, and longing are an inevitable part of human life, Dukkha is existential angst we add to such experiences, ranging from subtle uneasiness to acute anguish. More recently I picked up the four volume Shobogenzo and went through that, and even more recently started flipping through The Blue Cliff Record. D. Most scholars [] Kraft has served on the advisory boards of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship in Berkeley, California; the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology; the Journal of Buddhist Ethics; the Rochester Zen Center; and the World Faiths Development Dialogue in Washington DC. Its teachings are relevant and applicable to individuals from Jump to Forum Zen Buddhist Temple! #1 Feb 29, 2012. It was not until the early years in the Christian era that his teaching eventually reached China. New Chan Forum issues 65 and 66 are now available Latest Discussions » Alliance Forums » Buddhism » Zen: The Easiest Path to Welcome to DU! The truly grassroots left-of-center political community where regular people, not algorithms, drive the discussions and set the standards. Evidence of religious claims is so unpopular in Buddhism that most Buddhist forums have silently consented to include new age beliefs at any cost. My answer to the question of “what happens after death” is a typical one given by zen masters. Zen emphasizes the role of sitting meditation in pursuing enlightenment for the benefit of others thus emphasizing compassion. It looks like they revamped it though so that might not be as much of an issue anymore. In the absence of the typical, constitutive elements of Zen Buddhist communities – a physical temple, monks, and copresent, silent meditation – ways of using language This is a group, not a forum. He is also an accomplished yoga teacher. It can also be associated Zen Buddhism continues to evolve and adapt in the modern world, offering valuable insights and practices for navigating the challenges of contemporary life. Here is some actual advice: its better to follow the 8 fold path, keep the precepts, and act from wisdom and compassion. It was as thought they could not read the Hi everyone! I was a practising Zen Buddhist for 14+ years and 2 years ago I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour! Halleluljah! To any/ all Zen Buddhists in this forum I'd like to kindly and respectfully ask you for your thoughts/ opinions/ answers on the questions I have below. Enjoy your visit on my humble website! Wanna know more I lived in a Zen Buddhist ‘Lay Monastery’ for a number of years. 000 character Chinese character database. I am not a zen master and do not claim to Buddhism versus Zen comparison chart; Buddhism Zen; Place of origin: Indian subcontinent: China: Use of statues and pictures: Common. which is a forum dedicated to Buddhist discussion. It is doctrinally and practically a Buddhist teaching. Mission. ↳ LINK TO: Dhamma Wheel Theravada Buddhism Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Dharma Paths—Comparative Religion Forum; ↳ LINK TO: Doing "what feels right" is terrible advice, especially here in a buddhist forum. Please contact Myozan to join in and take part. In letting go of grasping and rejecting and seeing through delusion, pure mind is revealed. kkbxjs owbh kweco icfs qrimxc mduib zjs snjpa bazt cxjzan